Frenk'n freezing Friday WLS Express
Everyone have a safe trip in to where ever you might be heads, and stay put if that is possible. Baby, its cold out side!!!!!!!

Good Morning Gaye and the rest of my TMB Family,
How nice to see a smiling face this early in the morning. Love when you drive the train Gaye! Not much going on here. I think I might actually be able to get out today and do my grocery shopping. The commisary is supposed to open today but we will see. I have not left my house in over a week. So much snow, and they are talking about more on Monday. Makes me want to cry! Did ya'll get a lot of snow in Dallas? Mark is still on call and will be till the snow removal is all done. We are thinking another week. Just as long as he can get me to the airport in Baltamore on the 20th I am ok. So looking forward to my trip to warmth! Ok guess that is about all for now. Prayers for those spoken and unspoken, special ones for Meggie, Viv, Jenn and Eric, and Gina. Love you guys. Have a blessed day
Making a judgement call here... WORK FROM HOME! yayyyyyyyy laptop! Will "attempt" to head to the office at 10 IF I'm able to find my car under this white stuff. Yeah it's pretty... but UGH!
Boo is loving this stuff. I was working from home late yesterday cause I had a conference call with fraud to do... Boo got a squeeky toy from his basket took it to the window, laid it down and proceeded to CRY cause he wanted to go play in the snow! This was an HOUR he did the crying... they heard him on the call... someone asked at the end of the call before I closed the bridge if there was a dog crying somewhere... omg it was funny I couldn't do anything but laugh! I get off the phone and he comes over with REAL TEARS running down his face!!!
I love the phrase... "The roads are fine IF you can drive in the MIDDLE lane and stay in the center"... I'll opt for plugging in my laptop and calling my customers from my cell!
Ya'll have a FABULOUS DAY! Stay warm.
*Strength... it's inside, beside, behind and all around me*
Thank goodness we missed the snow here. It is only raining and it is not freezing rain/icing over. Although I have to pull 12 hours today, I am happy it is Friday. Have a good weekend!
ETA: I just had to go and open my mouth...It is snowing outside now!!!
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
WOOOOOOHOOOOO for work from home FRIDAY!!!! LOL In my jammies, on my big comfy couch, got my laptop and my coffee, I'm all set.... From my front door it looks like it finally stopped snowing, but that's as far as I'm getting out in it this morning....
Prayers are going up for all that need them!
Michael Jackson's The Way You Make Me Feel is up next....
Go On Girl!
Hey Pretty Baby With The
High Heels On
You Give Me Fever
Like I've Never, Ever Known
You're Just A Product Of
I Like The Groove Of
Your Walk,
Your Talk, Your Dress
I Feel Your Fever
From Miles Around
I'll Pick You Up In My Car
And We'll Paint The Town
Just Kiss Me Baby
And Tell Me Twice
That You're The One For Me
The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
I Like The Feelin' You're
Givin' Me
Just Hold Me Baby And I'm
In Ecstasy
Oh I'll Be Workin' From Nine
To Five
To Buy You Things To Keep
You By My Side
I Never Felt So In Love Before
Just Promise Baby, You'll
Love Me Forevermore
I Swear I'm Keepin' You
'Cause You're The One For Me
The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
Now Baby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone-
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
Go On Girl!
Go On! Hee! Hee! Aaow!
Go On Girl!
I Never Felt So In Love Before
Promise Baby, You'll Love Me
I Swear I'm Keepin' You
'Cause You're The One For
Me . . .
The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
Now Baby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
The Way You Make Me Feel
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
You Really Turn Me On
(You Really Turn Me On)
You Knock Me Off Of My Feet
Now Baby-Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
My Lonely Days Are Gone
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
Ain't Nobody's Business,
Ain't Nobody's Business
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
Ain't Nobody's Business,
Ain't Nobody's Business But
Mine And My Baby
(You Really Turn Me On)
Hee Hee!
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
Hee Hee! Ooh!
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
Give It To Me-Give Me
Some Time
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
Come On Be My Girl-I Wanna
Be With Mine
(You Really Turn Me On)
Ain't Nobody's Business-
(You Knock Me Off Of
My Feet)
Ain't Nobody's Business But
Mine And My Baby's
Go On Girl! Aaow!
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
Hee Hee! Aaow!
Go On Girl!-Hee Hee!
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
Hee Hee Hee!
(You Really Turn Me On)
(You Knock Me Off My Feet)
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
(The Way You Make Me Feel)
(You Really Turn Me On)
(You Knock Me Off My Feet)
(My Lonely Days Are Gone)
Ya'll have a great day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
played with my ipod touch some more - still figuring out how the heck to use the thing - I have pretty much mastered my blackberry and have figureed out how to move things from calender to calender and notes etc from yahoo to BB
hair apt this morning after I drop kids off at school - the home and school work for me - yesterday was a stayhome day - waiting for maintance - wow a working thermostate makes a huge difference in comfot level in the house
not happy with the scale, my diet, my puffy face or the time of the month - feeling a lot hormonal so I guess I will just suck it up and deal but I don't wanna
there whining out of the way - time for baby girl and I to go hit the shower
remember you had your surgery for your health - so lead a freaking healthy lifestyle - movement, paying attention to what you eat and it what propotions - take your vits and drink some extra water, esp if you plan to go out tonight - be good to yourself or no one else will
grateful for good comunications

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Praises continue for Eric-hope you stay out of the cold!
Hope everyone has a great day today!!!