WooHooo Wednesday Express
we are up and at em this am - teen came in with a this long black strip of fabric and says how do you tie a tie - hell if I know but u tube did LOL it isn't perfect but not bad, Col. Sutton can redo it, teach him to tie it or just deal wiht it is my take
still waiting on my call from Tim with happy news - gotta love the army and THEIR version of right now - NOT LOL
tumbling class, turn in my last two papers inclding the power point my sistahs were so wonderful to help me with and then I am off to get my toes done today while Rach is at school - wow turning in all my work early has an advantage - I get some me time while she is at school hehehe
have an FRG meeting tonight - have to go and take some cash - they are raffleing off "the first kiss" and I am buying extera tickets - the winner gets to greet her man at the end of the deployment as he comes off the plane - first! - extra tickets are like 5 for $10 I think plus everytime you show up for a meeting they give you one for free
ok time to get the boys out the door in 10 mins and 25 and rach n I r still in our jammies
remember WHY u had your surgery and then just do what u know u need to. This is for your healthn u r the only one that can do it for YOU!!!

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

How long is Tim there for before he gets to come home for R&R?
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
you are too cute with the "fund" raiser - that is what I should have asked for for Cmas huh - oh well

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Sounds like you have wonderful support through Tim's squadren. The few times Mark has deployed not once did I hear anything from his squad and if I needed anything I always felt bad about calling them. You are very blessed. Is Tim gone for a whole year? That always seems like a long time but I guess when you are running around with kids and doing school it will go by fast! Hey how far are you from me? We should try and get together. Hope your day is going well. Hugs my friend.
on 1/12/10 9:25 pm
I HATE parent meetings and I sat through one of the longest of my life last night. Then I get home to teenage drama. I forgot how MEAN teen girls can be. I thought I was going to ride my broom across town last night and do some parenting that obviously wasn't being done in her own home. Argh!! Boys just didn't go through this.

RNY: 11/19/07
LW: 140 (January 09)
CW: 180
GW: 155-160
I am buying it a new batteiry - $25 from Ebay for a new one vs $160 from dell
just tossing out ideas of what has worked for us - I had never thought of buying a used computer before Tim found this one for me

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
on 1/12/10 10:22 pm
RNY: 11/19/07
LW: 140 (January 09)
CW: 180
GW: 155-160
I am so glad I have all boys. Not sure I could handle the drama that comes along with girls. I know what I was like...How much more school do you have left? I was hoping to get back this term but looks like I need to wait till we figure out how much is left after Mark gets done with his school. Keep on smiling and know you are doing great things.! Hugs.
Good morning everyone,
It's woo hoo wednesday so I guess my Woo hoo would be that my 'stepping out of the box' might actually pay off after all. No details yet as you know how I am about that. But we are crossing toes, chickens and everything else. This WILL be a good year, Damnit!
I also ask for prayers for a fellow TMBer who has a real trying day today.. Sweetie, I'm holding my breath and everything else for you today.
And another request is for an old friend who's daughter was on a plane about to land in HAITI when the earthquake hit yesterday. There is no word yet from her. She was on a humanitarian mission for her church. Wow, can you imagine?
I am working hard to keep myself and my home 'all together'. I am practicing my word of the year "self confidence'. And i'm also repeating the mantra of 'I can do hard things'.
Emm is my pride and (most times) joy. LOL. She is participating in a 30 hour famine at the end of February. She decided Sunday that she would get a huge paint bucket full of change to turn in for relief. She even painted the bucket! Here it is -
Prayers for all hurting in body, mind and spirit!
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
Well - guys - it is time for me to get in shower. I took 1/2 day vacation so I could go up to Amandas college for a seminar on Financial Aide (3 hours........

Luv you all !!
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199