The NIGH****CHMAN - Christmas Eve Eve Edition
Good afternoon. I can't believe Christmas is that close. Wow, where has this year gone?
Starting early because Mary and I are going out to eat and then will meet Sandi B and Phyllis at the Stars game.
Not much else going on in my world, except I don't have to work again until 2AM Christmas morning.
Just so you know, you need to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS and make sure you get your daily allotment of PROTEIN.
If you are new to the board, this link explains what the NIGHT WATCHMAN is (if you are interested). Otherwise, just read on, you will probably figure it out anyway.****CH MAN-Thursday-and-a-plea/
Prayer requests are listed below:
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
Anne's (Lalocaweta) spouse - looking for a job that is not commission only
Jonathan - Vivian's son
Kim's (tennysonkw) husband
Upcoming Surgeries/current hospitalization:
Theresa (twobluecats) scheduled for VSG on 12/14.
Laura (Laura8603) - having a brachioplasty 12/18.
Recovering from Surgery:
Ruth (moosie1234) - a friend of mine from the OFF board is recovering from her latest rounds of plastics.
Other prayer requests:
George - prayers for Oleta's mother. She is on hospice care and getting worse.
Gina L. - brother Jerry diagnosed with lung disease and is pending more tests. It now appears the problem may be cardiac. More tests coming.
Jennifer - prayer for the sale of their house. They have made the move to the metroplex but still need to sell their house.
Jeris asks for prayer as she is a single mom to a 4 year old and is in the working world.
July is going through a divorce, requesting prayers for her and her kiddos. We know a divorce is tough, and can be especially tough financially.
July asks for prayers for the family of Taylor Contreras, a teenager who died in a car wreck.
Karen the Papaya Queen asks we pray for her son and his GF and their kids. They are currently in court to try and get them back from CPS and it's been a real struggle.
Kat (Iwannabethinnow) has a friend with breast cancer.
Kim G. - had abnormal pap and must have some things checked.
Lynne asks for prayer for Miranda as she seeks facility to help her son as well as patience for homeschooling in the meantime.
Meggie's mother has breast cancer. She has a large hematoma under it. It is stage 1 cancer and they do not believe it has spread yet and don't think they will need to remove any lymph nodes! Radiation therapy will start in 6 weeks everyday for 6-8 weeks!
Phyllis - friend James has been diagnosed with epilepsy.
Vanessa (ButterflyReborn) asks for prayers. Her father will be having surgery Dec. 14th in hopes of completely ridding his body of cancer. Also for herself as she will be seeing her doctor on Dec. 17th to discuss removal of mesh and possible reversal. Is really needing some "normalcy" in her life.
Vivian requests prayers for the extra stress in her life.
Below is one of God's children that definitely need our prayers. This is one specific cases, we know there are others out there. Remember them too.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2.
Hope you and Mary had a nice dinner out and then a fun time with Sandi and Phyllis at the Stars game.
Today was SUCH a waste of a day. SOOO much to do today but didn't get it done!Had to be up by 7:15 or so as Schnitzel had to be at the groomer by 8:00. Picked him back up at 9:30. Then we had dental appointments for myself and the two older girls, then V had to go see the ENT mid afternoon as she woke up in tears yesterday morning with pain from one of her ears. I looked in there and it was awful looking, so made her an appt. The doc said she definitely has an ear infection with secondary sinus infection. One tube is completely blocked shut so she has to get drops to loosen all the crud stuck in there and then go back in a week. He also wants some allergy testing done in a few weeks so needless to say, she wasn't happy. I wasn't happy that her appt. was at 3:45 and we didn't leave until just shy of 6:00!!! We sat in the waiting room for a solid hour, then in the actual exam room an hour and a half. RIDICULOUS!!!!!!! I was so irked but not much I could do. The ENT we had moved away so had to use another guy within the practice. Not my favorite but just someone we'll have to get used to I guess. So now I am behind for the day as far as shopping goes. Was hoping to knock out a few gifts for Heather but not gonna happen...annnnd, it has started raining so I REAAAALLY don't want to go out in that junk!

