Thankful Thursday WLS Express
I love the faking it till you make it mantra too. It's one of the reasons I wear my pearls every day while I'm cleaning the house and cooking. It just gives me a different feeling inside - like what I'm doing is IMPORTANT. I know it is...but being a SAHM/Homemaker is so often looked down upon by our society - and some days I let that get to me. So, I wear my pearls like I'm SOMEBODY...and it really helps. :) So, you keep on dressing up and faking it. You WILL make it. I believe in you!!!
Keep going on developing those new habits. You have made a great start and I'm so proud of you.
BTW, I'm doing my part to get the # of posts up on the train. I really SHOULD be cleaning house...but this is WAY more fun. :) Have a great day. Love ya!
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
Thankful Thursday! I'm thankful for:
*** My family.
*** My friends here on the TMB
*** My pouch that still works! Wooo hooo!
*** A van that has a working heater on these cold mornings.
*** A house that has hea****er, electricity and is still standing.
*** Having working internet again so I can post on the TMB!
*** My friends here in VA.
*** My faith which sees me thru it all.
Have great news this morning! I lost weight!!! After yesterdays moaning and groaning on the B2B post, the scale dropped like crazy. Must've been water. But, any downward movement on the scale is a good thing in my book. Will post more over there about it. But had to share here too. :)
Got a busy day ahead. Mostly in the house, but I do need to either buy a birthday present today (son turns 16 on Monday) OR buy two new tires for the van. One has to happen today (due to time constraints) and the other tomorrow (payday). I'm thinking I should do the tires today and the gift tomorrow.
That's it for VA this morning. Pray for the people in Haiti - both those who live there and have lost loved ones and those who are there now to help in the recovery. It's going to be a long horrific process. Love, hugs and prayers for all here. MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!

And YES, I went there!!
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
life is good - rach and I are having an at home day but do have to run and get some grocerys in a bit - after I make yet another pot of chillie - I think since it got cold I have eaten chili at least once a day if not more every single day - it just appeals and the beans are good for my digestive track
remember WHY YOU had your surgery - I had mine to be healthy - do what YOU need to for YOU - vits water protien movement - you know the drill JUST DO IT - don't try to "sneak" around your surrgery

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I'm excited that its Thursday! One more day til Friday! I'm still fighting the computer demon here at work. It took 30 minutes for my computer to load. I had an ARD so I had to go to the library and borrow a computer in there.
We have three meetings to attend tonite. There's a Sr parent meeting for Kaylee at 6:30, an FFA meeting for Addison at 7, and a rodeo meeting for all the kids at 7. All three meetings are in different cities too. I guess I'll just have to wiggle my Samantha nose and evaporate to each one of them. lol
Today I am thankful for- health of my family, my own health that I have regained since wls, a good job, my family, my friends, opportunities that I have had and continue to have. I am blessed indeed!
Love you guys! -MEAN IT!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>