Thankful Thursday WLS Express
on 1/14/10 12:41 am
RNY: 11/19/07
LW: 140 (January 09)
CW: 180
GW: 155-160
Took all day off yesterday to help daughter with school her squared off hopefully for at least 1 semester - now just waiting for $$ news..........
Really gonna be swamped today......NO ONE had time to get to my ques yesterday. I hear lots of meetings went far this morning........LOTS MORE MEETINGS WITH A LOT OF CLOSED DOORS TOO......................... Hopefully I don't get called in.......that news is GOOD news.............JUST WORK - PHYLLIS - JUST WORK !! Just pray today for me...I don't know what is going on........BUT THERE IS SOMETHING IN THE AIR.........
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
DH and I are remodelling our bathroom and the counter top installers were supposed to be here Friday. We got a call at 8:30 last night saying they'd be here TODAY between 9 and 10. Aacckk.

Red alert.
I had to get up early to make a path through the clutter for a bunch of guys carrying a huge piece of granite. Then I had to coax the dogs outside. (Not easy) Then, since the installers are working in the master bathroom, I actually had to make...the...bed. ....Thud!
But, it's done. I'm ready. Now if they'd just get here...
Have a great day, everybody. We're all in this together.
Monday I had my final physical therapy appt. - I think things went really well and thats great news
Tuesday and Wedsneday I took a class at work- 2 all day classes were kinda difficult considering that I have been doing only what I want for more than three months
Today I must have a CTscan at 1:00 followed by a 3:45 appt with the neurosurgeon. This should be the final visit with her too. I plan to get my release to return to work.
Monday is my first day back at work - I am kinda nervous, but, excited too. I miss the people and the job, but, getting used to 12 shifts again will be hard. I have been going to bed in the nine o'clock range and getting up at 7. Now, I will be working until 1:00 am, and bed by 3:00 am at the latest. It will take some getting use to --- AGAIN.
I have a busy weeking scheudled as well. Lots of Grandkid stuff and family time.
Everyone have a blessed day, prayer for those in need.

I will try to do better. Just allot of work. I have worked from home the past 2 days because I have a bad sinus infection. I am in the office today but right now I wish I was home under my blankie with my Cinnamon(my doggie).
DD is also sick. Guess we have an infirmory at our house. Hope everybody has a good day. Prayers for all that need them.