Thanks for the text today. Sorry I've been MIA quite a bit lately. I've been working a lot and I'm going on 8 weeks of being sick. Pretty much since 3 days after we moved to the Metroplex. At first I thought it was my body reacting to new allergens. Then, we went to SAT for Thanksgiving and I didn't get any better. From there, I left for New Orleans and the week long Caribbean cruise. I still didn't get any better. I returned from the cruise and less than 12 hours later, Michael left for Atlanta for a week. When he returned, he thought I sounded even worse than I had the last time we'd spent any real time together at Thanksgiving.
The weekend of 12/12 we went to SAT for a couple holiday parties and I ended up in the urgent care. They diagnosed me with walking pneumonia and gave me a z-pack and steroids. I felt better that Sunday, and showed some improvement throughout the week, but I didn't recover 100%. Last night, I went to the ER again because I've reverted back to the pre-z-pack/sterroids state. They did a chest x-ray and feel that I was misdiagnosed in SAT. They told me I have pertussis which is being exacerbated by a sinus infection. They sent me home with ten days of antibiotics and a cough suppressant. So far, I don't really feel any better except the cough suppressant makes my lungs, airway and tongue numb. And in case anyone doesn't know what pertussis is, it's whooping cough. Even though I was vaccinated as a child, I've never had a booster and it's likely that one of the neighbor kids that I used to spend a lot of time with in SAT was a carrier from being in day care. In addition, last week, I found a fairly large lump in my right breast, so I need to find myself a doctor to get that checked out as well.
Add to all the health stuff trying to get the house unpacked, keeping pace at the new job, and preparing for the holidays leaves me running like a madwoman most days right now. I was thinking today if my new company thinks I've made an impact now, just wait until they experience the healthy me. It'll either blow their minds or make them crazy. lol
While we've been keeping super busy, things are overall very positive. The only other negative thing in our lives is the SAT house is still on the market. It was recarpetted the week after Thanksgiving. Hopefully it will sell quickly once the holidays have past.
My cousin, her husband, their three kids and dog and my aunt and uncle arrived into town last week Wednesday. They're all staying with Rick and Nicole, but we've been spending a lot of time together as a family - we've done a couple big family dinner outings, a bonfire last Friday night, and the Red Wings game on Saturday. My mom and step-dad arrive tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening is another big family dinner outing. It's been wonderful to be able to spend so much time with them, but also very exhausting.
With regard to the syrup question you texted me earlier, the French vanilla and white chocolate will be delish in coffee and the peach is excellent in iced tea. Depending on how much you like peach, you can also mix it with Sprite Zero and it makes a peach flavored soda.
If I don't make it back to check in, warm wishes to you and Mary for a blessed Christmas. I'm hoping to be back to my normal self by New Years, but I'm also realistic since I didn't get better after the last round of antibiotics and whooping cough traditionally lasts around 12 weeks.
Prayers for all who need them.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
Just finished cooking two cornish hens and a 14 lb turkey. Carved the turkey. Taking it to Penny's house this morning. Lunch at noon, presents at two, Church at 4 and/or 6. Then I am supposed to go to work at 2AM, but I may go in at 9:45 and save some vacation time.
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
THANK YOU GEORGE!!! It is awesome how you share your specials with us... That was a great experience... may have to catch another one. Taking the train was a breeze!!!
OMG Train experience.... park-get on the train-watch everyone having to stop for the train and get stuck in traffic-pull up to the station-walk into the arena! The ride home was fun... mom was tired and ummm silly... the kids (Mary & Jeff) threatened to put me in a nursing home early ROFL
It was great to see you and Mary & Phyllis! It's 5am and I have my coffee! Have a great day!
I had the most wonderful time at the STARS game last night.........Spending time with you and Mary and Sandi and the kids...........WOW.... I can't wait until I do it again.
Taking the TRE is the only way to hassles (except working the ticket machine) - lol Just kidding...........
Luve you all !! (((((((((Huggss))))))))))))))))))) MERRY CHRISTMAS
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199