Big Men
I am 5'10 weigh 404 pounds My Surgeon is Mario Longoria with Southwest Bariatrics in Austin , Texas are there any one that had RNY with him I would appreciate if anyone have any experience of him
I am also having nightmares of dying from RNY I Had my first meeting on DEC 3 2009 and I was told Big men are the biggest risk I am terrified that I am going to die during surgery and I cant sleep over it
Are there any Men in here that Had RNY with a BMI of 57. 9 or more that had RNy
ddi you do ok I notice theres not any big men in here over 350 that had surgery I need to know of any men that had this done and how you did please
I need to get this done but im terrified im going to die
You might want to post this on a couple of the other forums....
The Mens Forum ...
BMI over 50....
I was to the point I was more scared of dieing at my high weight than I was of dieing in surgery - I woke up 3 days latter in ICU due to complications-almost 4 years latter I have maintained a 200+ pound weight loss for 3 yrs including a pregnancy - I am healthier than ever before in my life - I wiegh less than I did at 11years old (the lowest weight I remember) I can buy clothes most anywhere - even trendy teen shops if I want to (not so much LOL) but best of all, I no longer embarass my husband, children or myself with my size - I run my mouth a lot so I do manage to embarrase at least the teenager a fair amount:)
this is a major life altering choice- it has health ramifications for the rest of your life-i WOULD MAKE IT AGIAN but you need to know for yourself if it's the right choice for you
check out the men's forum I KNOW there are guys on here that were your size

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I feel your pain, I was considered high risk for a different reason than yours....I had a revision from VBG or stomach RNY
I have never done anything "simple", even my pregnancies were "troubled"...My appendix ruptured while 7 months pregnant with one of my boys...
I had a stroke at 42, no blood pressure issues, no clotting problems....just a freak of nature is what i am....
I had my Surgery on Dec 3rd, I did fine, during the operation the doctor found that i had 5 hernias....he sewn them together but didnt put mess in , just in case he had to go back in. see i told ya i dont do anything simple...
Until you have peace in your heart, you will not feel good about this surgery...mine was postponed twice, by the time i finally got on the table i was mentally and emotionally ready..
Im here for ya if ya need me....jitters are "part of it"
I am glad to see that you are doing something to get healthy.. As for someone being in your shoes I know.. I am 5'8" and started at almost 500 pounds.. My BMI was over 70.
I too had nightmares about dying but I also knew that if I didn't do something I would die anyway.. So why not die trying to better myself.. Are there days that I regret having the surgery?? HELL YES ! ! There are also the days, when I play with my nephew's and Debra's grandkids that you could not pay me enough to give up.. This is a give and take I have been blessed and have had a lot more better days than bad days..
Just remember that they will do surgery on your stomach and not your head so you have to get yourself mentally right.. Be prepared to murder your best friend because as a big person our best friend is food.. If we are happy we eat, sad we eat just remember that.. Also I can not stress enough the importance of taking your vitamins after surgery.. Please check with your doctor and get the right ones..
I am sorry I have typed so much but if you have any questions please feel free to email me through here..
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
Good luck to you!
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
My husband is 5'11" and was pushing 450 at surgery.
He did have complications and they were life threatening. He is now disabled from the results of the surgery but is a poster boy for SURVIVAL. He has a feeding tube and lots of other problems, but he will be the first to tell you he would do it all again in a heartbeat, because if he hadn't, he would not have a heartbeat now. His life is somewhat back to normal, albeit a new normal.
They never have given us a good reason for his problems. I have my thoughts on the matter. Post op 3 days he got thirsty. He did not sip. He gulped.
I tell you this to tell you one thing. FOLLOW EVERY RULE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. If the doc says stand on your head if you get the hiccups, figure out how to do it. Do exactly as the doc tells you and call him at any sign of distress.
Tom's problems have been hard and hard to get over, but he did it. A complication no matter how big or small, can be handled. I wish you luck, an uneventful surgery and an easy recovery. You will be in my prayers and I want to hear how you do.
Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Is surgery a risk? Sure....but staying fat is a bigger risk. From my personal experience, being thin is MUCH Better then being overweight. It was worth the risk and the pain of recovery to have a fresh start and a new life.
Personally if I had a BMI over 50, I would not consider the RNY, I'd go to a surgeon that performed the DS. Dr. Ganta in Austin performs the DS (you can find his contact info on