Update On Judy - New "Digs" & New Wheelchair
I just got in this email from Gay, Judy's legal guardian. Judy has finally been transferred to the nursing home near her and Don's house in Bandera. Also, the large-size wheelchair that a TMBer generously donated for Judy's use arrived a few days ago, delivered all the way down there by a member of her family (thank you!
). Here's all the good news:
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Have gotten Don to bring light weights and having Judy to start exercising her upper body. Her right side is more affected by her stroke. Also brought her beloved Schnitzel in to her for a visit. She really came to life seeing her dog. Told her the more she exercised the more often we would bring the dogs in to see her. Equipment has not arrived yet that will get her out of the bed but hope it will be in next week. I want to be there for that along with Don so we can keep her motivated. Still have a long road to go but I really do hope we can get her to be mobile and get her out of the damn bed. This new nursing home in Bandera is nice. All the staff is young and entergetic. Rooms are very hospital looking but new and clean. Judy has a roommate. Older woman who didn't come out well after surgery. She sleeps most of the time and not a problem. It is only one mile from don and 1/2 mile from my office. All is well for now.
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That is the best news I have heard about Judy since her whole ordeal began. Thanks for all the prayers for her and Don ..

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Have gotten Don to bring light weights and having Judy to start exercising her upper body. Her right side is more affected by her stroke. Also brought her beloved Schnitzel in to her for a visit. She really came to life seeing her dog. Told her the more she exercised the more often we would bring the dogs in to see her. Equipment has not arrived yet that will get her out of the bed but hope it will be in next week. I want to be there for that along with Don so we can keep her motivated. Still have a long road to go but I really do hope we can get her to be mobile and get her out of the damn bed. This new nursing home in Bandera is nice. All the staff is young and entergetic. Rooms are very hospital looking but new and clean. Judy has a roommate. Older woman who didn't come out well after surgery. She sleeps most of the time and not a problem. It is only one mile from don and 1/2 mile from my office. All is well for now.
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That is the best news I have heard about Judy since her whole ordeal began. Thanks for all the prayers for her and Don ..

Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )