Time for th WoooHooo Wednesday WLS Express
First off Stephanie thanks so much for the prayers and good luck wishes. Since you work in the medical field you know how scary those things can be. Especially the back crap.
Second. Gina we should kick your butt..!! Seriously that is so wrong. I reached out to all of yall with Doug's back. I would think you would let us be there for you too. The friends I meet on here mean the world to me. Let us be there for you.
Thanks to
Jodie Dana Gina L Gina R Loralea Liz Danni Deb Deanne Tracey
Sarah Stephanie Tawnya Karla Clay John S. Alissa Brian Charlene
Jenn D Becky H Becky M Que Tom Jack David (train man)
Vivian Tara Sean Michelle Mari Rebbecca Cagle Chris and Kris Ramon Yvonne Debbie Debra Karen Lynnette Cheryl
Plus Countless others Where would I be without you?? That scares me.. Plus makes me sad at the thought of it.
Smile, it increases your face value.
Good morning fellow train riders...it's back to the boring world of being a housewife today. Yesterday I went to Winstar, played mindless slots for 5 hours, drove 2 HOURS from there to the McKinney/Allen area to meet up with Lynnette, Debbie and Liz for coffee and awesome McDonald's food all the while enjoying the screams of little children in the play area. Despite my aversion to anything McDonalds in was so worth it to get to see my girls.
On the way home I either had a blood sugar drop or a little dumping episode but I got all foggy and sweaty and next thing you know I missed my exit. I had a couple tootsie rolls in the car, ate them and managed to make it home. I've also decided I just cannot drive at night anymore. After having had 3 cataract surgeries, the bright lights bother me too much and it becomes too dangerous for me to drive. Anyway, from now on if I have to go somewhere unfamiliar to me, it's either daytime driving or Clay drives.
Getting ready o head to Walmart grocery shopping then will be bring several baskets of firewood in the house to prepare for the return of the cold this weekend. I'm working all weekend so I have to get things done today. Plus it's supposed to rain, so I need to get the wood inside.
Special big prayers for Doug, (Kathy's hubby) as he goes through his much needed back surgery today. Hopefully Jodie is headed that way to keep Kathy company during the wait.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL