The NIGH****CHMAN - Tuesday 1/19
As you may have seen yesterday, my full time job had the astonishing announcement that they sold out. We had just changed our name less than a year ago to go public on the stock exchange. Don't see anything new on the internet since I went to bed this morning. We are most anxious to see what happens to us, the peons on the phones.
Pray for Jenn R. and Eric. Please.
Just so you know, you need to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS and make sure you get your daily allotment of PROTEIN.
If you are new to the board, this link explains what the NIGHT WATCHMAN is (if you are interested). Otherwise, just read on, you will probably figure it out anyway.****CH MAN-Thursday-and-a-plea/
Prayer requests are listed below:
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
Debra F.
George - pending sale of company, looking
Kat's (Iwannabethinnow) spouse
Kim's (tennysonkw) husband
Vivian asks for Natalie and Jonathan
Upcoming Surgeries/current hospitalization:
Recovering from Surgery:
Sandi B.
Jill is recovering from plastics.
Meggie - recovering from a long surgery on 1/7
Other prayer requests:
Amanda N. - researching the various WLS available. May God help her to choose which is right for her.
George - prayers for Oleta's mother. She is on hospice care and getting worse every day. She is not aware of the purpose of hospice care, so at least she is staying optimistic about her condition.
Gina L. - brother Jerry still suffering. Doctors are now leaning towards the problem being stopped up cardiac areteries. He is very depressed and has chronic back pain also.
Jennifer - prayer for the sale of their house in San Antonio. They have made the move to the metroplex but still need to sell their house.
Karen the Papaya Queen asks we pray for her son and his GF and their kids. They lost the parental rights to the children, but the decision is under appeal.
Kat's (Iwannabethinnow) friend will have a scan this week to see if the chemo was successful.
Kim (tennysonkw) wants prayer that she will be a better example to her children in the future, and that God will grant me strength to endure, as her and her husband go through their personal problems. Also she requests prayer for her coworker Tara ane her family. Tara is on hospice care in the hospital and the family is having a tough time accepting it.
MariPW - prayers during a stressful time with her employment status being in limbo.
Meggie's mother has breast cancer. She has a large hematoma under it. It is stage 1 cancer and they do not believe it has spread yet and don't think they will need to remove any lymph nodes. Radiation therapy will be everyday for 6-8 weeks.
Vivian requests prayers for the extra stress in her life due to her son and his girl friend living with her.
So I guess that I am asking for some extra prayers for a quick resolution, BEFORE I lose my sanity.
Hugs George, I think we both need some extra ones right about now!!!

A lot of times companies go public just so they can be purchased. Hopefully you and your team will remain unaffected.
Work is going much better. I've got signed paperwork on one deal and verbal commits on the other two. I'll be just $2K short of my commit after I get the paperwork on the two verbal commits with 11 days left in the month. I don't have a deal that I feel is going to get me over the hump, but I'm hoping it will somehow come together. The $12K I got yesterday was unexpected, so maybe lightening will strike twice.
I'm still in an annoying amount of pain. I had a cough sneak up on me this morning and think I reinjured it some. It's getting old.
Prayers for all who need them.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
Sitting here...BEHAVING, feet up. Sheesh. Something that sounds SO easy but so hard. My left leg looked decent after a decent night's sleep without the garment on. Dr. L. thinks the garment is actually squeezing circulation off a bit so we'll see what he says on Friday. One mega ouchie spot but that's it aside of the overall swelling. Amazing how much pressure it feels like there is in there - like my legs were blown up with a bicycle pump. UGH.
Tomorrow night we will all go to the high school to look at the selected pieces of art that were chosen to be represented at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Viktoria's drawing was one of three freshman's to be selected. So cool for her. She has replicated a horse laying down and she has done a phenominal job as has the other kids who were selected. It's just a quick open house kind of thing so nothing where I have to stand for any length of time which is good. She has worked SO hard on it. I'm taking my camera tomorrow and will take a picture of it. Paul said to me, "OMG, look at that - I can't even draw a stick person so she must get that ability from you". I took art in high school for three years and didn't do too bad but she is definitely much better than I ever was. Sarah holds her own, too, for an 8 yr. old. Now Heather, well, sorry to say, she's got her daddy's abilities in art and will be the very first one to admit it, too. She hates it when she has to do a project where they want something drawn by hand!
Ok, gotta go shut the lights out as the dog is down here (in his big kennel) with me. He had a bit of an accident last night and Paul wants nothing to do with him being in the bed after that. UUUUGH! At least he will be setting the alarm to come down and take him out this time.... Ever since Schnitzel had surgery, he's decided he can't hold it all night. He just HATES that gear strapped to his head and that stupid upside down lampshade thing so I swear, is revolting!!! If I shut the lights out, he will just lay down and sleep - but only with the fan and TV on!!!
I don't know if I mentioned, but Mack came home the other night. Would not come to us, but when I opened the gate her ran right into the yard. Then, less than 12 hours later dug his way out again. The dog catcher was in the area yesterday, so they probably got him. Sorry, but I am not going to check.