Tuesday WLS express- Rubber Duckie edition
1. Its national read in the bathtub day and
2. With all the rain we've been getting its just like taking a bath when you go outside- IF you had an outdoor tub in Alaska!!
So grab a good book and head to one of the spa cars for a nice hot bubbly steamy bath!
Good Morning Alissa and the rest of my TMB Family,
Rubber Duckie day hey? If I took my rubber duckie out with me he would not like it much..no puddels to splash in only mountains of white stuff to slide on! Honestly! Another day and no school for Eric. Mark is saying they will probably be out all week. They are supposed to have a week off in April but I bet they take it away from them, otherwise they will be in school till mid July at this rate. I am so ready to get out and about but really cant. Roads now plowed very well. Oh well. I will take the book I have been reading, and take a nice hot bath and relax. Thats always a great thing to do. Mark has been on call through all of this and we have been lucky up till now. Last night he got called out about 12:30 am. Not sure what time he got home but he is asleep in his chair with a note that says please let me sleep in. Poor guy. Quick update on my Uncle. They are supposed to be discharging him today. Still not sure where he is going. He really cant go home. Way to much work for my Aunt. They have given him six months to a year. Please pray that where ever he goes that it will be the right place. I have been reall crampy the last few days. Not sure what is causing it but taking my Bentyl before every meal and it helps a little. Gina, have they heard anything more about your God child. I am praying he is home safe and sound with his Mom, and all the people who love him. Danni, how are things? Any word from Tim? School going ok? Meggie, hope you are continuing to get a little better with each day. No more hospital stays ok? You are blessed to have such a wonderful hubbie that is there for you! Jenn and Eric, I pray every day for remission for Eric. You are in my prayers today and every day! Alissa, did you have your doctors appt yet? Forgive my brain but thats what happens when you get old. Ok guess that is all from here. Time for another cup of coffee. Have a blessed day. Love you guys
Today I see the foot doctor at 3:30. I will let you all know what he says. I just hope he has a plan. at this point I'm ready to do whatever it takes to get better. Then Charlene and I can be limp along buddies. lol.
Karen- how did the court date go last week? Danni-how are you guys doing? Is Danuel better now? Hope so. Gina-are you better now?
I want to say a BIG WOO HOO and CONGRATS to Eric as he finishes one of the types of chemo today! And good luck today as you see all the docs and have the tests today Eric. I am hoping and praying for good results.
Meggie- how are you feeling? I hope better. Michelle- hope you get out of the house sometime soon. Are you going to get more snow tomorrow like my folks are in PA?
Take care everyone and have a great day!
WOOOHOOOO for Tuesday! Especially one's where I'm not out in that COLD wind.... I decided to sleep in this morning and work from home and was really glad I did when I saw those wind chill factors on TV.... They're talking snow for Thursday, but in the same breath they say the temp is going to be 38.... so maybe it won't stick or stick around long anyway.... LOL I'll post a separate update about court, it's too long and hairy to post here....
Prayers are going up for all that need them!
Look who popped up on my play list! It's Roy Orbison's Sweet Dream Baby.... so everybody get up and dance!~
Sweet dream baby, sweet dream baby
Sweet dream baby, how long must I dream
Dream baby, got me dreaming sweet dreams the whole day through
Dream baby, got me dreaming sweet dreams night time too
I love you and I'm dreaming of you, that won't do
Dream baby make me stop my dreaming
You can make my dreams come true
Sweet (sha-da-da-da) dream (sha-da-da-da) baby (sha-da-da-da) (sha-da-da-da)
Sweet (sha-da-da-da) dream (sha-da-da-da) baby (sha-da-da-da) (sha-da-da-da)
Sweet (sha-da-da-da) dream (sha-da-da-da) baby (sha-da-da-da) (sha-da-da-da)
How (sha-da-da-da) long (sha-da-da-da) must I dream (whoooo)
(Dream baby) dream baby (dream baby)
Got me dreaming sweet dreams (dream baby) the whole day through (dream baby)
Dream baby (dream baby)
Got me dreaming sweet dreams (dream baby) night time too (dream baby)
(Dream baby) I love you (dream baby)
And I'm dreaming of you (dream baby) that won't do (dream baby)
(Dream baby) dream baby (dream baby)
Make me stop my dreaming (dream baby) you can make my dreams come true
Aww, sweet dream baby (dream baby, ah-huh-huh)
Yea-eh-ah, sweet dream baby (dream baby, ah-huh-huh)
Sweet dream, baby (dream baby, ah-huh-huh)
How long must I dream
Sweet dream baby (dream baby, ah-huh-huh)
Sweet dream baby (dream baby, ah-huh-huh)
Sweet dream baby
Ya'll have a great day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Prayers for all who need them.
Have a great Tuesday!
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
Eric finishes up round four BEP this afternoon! It's so exciting to think we're that much closer to a cure. He's been through hell and back, will revisit hell in a couple of months but whatever, but we're that much closer. That much. Every little step just feels awesome. I didn't think I'd wake up feeling as good as I do. It feels damn awesome to have a genuine happy smile on my face. Lets just hope it stays there when the urologist gives us a date for the RPLND. hehehe.
Went to the dollar store and got Eric a handful of bright balloons and this really cute hand clapper that lights up (because he deserves a round of applause!) and a card to celebrate the occasion. Oh! And two little champagne flutes with hearts on them so we can raise our glasses to him! I plan on sneaking away during his BLEO and bringing them back from the car. He's going to be surprised - that's for sure! I can't wait. Weeeeeee!
Have a blessed day everyone!!! I know I am!

Michelle, can't believe all the snow you are getting! What's a Texas girl to do???? Alissa, we don't have it as cold as you guys do in the Metroplex, but it is a lot colder here today and the wind is blowing harder. Supposed to freeze tonight with the wind chill being a definite factor!
I noticed that John K's post really got a lot of attention yesterday, so this must definitely be something that a lot of us old timers are facing! I hope we can continue to offer support to each other on the topic!
Not much going on here. Prayers and hugz to all that need them!
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
Good Morning TMB!!
Can I read in the hot tub? I'm FREEZING!!! It's official. While I enjoy watching the snow and being snow bound with my family, I do NOT enjoy being cold. Can we have summer NOW????? Please????
Nothing much else to say other than thanks for the prayers. The drama is slowly coming to an end here with the high school kids. WHEW. Still have to meet with the teacher again - but this time it's MY agenda, not theirs. Time for it to stop now. So, please pray I am able to effectively communicate with the teacher (read he does NOT listen to females and my hubby is too angry to go speak with him) and in turn that he does what is needed to stop the drama completely.
Have a great day everyone. Love and prayers all around. MAKE GOOD CHOICES!
Well to quote MS GINA CRAP!!!!! As you all know I have had 3 friends to commit suicide in the past 2 weeks. Well my BFF son that you all prayed for last year is now out of remission. His routine PET scan is showing and has been confirmed to have cancer below (whatever that means) and in his liver. He is only 25 and has been in remission for only 6 months. Please say prayers for him.
Work is going well. Not to much else to going on. Have a good day.