Detailed update - cause details matter

Jenny R
on 2/10/10 1:05 am
This seems redundant to repeat my excitement over Eric's chemical remission here since most of you are friends on Facebook - but since there's some details worth sharing, I thought I'd redundantfy myself. Yep. Noooot a word. So don't care.

Anyway! Eric is in chemical remission. YAY! What does this mean? It means every last blood sample that could have trace amounts of cancer in it, doesn't have cancer in it. The tumor markers have been normal since round 3, but I have a feeling this pesky little blood test for LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) has been abnormal until now. I plan on looking through his bloodwork tests just out of curiosity. The way the doctors described LDH is a test to see "how disease (tumor) ridden your body is". His came back 159 - and normal is between 100-271 so as the urologist said "that is amazingly good!" which made us feel great! 

Now - he's not in full remission, only halfway there. But I'll tell you - this halfway mark feels FANFREAKINGTASTIC. I was really starting to melt down (ask Debbi - poor thing had to field so many rants I'm surprised her head didn't explode!). All I know is I needed this good news. The idea of RPLND's and lung surgery and more chemo blah blah blah blah blah was just more negative than anyone should live through. RIGHT NOW we have 7 weeks to prepare for his RPLND. Seven weeks. No chemo, no CT scans, no appointments. Just normal. I'm really excited about normal. We didn't even know we needed down time before this massive operation. We're so grateful Dr. Raj won't touch his for 6 weeks after chemo. Whew!  

So, plan of attack is RPLND on March 25th (if OR is available). Then we kinda go from there with a wait and watch sort of thing to see if more chemo is necessary. The real problem we face is his tumor markers rising again (it's not a recurrence because he's not in full remission yet) but if they rise, we could be dealing with a more aggressive cancer than we know. Dr. Arriaga is hopeful, confident even, that his bloodwork will be normal from here on out (thus the chemical remission) and we base how disease ridden he is solely on CT scans (he's had one every month since diagnoses). I got a chance to see his lung scan yesterday and it was beautiful. Absolutely clear minus a few spots. Compared to the original scan (faint!) it's as different as night versus day. Since we were facing a possible wedge resection of his lungs to remove teratomatous masses over 1cm - I think we might just not need it afterall. Hallelujah and Praise the Lord! And since he hadn't even finished round four until after his CT scan yesterday, all those small little spots on his lungs might still get smaller come the next CT scan. That's what we're banking on. "Irreversible damage" to the cancer cells which make it impossible for them to come back from so they commit a slow suicide and eventually die off completely. We shall see!!! I have a really good feeling we're gonna be good. And of course that's only based on not allowing myself to think the opposite.  LOL.

So anyway - how can I thank you guys? HOW? How can I tell you how much I love every last person who has stepped up and made my life better these last few months? NOTHING - I mean NOTHING I can do will EVER tell you how much I appreciate what you've done for me. I believe God puts people in our path to get us through situations in our lives and I will forever be grateful for being a part of the TMB and becoming your friend. You've helped me grow into a more trusting person (I have issues, actually HAD big issues with trust before this) and every last one of you have made me become more whole of a person. 

Thank you so very much for being God's shining light in my world of darkness.  I couldn't have done any of this without you.


  ican.png image by BabyRhi rules.png image by BabyRhi
on 2/10/10 1:27 am - Everman, TX
Jenny, both you and Eric deserve this - It makes me so happy to know that everything is working the way it should be.  You keep that spirit where it is now, no matter what and you guys will do great. Eric is so lucky to have such a wonderful women in his corner and in his life. Do you forget that - --- Gaye
 Life is what you make of it! Enjoy when possible.
Jenny R
on 2/10/10 9:16 pm
Awww, thanks Gaye!!! I am still so happy and we are sooo very lucky to have treatment work as well as it has. Out of the handful of guys who even get testicular cancer, and sadly die from it, it seems like their blood work never comes back normal (and you wouldn't believe it but there is a little survivors guilt in me right now considering how well we're doing when people I chat with on a TC support forum aren't do as well. Weird to feel bad about doing well. Hmmmm.)

Thanks for your support, my girl with the awesome gams!

  ican.png image by BabyRhi rules.png image by BabyRhi
Stephanie G.
on 2/10/10 1:33 am - Rowlett, TX
Thanks for spaining it Lucy, I birth babies and don't know nuttin about chemo and the big C.  I'm so happy for the 3 of you.  Now go ENJOY being NORMAL for a change.  We'll be right here to help you guys cross the next bridge in March.

RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL

Jenny R
on 2/10/10 9:20 pm
You made me laugh out LOUD with the birthin' babies comment. LMAO! By the way - what an awesome job. I remember every last nurse that helped bring Rhiannon into the world. What a special day for so many people. Thank YOU for being part of a day where so many peoples dreams come true!!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to do nothing.

  ican.png image by BabyRhi rules.png image by BabyRhi
on 2/10/10 1:48 am - Ft Stewart, GA
I'm with steph - tell me what it all means - but when you are happy I am happy with you and when you are down I will cry with you or pray for you or let you laugh at me to cheer you up - whatever workds best :)

Great news and yes we are glad you shared it agian
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

Jenny R
on 2/10/10 9:26 pm
Danni girl - I know it's all so confusing. It's amazing how quickly you pick up and understand stuff when it filters into every last aspect of your life.

All I know is that he still has cancer, but not as much, and certainly nothing that is terminal right this second. Will things change? Maybe. But hearing that everything that WAS wrong with him is now right feels fanfreakingtastic. Remember the 67,000 HcG tumor marker? It's now two - well within normal limits. I'm just glad he stopped being pregnant so beautiful women in the world could take his place. ;o)

  ican.png image by BabyRhi rules.png image by BabyRhi
on 2/10/10 2:00 am - Galveston, TX
WOOHOO!!!  Fabulous news!!

back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne

OH Support Group Leader



Jenny R
on 2/10/10 9:27 pm
Thank you, Terry!!!!

  ican.png image by BabyRhi rules.png image by BabyRhi
on 2/10/10 2:02 am - DFW, TX

Now enjoy your next UNEVENTFUL seven weeks! I pray that the close out of seven weeks will put you straight into an UNEVENTFUL LIFETIME of "nothing elses"!!!
PTL! and I'll keep on praying!!!

Love you guys!

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>

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