prayer request please
My SIL Jenni (the one the lived with us while I was pg with Rach) asked if the peeps here would send her good thoughts, swing some livesock and say a prayer or two
they are having a rough time - their littlest one is going in for tubes in the morning - not a major surgery but any mom knows that ANY surgery they take your kid into is scary
and to top it off Bro's unit is being agravating - he reenlisted for school/change of job, paper work got issued with a report date of April 2999 (think someones finger slipped?) and since he is suppose to be going to school he did not deploy with his unit - now his unit wants him to fix the paperwork b/c he can't go to school in April of 2010 on paper work for 2999, or be ready to ship in the next few weeks
just general army BS but stressing her to the max
Thanks guys
they are having a rough time - their littlest one is going in for tubes in the morning - not a major surgery but any mom knows that ANY surgery they take your kid into is scary
and to top it off Bro's unit is being agravating - he reenlisted for school/change of job, paper work got issued with a report date of April 2999 (think someones finger slipped?) and since he is suppose to be going to school he did not deploy with his unit - now his unit wants him to fix the paperwork b/c he can't go to school in April of 2010 on paper work for 2999, or be ready to ship in the next few weeks
just general army BS but stressing her to the max
Thanks guys
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband
I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Prayers on the way!!!
Don't say anything unkind, untrue, or unnecessary.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith ...
it is the price of love.