wed WLS express - woo hoo
share your woo hoo for the day, week, or life because we all have em and it perks up everyones day to share em and hear em
and remember what a wise lady told us "too blessed to be stressed" can you live it today? dare you to try

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Michelle-are you snowed under? I know my parens were supposed to be and they're not far from you. They went into Philly last night to see a musical (mom's early b-day present) and they were worried that the snow would start before they got on the road. I haven't heard from them but I assume they're fine. She called during intermission and said it was just starting to snow.
Well no surgery for me yet. Saw the foot doc yesterday. The MRI came back that I have a bone infection in the 2 bones that are causing the pain. Also as I've known and he's suspected the other possible cause of the pain is that 2 of my bones that are under the 2nd and 3rd toes are too long which causes pulling and pain and neuromas, etc. I had a doctor tell me this a few years back but that doctor wasn't 100 percent sure because it was new research back then but now because its been a while, its more solid research now. He said he'll prob have to go in and shorten those bones BUT just in case it truly is just the bone infection he wants to try one last thing. So he pulled my toes really hard and injected cortisone in between the joints -man that hurt! Then put some new padding on my orthodic to alleviate the pressure in that area. I'm to go back in a week. If it works even some we'll continue. If not we'll schedule surgery.
Que-hope you guys go****er back.
Jenny- I read your post about Eric's chemical remission while I was waiting in the doctor's office and I burst out into joyful tears. I couldn't help it. I was so thankful to God that you all got such great news and that its a huge step in the right direction. And your comment about the co-pay to the urologist about make me spit my drink out. My assistant was there- she can verify. lol. You crack me up girl.
Liz- hanging in there on the new job? What did you think about being around a bunch of blind people? Its different for sure. I went to a huge national convention for the National Federation of the Blind the first year I started in the field and it was very interesting and overwhelming. Of course there were hundreds of blind people all around!
Gina- are you all better now? How's the job-has it calmed down some now that you've taken over and straightened everyone out?
Danni- everyone okay in your house now? Scanning as you found out is very time consuming for sure!
I'd better get moving. Hugs to all-have a woo hoo day!
bone infections are icky things - hope you get that delt with asap

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Yes, definately hanging in on the job. Going well (i hope lol, boss may say different lol). Lots to learn (always a good thing)// Who knew working for a home health would place me in a situation with a bunch of low vision/blind folks? lol. It was definately a uhh learning experience for sure. I had a great time tho.. you know me.. i put on my 'GINA face and talked like i knew what the heck i was doing!!!
For those that missed my facebook on sat.. i was at a low vision conference, in the ladies room, and all of a sudden one of the guide dogs peeked under the stall at me lol. I was like wait a minute,, this is a public restroom, im not at home!!!!! I think the lady must not have had him long as he kept getting away from her and coming over to me every time she would drop his harness. Definately an interesting day to say to least lol.
Hope everyone has a good day, i better get to flying! Take your vits, and get the water in.. even with this cold.. i know im struggling with that one
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
Good Morning Train!
WOOOHOOOO for WOOOHOOO Wednesday! I'm up and at 'em and going strong today! Amazing what a day of vegging on the couch all day will do for your frame of mind! I was working but in my jammies and watching my favorite soap and giving the hubby and the dog a hard time... my favorite sport! LOL I've got to dive into work early this morning need answers to 2 or 3 different things before the boss gets here at 7:30... oh well, it's what I get paid for...
Prayers are going up for all that need them!
Jethro Tull's Locomotive Breath is on the turntable this morning!
In the shuffling madess
of the locomotive breath,
runs the all-time loser,
headlong to his death.
He feels the piston scraping --
steam breaking on his brow --
old Charlie stole the handle and
the train won't stop going --
no way to slow down.
He sees his children jumping off
at the stations -- one by one.
His woman and his best friend --
in bed and having fun.
He's crawling down the corridor
on his hands and knees --
old Charlie stole the handle and
the train won't stop going --
no way to slow down.
He hears the silence howling --
catches angels as they fall.
And the all-time winner
has got him by the balls.
He picks up Gideons Bible --
open at page one --
old Charlie stole the handle and
the train won't stop going --
no way to slow down
Ya'll have a great day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
only got 45 min walk in yesterday - already did 25 mins on the E this am - will walk K to school and go walk with the other moms and get that 45 mins in - we are walking faster than we used to that is for sure - dragging one mom but she is liking it LOL
tumbling for Rach, bball practice for K and schoolwork is on the plan
have a great day everyone - get up and MOVE - take a walk, walk a kid, your dog, your office mate, spouse or pet rock (hey ALL pets like outside time right and you won't even have to do poop duty)

