Monday Mission/ Rise
Good Morning Good Morning!!!
How many of you are getting back on track TODAY?!! I've been documenting EVERYTHING!! In the past, what I've done is just write down what I eat. But now I'm doing that PLUS measuring my portions to regain my discipline. I looked back on my weight archives and I am still 10 lbs less than I was last year at this time so that is surely a good thing! Hope everyone has a great day and week!!
Every morning, you have the ability to rise and begin a brand-new day with a fresh, new, positive attitude. Do not be bound to old conditions, old patterns, old ways.
How many of you are getting back on track TODAY?!! I've been documenting EVERYTHING!! In the past, what I've done is just write down what I eat. But now I'm doing that PLUS measuring my portions to regain my discipline. I looked back on my weight archives and I am still 10 lbs less than I was last year at this time so that is surely a good thing! Hope everyone has a great day and week!!
Every morning, you have the ability to rise and begin a brand-new day with a fresh, new, positive attitude. Do not be bound to old conditions, old patterns, old ways.
Don't say anything unkind, untrue, or unnecessary.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith ...
it is the price of love.