Miss Charlene???
Hi PEGGY-talk about never seeing someone-where YOU been??????..lol...Like TAWNYA said, CHARLENE's job has odd hours-right now she's working 10am-7pm, with about an hour commute each way, and has very limited "non-work related" computer time. you may have btter luck hooking up on Facebook.
I'm planning to see her tomorrow-I'll tell her you asked about her. And YOU stop being such a stranger too-OKAY?????
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Hey......yep I have been sort of out of pocket lately myself. I got married for one thing which has kept me busy. I miss all you guys but hubby works evenings so it's hard to get out by myself which is a funny statement from me since I ran around all over the place before getting married!!! I guess I've settled into that old married woman stuff!!!
Yes, tell Miss Charlene I asked about her. I will try to make it to a dinner soon.
Peggy B

Peggy B