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good Morning, Danni and the rest of my TMB Family,
Woke up in lots of pain this morning. My back is throbbing, and my tummy feels like crap! Took some pain meds and stomach meds now just waiting for them to kick in. We got a couple of more inches of the white stuff last night but they say the worst of it is yet to come this afternoon. Eric is home from school, and Mark is home from work. I really am getting cabin feaver. I am so ready for my trip to Florida...10 more days. My Mom and Dad spent all day yesterday with my Aunt, getting my Uncle moved into a nursing home. The doctors have given him six months to a year. Mom said it was very hard on everyone and my Uncle was crying saying he wanted to go home. There is just no way that, that will happen. Please just keep them in prayer. A very difficult situation for all. Alissa, glad you did not have to schedule surgery yet. Lets hope these shots between the toes (ouch) work. I cant imagine having pain in my foot like you do. My feet are sensative. Gina, hope you are feeling a little better with each day. Have things at work setteled down at all? God has a special place for you in Heaven Gina with all that you do not only for your patience but for your family, weather chosen or real. So glad to hear about Eric. I will continue to pray for him and for Jenn. My WoooHooo for today is that....being housebound for the last week and I have managed to keep my weight at bay. Have not put any on! Ok prayers for those that are spoken and those that are unspoken. Have a blessed day. Love you guys.
Good morning DANNI and all ! Busy day in myt world-but-aren't they all? I guess I like it that way, though a PJ day sure sounds good right now too...sigh...Richard Gere movie marathon..curled on the couch..drinking warm front of the fireplace...oh CRAP...gotta stop tortuing myself!!
Today is 60's day at work. Monday was the 40's-I wore my "gangster suit" from Halloween-the residents loved it. Yesterday was the 50's. I went to Goodwill yesterday and found a "grrovy" pleassant blouse and circular, gauzy, black skirt for today. I think I'll look like a 60's gypsy fortune teller, but at least I'm TRYING to be a team's all for the residents (I have to keep telling myself that, as I'm about to put on the glitter, bright blue eye shadow, etc and pray I don't have a car wrecktoday)...I have training from 8am-12n today, and we ALL know hoe much FUN that is...NOT..
Richard swears he feels better and is going back to work today-too soon, I think, but he's a big boy (sorta) "heart attack" friends, Brenda and Mary, are on the mend-Mary may go back to work tomorrow (she's stupid like me) cancer friend, Debbie, reportedly did NOT have cancer cells in her spinal fluid-a BIG WOOHOO-she starts radiation for the lung cancer youngest, Chris, has surgery scheduled, on March 12, for some gruesome surgery-the same thing Corbin had his Jr year-for PILONIDAL CYST (google it-but not if you have weak stomach). We scheduled it for the Friday before Srping break, but the recovery is actually several weeks long, because the wound is huge and can't be stitched-it has to granulate out. Sometimes having a nurse in the house comes in handy! Our lil Brayden is still on the lam, with his worthless sperm donor, but, supposedly, he is local and the authorities have done a "welfare check". We're trying to let the law handle it. I'm planning a major "intervention" later...but cannot divulge just yet...Continued prayers muchly appreciated....I can't talk about it without choking up and breaking into spasms...
My eating has been GREAT..not sure what's up with THAT...but I LIKE IT!!! Stess must agree with me...I've been PLANNING MY MEALS...hmm....imagine that...
ALISSA-sorry about the foot-but glad you got some ANSWERS..I love answers...
JENNY-please hug our Eric for me!!
Okay..time to get my '60s hippie/fortune teller/gypsy/old fool outfit together....
Hope everyone has lots to WOOHOO about today!!!!
Gina AKA Nurse Diva AKA '60s hippie/fortune teller/gypsy/old fool
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
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“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader