Prepping Prevents Pitfalls

on 1/17/10 7:59 am - New Braunfels, TX
Okay, since I probably need to qualify this....

I am NOT the perfect WLSer by any means

I am NOT the authority and I just know what works for me

I simply want to share some ideas that might help you and hope some peeps will add their ideas as well.

I have NO life on Sundays after church, therefore this has become my new 'cub', so to speak (long story)

Okay, here we go.

I know that the main reason that I end up at Taco Bell, Chicken Express, Sonic and Rudys is for lack of planning my food, NOT to get tea!    I also know that I am not strong enough to eat the one 'diet' item on the menu.

Sooooo, the way I get around this is to just cook and prepackage stuff ahead of time.  Yeah, it takes a long time, sometimes all day.  But I know, FOR Me, and some other peeps on here, it helps tremendously.  Here are some examples - (again, your mileage may vary and results not typical)

1. When I buy ground beef, I buy the multi pound package, and with part of it I make hamburger patties, with part I brown and package to add to spaghetti sauce (more meat, less pasta OR use spaghetti sauce.  Sometimes I 'preloaf' a meatloaf and freeze. Then it can just pop in the oven.

2. The frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts come in 3 lb packages (cheaper for me that way).  I repackage two at a time in quart bags and put those in a freezer bag. Then it's just two out to defrost at a time.

3. I buy the Sams Choice stuffed chicken breast in different flavors.  I throw several packages in the oven to cook all at once.  The I package each one individually and it's ready to pop in my lunch bag.

4. With lunch meat I put a 'serving' in the snack bags and then into the frig.  that way it's a grab and go.  Same with cheese. 

5. I also use the Special K protein plus cereal and mix it with the Dannon Lo Carb yogurt for a snack or breakfast.. So when I get the box, I just use the snack bags or my Ziploc 1 cup containers and measure it out.. Again ready to go.

6.We eat bacon and I buy the thick sliced HEB bacon in the 2 lb package (again CHEAP! see a theme here).  I slice the package in half and lay the slices on a cookie sheet. Other half in freezer.  Then I bake the bacon in the oven and it's much less messy and all done.  When it's cool it goes in a ziploc and is ready to add to eggs or whatever.

7.  I eat scrambled eggs for breakfast ALOT. If it is an egg week, I scramble up all the eggs at once and again, into the 1 cup ziploc containers. Breakfast for me is at work, so in the lunch bag it goes.

8. Stealing this one from my Diva Nurse Gina.  Snack bags are ready for every day and filled with the daily meds and vitamins.  Much easier to remember what you took already and what needs tooken!

Okay, i'm outta ideas and my bacon is ready!  Again, I am by NO means preaching, so no flaming, ok?

But if it keeps you from heading to burrito town or fried chicken city, then there is no damage done.  Those places are fine but only rarely. At least for me.

Hope it helps someone.  If not, at least it's out of my head now.


forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different

on 1/17/10 8:21 am - Galveston, TX
I do alot of soups, stews and chili - big pots full, and package in 3/4C or so containers.

I buy cheese in the little 1 oz sticks; already and cut and measured so I can grab for snacks.

My vits are pre-counted into old RX bottles; one bottle holds one day's worth. Each day when I get home the empty or almost empty bottle comes out of the lunch bag and a full one goes into the bag for the next day.  I bottle them approx 10 days at a time.

If I grill something like steak, I always grill extra to have for lunch/snacks, pre-measured/packaged so I can grab and go.

I have a bunch of 1-2-4&6 ounce containers that I put things into for lunch and snacks each day.

I bring 5~16 oz bottles of water to work with me each day and set them on my desk; that way I know if I've gotten enough water or not.

Weekends are lot tougher; I either don't get enough water or I don't get enough protein and too many carbs.  The white stuff got thrown out this weekend and I'm going to just each complex carbs - fruits, veggies, beans, etc.

I am not by any means perfect but these are the things that have worked for me!

back in Galveston
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“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne

OH Support Group Leader



Donna W.
on 1/17/10 9:40 am - Spring, TX
what a great use for old script bottles and a savings on bags!!!

Paige E.
on 1/17/10 8:57 am - TX
Great post Becky!!!

I have always and will always be all about convenience!!!  I go to work early and get home late...  Since I had WLS (1 1/2 years ago) I have a major "cooking day" about once a month.  I cook anywhere from 3-5 things and then freeze them in 1c. containers.  This is what I eat for lunch everyday... and sometimes even dinner although I usually have some type of fish in the evening.

The only problem with this is I might get 10 servings out of everything I cook.... and well it's hard for me to eat it all before I get bored with it.  So now Donna and I each cook up several recipes and we share them.  I have the same number of meals as I did before but now I have more variety to pick from.  We plan ahead of time and discuss what we are going to fix.   She knows I don't eat noodles so we don't make anything with that in it.... and vice versa for something she doesn't like.  These are my versions of lean cuisines and WW frozen entrees....  Each morning I take it out of the freezer and just warm it up at lunch time.  Talk about easy!!!! 

As a matter of fact today has been our cooking day.... I made chicken taco soup, Wendy's chili, cheeseburger pie, bean/ham soup/ and cordon blu casserole.  These are all recipes that I have gotten from Eggface, Bariatric Eating or here at OH.   I know Donna is making a sausage/veggie casserole, enchilada casserole.... and she's still working on the rest.

Planning is the key!!!!!  


~Paige~  -155lbs    (lovin' my band)   
At GOAL and BMI is healthy!!


Stephanie G.
on 1/17/10 9:09 am - Rowlett, TX

What a great let's see if I have anything to contribute that hasn't already been said.

I make and freeze 3-4 protein drinks at a time and take a frozen one to work with me most mornings.  It's ready to eat like ice cream in about 2 hours.

I always keep a bag of frozen cooked shrimp in my freezer for quick protein snacks.  It only takes a few mnutes to defrost.

I keep a "100 calorie" or "one serving" snack basket in my pantry.  I package up pretzels, chocolate animal cookies, protein bars, nuts, trail mix, etc in snack size ziplocs.  So if I have to run out the door, I can grab something to take with me.  Also for TV time, I take one individual baggie rather than the whole big bag of pretzels with me.

I keep radishes and carrots washed and ready in the fridge to grab for "crunch".

I make up SF/FF pudding and pour into individual containers with lids so I can take them to work.  I mix 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 banana for a really yummy treat.  I make them with Carb Countdown milk and add a scoop of protein for an extra boost.

I always grill 2-3 different types of meat each week so there's no excuse for not having protein in the house, ready to go. 

I also ALWAYS take my breakfast, lunch and my snacks to work so I leave nothing up to chance.  I also take a variety of snacks so I'll always have something that "sounds good".

RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL

on 1/17/10 9:30 am, edited 1/17/10 9:31 am
Ditto for me...less expensive and lots more convenient.  Today I cooked turkey meatballs, sausage stuffed mushrooms, egg bites and protein muffins.  These will be my snacks and lunches all week.  I even buy the larger protein bars and cut those in half before storing in snack size bags. 

Breakfasts for me are usually at home so I'll do omlettes in a bgoiling bag or in a microwavable mug.  However, I do appreciate pregrated cheese and prechopped vegetables.  For those I buy already done.  Kroger and Walmart both carry bags of frozen chpped onions, onion/peper mix and I use those in soups, stews and my omlettes.

I do plan out a week's worth of dinners and shop ahead.  The list and menu stay on the fridge so if I'm not available to cook my husband or one of my kids can take over.  They don't like to create the menu becuase they can never get straight what I can eat, but if I spell it out they are more than willing to pitch in and get the job done.

I knew I used a lot of 1c containers and snack size baggies, but reading your posts looks lie we all should buy shares in the company!!  Make sure you clip your coupons and stock up when they are on sale!! 

Speaking of stocking up, I do like Becky with the meats and buy bigger packages when they are on sale.  I just repackage when I get them home.  As I package, I already know what I'll use them for so I'll freeze them with the seasonings or marinade already in the bag.  It saves time and I swear it increases flavor, too.

And like Steph, I keep a "snack" bof of items I come home and portion out into baggies.  I also keep nonperishable baggies from this box on my car, my purse, my school pack and my gym bag.  This saved me more than once during holiday shopping and through last school term when I'd be out during/past meal times.  

It's not that I won't eat out.  I do!  But, when I do I plan ahead and get their menu with nutritional information first.  I make my choice based on that information.  And when I get to select the place, you bet I have my favorites...those that have safe foods that still taste great.  Most are online, sometimes I have to go to Calorie King or pick up a flyer at the place.  The ones I go to often, I keep print outs near by, in my glove box and my desk. 

RNY: 11/19/07


LW: 140 (January 09)

CW: 180

GW: 155-160

on 1/17/10 10:02 am - New Braunfels, TX
great ideas ladies!

And yes, I should have bought stock in Ziploc bags and containers.  The 1 cuppers are great.  I even made sure I had an extra cabinet and extra drawer just for the ziploc stuff in the new house.

I am lucky in that I can eat the same thing over and over.  I guess it stems from the one diet I was on that I ate broiled or baked chicken and green beans every day for 6 months.!  OY.  I also have a child who would rather cook for herself and I don't have to plan for a whole family.  That is quite an undertaking ladies, and I admire you.

I made four different flavors of SF/FF pudding too because I bought a 1/2 gallon of skim milk last week and it was fixin to go bad.

I hope we get more responses..

next thread could be how to make yummy meals without the carbs..


forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different

Donna W.
on 1/17/10 9:54 am, edited 1/17/10 9:54 am - Spring, TX
These are all such great ideas!!! 

Paige already said what we do for lunches which works great and is so much better for us than the store bought frozen meals because it is stuff that we can eat.....not having to eat around the rice and pasta  we dont. Adn the one I made just now she did not mention is Turkey florentine.

One thing I do that is not mentioned.  I use protein powders and so I mix my click in the am  and drink it on the way to work, and then put my scoop of protein in a  second blender bottle and then have a bottle of water in my lunch bag to mix when ready to have it mid afternoon.  I have a few sample bags of protein that I have in my lunch bag so that if I get busy and am not able to stop and eat or get held late at work I have that to mix or and I always have a protein bar.  So that I am not tempted to stop on the way home.

I always have my meals planned out for the week as far as dinners at home because most of the time my husband gets home and then we typically have a "left over night" or I will freeze in small containers left overs to go in my lunch rotations.

As for Containers.....I have started getting the snack size wich is 1 3/16 cups so that there is extra space left in the container making it easier to heat.  And I have found that Kroger and HEB have them buy one get one free often and I stock up then!!!

(BTW Becky we decided that I need to bring my chicken enchilada one to your house.  All of these recipes are my own special creations.  I am really enjoying coming up with different recipes.  Paige is the poor one that has to try them all out  LOL!)

on 1/17/10 11:03 am - New Braunfels, TX

Donna, those chicken enchiladas sound great. I am an enchilada fool! 

I found this neat recipe last night in Family Circle for cauliflower salad which is like the broccoli salad I make but with dried cranberries and peanuts. I was going to make it to try but cauliflower was $2.49 each and my mom has 4 she grew waiting for me.  So I think I will make that up for that weekend.


forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different

Donna W.
on 1/17/10 1:06 pm - Spring, TX
it is more a chicken enchilada casserole without the enchilada lol.  I have some crushed up tortilla chips in it but it is chicken, black beans, corn, rotelle tomatoes, green chile sauce and mexi blend cheese and if I do say so myself came out pretty tasty.  each serving is 260 cal and 21g protien.

that salad sounds good!!!!  i agree wait for the free ones!!!
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