Torrential Thursday WLS Express
Good Morning Train!
Okay, who ordered the rain??? and cold??? at the same time???? at least they declined the ice and snow special to go with it.... geez.... Between waking up too early and not being able to go back to sleep, the soggy drive in, mad dash in the rain to get inside, awesome workout and shower... I'm tired and ready to call it a day.... LOL
Prayers are going out for all that need them, especially Meggers... who has apparently decided she'll get some relief if she adopts Liz's identity....
So the playlist is showing my age again.... for you younger folk, if you want to request something I can fit it in, somewhere... maybe.... in the meantime, here's Johnny Cash's Folsum Prison Blues.....
I hear the train a comin'
it's rolling round the bend
and I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when,
I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on
but that train keeps a rollin' on down to San Anton..
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
now every time I hear that whistle I hang my head and cry..
I bet there's rich folks eating in a fancy dining car
they're probably drinkin' coffee and smoking big cigars.
Well I know I had it coming, I know I can't be free
but those people keep a movin'
and that's what tortures me...
Well if they'd free me from this prison,
if that railroad train was mine
I bet I'd move just a little further down the line
far from Folsom prison, that's where I want to stay
and I'd let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away
Ya'll have a great albeit soggy day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Good Morning Ms. Karen and the rest of my TMB Family
Well more snow heading to Dover this weekend. Can anyone tell me WHY I moved to the coldest, snowiest place I have been in a very long time. I dont like it, I wanna come home! Went yesterday and got my shots in my Facet Joints. A little painful and I am a little sore this morning but if it works it will be worth it. Today going to the Dentist for a cleaning. I am trying to get setteled with all the differnt doctors. Hope to get to see a Bariatric doctor next month some time. I hae a heavy heart this morning thinking about my Uncle in Florida who I am guessing is in the final stages of Alzheimer's. He is in the VA Hospital. Guess I will out more when I talk to my Mom. I also hope he hangs in till I get there later this month so I can visit with him. He is after all my favorite Uncle. Please pray for my family. Sure hope our Meggie gets on the mend soon. I hate that she is back in the hospital. Thanks to Ken for keeping us updated. Special prayers for Viv, and her family, for Jenny and Eric, For Liz and her new job, Nurse Gina, start feeling better and for all the others unspoken. Have a blessed day. Love you guys
hope those shots do work

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
MICHELLE-thanks for thinking of me-I honestly AM starting to feel better-went back to doc yesterday-pneumonia and collasped lung still there, but both have, the plan is more antibiotics, and follow up with another chest X-ray week after next.
NOT NOT NOT flaming you...but, something to think about...if you want to be with your uncle when he's alive, GO NOW. Do not pray for him to "wait", if it means he will possibly suffer. I wish I could put in words in words what I really mean, but it's not coming out right...I guess what I mean is:
If he died TODAY..would you make the trip for his funeral?...If the answer is YES, then you should be able to find a way to go NOW to see him alive, if that is your wish...Otherwise, pray for GOD'S WILL to be done, that your uncle-and his wife-and all concerned-never suffer...if THAT makes any sense at all... I think he will KNOW y'all are there? YES, I DO. I deal with people with varied forms of dementia, etc EVERY DAY. True, he may not realize EXACTLY which person is his wife/brother/neice/etc...but deep sown he KNOWS y'all are someone special to him, as opposed to the "strangers" AKA nurses, etc....I very firmly believe that...Whether he ever utters a single word or response, he still HEARS and he still KNOWS...I'm only basing that on 32 years of watching people leave this earth...
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Thank you. I so appreciate everything you have to offer because I know you know what you are talking about. I have tickets to go down on the 20th. Got them over a month ago and they are not refundable or transferable. One of those deals special fare. I dont want him to suffer or any of his family to suffer. I will pray for God's will and if he is alive when I get there then that is great...and if not I will be there for the funeral. I have wonderul memories of him from when I was a little girl, up until just a few years ago. Thanks again Gina. You are so loved!
Good to see you even if you are all soggy - we aren't looking for snow at all but the rain will be here late tonight, makes for good sleep normall so I don't mind the rain - the roof doesn't leak here or anything and I park under a carport and it mostly doean't get to cold with the rain here
Rach and I are the only ones up and she is working on going back to sleep - teen has sinus infection, possible pnewmonia and is weezing - staying home though Fri per docs orders so he's not getting up, still to early to wake K up and Tim is stuck n Balad agian - glad it is at least a nice airport - we do photo books from CVS and we did 2 of R&R, the first one has pictures of the waiting area in Balad - at this rate he will spend as much time there total as he did at home LOL
planning to go to the gym - hoping Rach is in a good mood so she can play at childcare there - I think she will be - she got to go to school a lot while daddy was home and was not pleased last night over me telling her today was not a school day for her.
Have to catch up on housework today - got cought up on school stuff yesterday-setting myself some new work out goals - one that are realistic, I hope, with Tim being gone and me in school full time
have to fill my little old lady pill boxes today - b/c I like my mind as functional as possible!!
have missed everyone - remember to take good care of you - use your tool - you know the rules, water, vits, protien and MOVEMENT - you had the surgery why???? To be healthy so go afer that good health, and sexy bod while you are at it

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail