Happy Valentines day Express!

on 2/13/10 11:20 pm
lol girl you know me.. story of my life. Good for you on the purging!!!

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

Kathy B.
on 2/13/10 11:22 pm - TX
Good Morning,
My awesome peeps. Happy Valentines Day. I think that we are going to go lunch with Linda (from Amarillo) Then she has to back home. We had so much fun. I wished we had more time to hang out with my WLS peeps. I also wish  that she could go to the dinner next weekend. But, she had other commitments. We actually ate at that restaurant before we to see Miranda Lambert. It was really good food. I know that we would have fun at McDonald's as long as we are together. It has been too long.

Love you all very much...

Prayers to all..

Smile, it increases your face value.

on 2/13/10 11:31 pm
So glad yall had fun. Hug LInda for me!!!

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

Deb *.
on 2/13/10 11:26 pm
Good morning Train Riders!  Liz I was up about 16 min after you posted the train, but not coherent enough to reply at that time.  Luckily after browsing the net for a bit I was able to go back to bed and sleep for a couple more hours.  I'm still tired as heck and hoping for a low key day.

I had a super busy, great day yesterday.  I met up with a lady from another board in Irving and we drank coffee, then did some window shopping and had lunch at Jason's Deli (yum!).  Then I met up with our new Women's ministry team.  That was an incredibly refreshing meeting and we've got a lot of good plans for the future.  Then we had a "happy food" pot-luck dinner with the elders and some of the other leaders at the church.  Everyone brought their happy food and we avoided talking about the difficult things going on at church.  I found some of the best cheese at Market Street since cheese always makes me happy.

Today will be an interesting (if that's the right word) day at church.  We know of several long time members of church that have decided to leave due to the resignation of our senior minister.  So over the next month or so we'll see where that will leave our church.  We're also going to get to see the proposed budget for this year and I have a feeling it's not going to be a pretty thing.  However I have faith that we'll get through this in some fashion.  

Hope everyone has a great day today!


Stephanie G.
on 2/13/10 11:31 pm - Rowlett, TX

Good morning train riders...Happy Valentine's Day...I'm "on-call" today but so far, so good.  Unfortunately, I can't make plans since I have to be within 30 minutes of the hospital at all times. 

Spent yesterday playing with my new Direct TV system and finding out all the cool things it does.  It's amazing when you read the manual you find out tons of tips and tricks.  Ordered Clay his own HD DVR for his computer den upstairs.  We are such TV addicts, we often need to record more than 2 things at once.

Planning to make some SF zucchini bread today and whatever else strikes my fancy.  We're not going out tonight cuz it's always crazy on Valentine's Day so I guess I better come up with a plan for dinner.

RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL

on 2/13/10 11:40 pm - Mesquite, TX

Happy Valentine's Day to all my sweetheart friends!

I've been down with a cold since getting home from San Fran Thursday.  It hit me like a train on Wednesday.  Thankfully, I was able to get an earlier flight on Thurs. and made it home during the "blizzard of 2010".  Ironically, I was on the last flight that was able to leave SFO for DFW.

King has tried to take care of me - he doesn't make the best food choices, but what the hell - I'm sick and deserved some comfort food, right?!  That's what I told myself yesterday as I was eating breakfast of chocolate covered donuts!

Tomorrow we go back to Baylor Garland for another heart cath for him.  He's already made up his mind the cardio will be placing another stint.  I hope that's not the case, but it is what it is. 

I'm not scheduled to travel for a couple of weeks due to some changes at our client site.  I don't think they had their ducks in a row and definitely weren't ready for a full team of consultants to "invade their space" last week.  I'll be working from home for the most part at least the next two weeks on proposal work for other projects and prep work for the current one.

Today I feel human and may actually get dressed and venture to the grocery store since there is absolutely nothing here 'cept some junk food to eat.

Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and be sure to get your heart on!

on 2/14/10 12:13 am - Fredericksburg, TX
It's going to be a long day - was rudely awakened, at 5:30, by the police beating on the door of the Bass Brothers, who live upstairs.  Dunno what was going on there, but dayam...they needed FOUR police cars???  Would say I wanted to kill someone, but the "K" word is not a great word to use around HSV these days.  Three incidents, and 4 dead, involving schools, in a week is a BIT much, you know? 
Not much happening on the job front, that is pretty depressing........
Trying to stay positive, it's hard, but something has to break sooner or later.  Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Hugs, Mari

on 2/14/10 12:40 am - Friendswood, TX
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

I am cooking for my sweetie tonight since he does all the cooking around here.  I am making quiche lorraine so good protein-wise.... bad fat-wise.  He got me 2 A&M t-shirts after much hinting around that I don't have any maroon shirts anymore after shrinking down.

I keep finding his jeans on my side of the closet and mine on his, which always makes me grin.  NO WAY would he mistake my old giant 22W's for his   I picked up a nice plaid flannel shirt at JC Penny's the other day for $8 in the men's department to throw on when it is cold and I am working outside.  Kyle liked it and wanted one, so I had him try it on (men's M and kinda big on me which is what I wanted) and it didn't fit LOL.  Got to get him a L, muahaha......

Gina, I know what you mean about those with big empty houses.  I walked away from a big beautiful home I had built (and a marriage) because I was miserable living with an alcoholic *****fused to get help.  I am living in a small older home that doesn't even have proper electrical outlets in all the rooms, but I am much happier and look forward to coming home instead of dreading it.

Jill P
on 2/14/10 3:20 am - Katy, TX
Hey there girl!!!
Just another usual busy day at my household!  I gave the girls their little Valentine's presents...got the two older girls a pair of earrings as they need to expand their little tiny "collection".  Of course both of them remind me all the time they were the "ONLY" girls who didn't have their ears pierced in high school.  Whatever.  So, slowly but surely I get them new ones.  I have to buy V only gold as she is metal reactive to just about anything else, including sterling silver!  Sheesh!  Thankfully she can use 10K as it is a *****eaper.  So, today's earrings were birthstones.  Heather has June so she got little pearls and V has May so emeralds.  Sorry, but she had to get simulated ones, buuut, I did get ones that had a chip of a diamond so she didn't think they were "junk".  The girls also got a couple CD's to put on their iPods and Sarah got what she wanted - a few bracelets, a CD from one of the Disney "tween" girls she likes, and a couple books.  That girl is something else - she will take a book and a notebook of paper and just start writing the book down on paper!  Ok, whatever floats her boat.  It's a quiet activity so I have NOOOO problem with her doing that!

Paul decided to make plans for us to head to Florida for Spring Break.  This time we'll be staying on the panhandle - Destin.  We've never been there so hopefully weather will be nice and warm.  We opted for a hotel with a private beach because I'm scared to DEATH about the beach and spring break with my girls.  I have absolutely NO DESIRE to see the live and in-person version of "Girls Gone Wild"!  GROSS!    The place allows fur-babies so we'll be taking Schnitzel with us.  I will just have to make sure we have him out of the room when the cleaning people come because he goes PSYCHO-CRAZY when you bring out the vacuum sweeper!  He HATES it!!!

The girls don't have their youth group tonight as they had a fundraiser "servant auction" last night.  Get this...Heather got sold for $90 to one of the church members who said he bought her because he plays tennis and is tired of losing and knows how well the girls have done and said, "HA, now I have a chance of winning"!  Funny!  So, I'll probably be grilling steaks out tonight, then getting things ready for school next week.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Jill P. 

on 2/14/10 10:19 am
hey girl, thanks for hopping on!!!!
I bet Heather was thrilled to get 'purchased' for that kinda money!!!! You vaca sounds fun! Destin is really beautiful!!! such pretty beaches and water... yall will have  a blast!!!! Grilling steaks sounds great to me!!
Miss ya!

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

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