Surgery Monday
I only stayed over night so I didn't pack much. Good walking shoes/slippers cuz you WILL be walking a lot. I wore my own jammies-bright purple silk gown, matching robe and matching PURPLE reading glasses. Of course I wore their gown during surgery and changed afterward. The nurses got a kick out of me, all dresssed up like I had a late night date, lol. I wore loose clothes home cuz I refused to leave in my jammies. (I'm a nurse and just think that's tacky). Take a pillow for the ride home, your cell phone, toothbrush, hairbrush, Gas-X and chapstick. That's about it. No need for books or magazines. When your not sleeping, you'll be walking.
Don't sweat the pain or nausea. Your doc should have plenty of stuff ordered to cover it.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
I had very little pain; I was on a patient controlled pain pump. I wore the hospital's gowns because of IVs and pain pump I could not have put my own on. I had no nausea in the hospital (was given meds for that) and was only sent home w/pain med. I used it the first night only to help me sleep and then 1 week later on Thanksgiving day because I was 1 week out and did too much that day.
You will do fine. I will pray for you.