Christmas Postponed... Good Call
Well... The day started off interesting - had a family lunch and the snow was falling. As we were supposed to go about 55 miles south of where we live and the weather was deteriorating, we made the call and told family we couldn't come... I know they were disappointed, but we couldn't risk getting stuck south of Ft. Worth when our puppies would be outside in 20'ish temps all night... Not to mention the safety issues of trying to get home!
So, I'm not bummed at all with being forced to stay home!
While I'll miss seeing family tonight and probably tomorrow too, we've just rescheduled everything for Saturday. In the meantime, we'll have a wonderful, WHITE Christmas morning - something I've never witnessed in my lifetime... I'm so excited!!!!
Merry Christmas all and be safe!
So, I'm not bummed at all with being forced to stay home!

Merry Christmas all and be safe!

Lisa from Texas - Go Aggies Go!!!
I think the people expecting family seem to be more disappointed then those stuck in the snow especially since white Christmas is so unusual here. My daughter and son in law are stuck in Wichita Falls. I was more disappointed then they. Ours will be postponed longer since they both have to work the rest of the weekend. While I would rather they not come down in the weather they are having, it is my first Christmas without both my daughters.

We did Christmas at my daughter's house in Keller. 45 minutes away. we had a great time. Then had to come home. It took one hour 45 minutes to get home. I am very fortunate that I live close enough to my kiddos to enjoy the holidays with them.
Glad you all had the common sense to postpone your celebrations, for whatever reasons. Enjoy the celebration when you do get the chance.
Glad you all had the common sense to postpone your celebrations, for whatever reasons. Enjoy the celebration when you do get the chance.