mAnic Monday WLS Express
I just got off - Shift ended at 3:00 - I got out of there at 4:15. Man do I hate working nights - I am a day time girl all the way!!!!!
I am not even sure why I am working these extra hours, except that they worked hard while I was gone and I feel guilty. Busy night for a super bowl, I thought everyone would get drunk and go home to sleep it off. Not so, several overdoses, chest pain and tons of stomach bugs (Stay way!!!!) Throw in some asthma, toothaches, and neck pain and you have got a full house in the ER.
OK, time to get Steve up for work, so that I can go to bed.
I had hoped to see my grandkids tomorrow, but with this late start, I probable will not get up till noon. Well, that my life. You guy enjoy the rain and I will catch you in the morning
Love ya, Gaye

Karen- sorry things are a little out of sorts. Hope your day goes better. I bought a pair of pants yesterday that has 3 clasps and a zipper- which is odd but I really liked the pants. I guess I have a great support just in case. lol.
I had a great time at the Go Red event Sat with Jenny. Yesterday we went to Sears and I found a pair of New Balance shoes for $29-regularly $64! I bought 2 pair at that price. I used the cart at Target which is much slower than the cart at Wal-Mart. I've been just trying to take it easy because my foot hurts so bad. I try to do alternative things to help the pain instead of meds. I see the doc tomorrow so we'll see. I know one thing, if he wants another MRI he'll have to sedate me- that was so freaking painful. I had to lay on my stomach and it screwed my back up.
Meggie- did you make it home okay?
I hope everyone has a great day- stay warm and dry!
Good Morning Train!
WOOHOOOO for Mondays! I'm determined to make it a good day! It hasn't started off all that great, just little stuff gone wrong, like the rain.. ugh... I forgot my water bottle at home and had to stop at a store on the way in and buy one... the top button on my pants is missing.... but I'm dealing with it all! It WILL be a good day! LOL
Prayers are going up for all that need them!
Gina, I'm gonna show our age again.... Here's the Three Dog Night's Never Been to Spain....
Well I never been to Spain
But I kinda like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it
The don't abuse it
Never gonna lose it
I can't refuse it
Well I never been to England
But I kinda like the Beatles
Well, I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles
Can you feel it
It must be real it
Feels so good
Oh, feels so good
Well I never been to heaven
But I been to Oklahoma
Well they tell me I was born there
But I really don't remember
In Oklahoma, not Arizona
What does it matter
What does it matter
Well I never been to Spain
But I kinda like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it
They don't abuse it
Never gonna lose it
I can't refuse it
Well I never been to heaven
But I been to Oklahoma
Well they tell me I was born there
But I really don't remember
In Oklahoma, not Arizona
What does it matter
What does it matter
Ya'll have a great day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
have a great day planned - nothing special - just a nice normal day - got in my E time already, working on my 1st shake, breakfast planned out, K's lunch packed and teen up and though the shower
taking kids to school and then schoolwork, hoping to get a few mins to hit the gym before I pick Rach up from school - will see how much I get done, still working on catching up on my reading for school - plus working on scanning in Tim's awards and certs so I `can email them to him and he can print them there - he offered to copy them all before he left but no I could scan them not a big deal LOL no clue how long it would take - giving it 2 hours a day till I am done - no games tonight so we might actually get to go to the park after school -
have my menu's planned with my new toy - printed off todays so I have zero excuses
have a great day all - gotta go get a wake girl

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good morning! God has chosen to give us another day-I'm got to try to make it the best one ever..or try to muddle thru will def help...
(((GAYE)))-so nice to at least see you HERE--almost added Richard to your list of ER problems yesterday, but Urgent Clinic here in town still open, so went there instead. He's doing "that stuff" again, and looks like pure crap. But...the pill I left out for hi to take is still sitting there...hard to feel sorry for someone who won't try...but maybe he's too sick to try...or maybe I have to realize I can't take care of EVERYBODY all the time...nah...I'll go whack in a little while and get the med in him, one orifice or another...If he's not better today he will probably have to go in for IVs, at least
Updates on my "other friends"-Brenda-the one who had the heart attack andnow has a 25% functioning heart is home and resting-may have to go on the transplant list-will know in the next week or 2...Mary-the heart attack from Friday-had heart cath Friday-had 2 blockages-got 2 stents-came home yesterday. Both these ladies are long time nurses who have burned the candle at both ends for many years (sound familiar?)--Debbie (Richard's ex and the birth mom of my stepchildren) has lung/brain cancer-had spinal tap Friday to check for cancer cells in spinal fluid-no results yet....Like I told y'all-NOT a good time to be Gina's friends...or maybe it's just "Gina's OTHER friends"-but-Mary DID have WLS-so maybe she's borderline...
Okay..long as I'm running off at the mouth..and don't have my warpaint on yet...let me go ahead and share what has been weighing HEAVIEST on my heart since Friday...Alot of y'all know my lil great-nephew, Brayden. He's like a grandson to me (he named me "Gigi" and it will forever stick)...Well, Friday his sperm donor/jail bird/druggie/totally worthless/etc/etc/"father" broke into the house after Jaclyn went to work and snatched Brayden from the babysitter. Since he IS on the birth cert, etc, neice is an idiot...he IS the legal father, and the police legally cannot do anything. Jaclyn has appt with lawyer this morning, but we don't know where Brayden is..he left in just a diaper (but there is eveidence of a break in on Sunday, and some of his clothes are missing, so I guess the idiot came back). Anyhoo...ALL prayers VERY much appreciated. TRACEY-I apologize for not telling you Saturday, but you were heading out, and I had to get ready for work, and I knew we would both fall I'm about to do now...
OK...novel over..imagine what I could have written, had I had coffee FIRST...
I'm actually looking forward to going to work-the circus atmosphere will keep me distracted and entertained, It's "40's day", and I'm going to wear my gangster suit from Halloween. The residents will really enjoy the day. Tomorrow is "50's day" and so the rest of the week...
Prayers all around-special ones for DOUG BENDER this morning-he's on my heart-All my husbands get under my skin-ya know? Special prayers for our MEGGIE too, of course, and ERIC R
Gina AKA Nurse Diva
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal