Merry Monday WLS Express

Michelle S.
on 12/20/09 6:21 pm - Burkburnett, TX









Michelle S.
on 12/20/09 6:31 pm - Burkburnett, TX

Good Morning My TMB Family,

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and found some time to relax among all the festivities in your lives.  We were snowed in all weekend.  I am now experiencing a little cabin feaver, but dont imagine I will be going anywhere today either.  Mark is taking the van caue he little sports car just wont make it in the snow.  Maybe when he gets home we can get out a little.  Will see what the day brings.  No snow in the forcast so that is good.  I am not done with my Christmas shopping yet.  I still need to get out and get a few things for Eric.  Dont feel like I have half enough for him, although we did get him a Play station 3.  I think thats what its called.  Other then that I am done and done!  Wish Tim and John were coming before Christmas but I feel blessed that we are close enough to visit at all.  He will be here the day after so thats a good thing.  Alissa are you safe and sound in PA now?  Cant imagine what that drive must have been like.  Welcome to the East Coast!  Anyone else traveling for the Holiday please be safe.  Prayers this morning for all in need.  Have a blessed day.  Love you guys.





Alissa A.
on 12/20/09 6:44 pm - Keller, TX
Good morning! Sorry we've been a bit MIA. We've been busy. We slid-lietrally- into Pottstown Saturday- 4 hours later than planned due to the ice and snow. We had great weather until 30 minutes before Akron, OH when we stopped for the night. When we woke up it was a wintery wonderland which was okay until we hit the PA turnpike which was like a skating rink. Bryan did awesome. He handled each fishtale and swerve like a pro. I would have screamed like a baby and crashed! We kept having to stop to get the ice off the wipers.
Yesterday no church because of the snow so we went sledding instead. That was fun but I quickly realized that from the last time I went sledding-which was 33 years ago- until now I've gotten a wee bit older! I fell walking to the area we went sledding. I wiped out BIG time sledding down the hill and ended up with a face full of snow! And then on one of the walks up the hill again I slipped and fell and hurt my knee. But I kept going. Bryan had a blast too! Chris decided after 1 run than he'd rather build a snowman!

Today we're headed to NYC. It will be COOOLD but fun. We love riding the train into the city.

Michelle-I've been done wrapping my gifts for a while but then we were at the store yesterday and I found 1 more small thing for Chris. COuldn't resist. So I have to wrap 1 more thing.
I hope everyone has a great day today!!!

Laura P.
on 12/20/09 7:12 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Good morning everyone!  Sounds like the people in the north are having some serious cold weather!!  Glad I'm down here!!

We had a great time Saturday night at my parents 50th Anniversary party!  They were truly surprised!  Wonder of wonders!  They really didn't know.  And we had quite a turnout!  It was great!  My cousin who is stationed in Saudi somewhere was home for Christmas also and was able to come!  Great night for all!!

I slept most of Sunday away!  But I really needed it.  I haven't been sleeping well, and I really needed to catch up!  Hopefully, I'll be able to sleep better.  If not, I'm going to call the dr about the meds I'm on and see if that's the problem!  But for now, it seems to be correcting!

Well, better get into the shower and get to work.  I need to go pick out a Christmas shirt to wear!  I haven't finished my shopping yet either.  I have no idea what to get the loved ones in my life!!

Y'all have a great day!  Love ya!

Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"

Karen The Papaya

on 12/20/09 9:12 pm - somewhere
Good Morning Train!

My first official day of vacation and I slept in until 7.... Hey don't laugh, that's late for me!

I've got all the shopping done that I'm going to do.... the Hubby and I both want clothes, so we're shopping for each other during the after Christmas Sales....

Prayers are going up for all that need them!

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
Our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
Our troubles will be miles away.

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.

Through the years we all will be together
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

Ya'll have a great day my friends!

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 12/20/09 9:17 pm
Morning all,
Posting from Dana's house  here in LA before i head home a lil later. Had so much fun drinking coffee and catching up with her yesterday! The stinker she is had me the cutest red sweater!! Cant wait to wear it!!!! Poor thing has a sick one they are off to the doc 1st thing this morning.  Wish she was closer, miss her lots!
Hope everyone has a good day - Alissa im jealous of you in NYC! Have a great time and for those in the snow, stay warm!!!!!

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

on 12/20/09 9:23 pm - Arlington, TX
Good morning all...and Happy Winter Solstice!

I've been a little MIA myself.  Getting ready for my trip to AZ took longer than I expected.  But we are here now and having a WONDERUL time.  The drive was non eventful...the best kind.  And I slept in until 7am myself...but that's 8am Texas time.  I'm the same as you, Karen.  I'm usually up at 5am even on the weekends so 7 or 8 is HUGE sleeping in.

I'm headed out with Mom (in law) today to the really REALLY nice thrift store in Sun City.  I'm hoping to get a few pair of pants that actually fit.  I've been working with 4 pair of jeans since I started my WLJ and all 4 of them are so big I can pull them off without unbuttoning or unzipping them.  Time for new pants!

Clint is going to stay at home with his dad.  He's treating this as a 'work-cation'. As a contract programmer, he doesn't get any paid time off so he's going to log in from his lap top and work this week.  I feel bad that he doesn't get any major down time except for nights and weekends but he said just hanging out with his folks in the house he grew up in makes him happy.

Have a wonderful day all!
aka: Genevieve in the SCA
         Shyama as a American Tribal (belly dance) performer  
Karla Lewis
on 12/20/09 9:35 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning.  Ben and my mom and I are off to Conroe to the dermatologist in a bit.  Ben has an appt.  at 10:45.  Then we will go out to eat and shopping.  My TV in the living room just lost all it's color this morning.  It's probably a 14 yr. old TV, so was due for that.  A new TV wasn't in my plan for today.  I'll see what I can find in flat screen LED's...I would like a 42 inch, but no I can't just write a check for that today!  I might could swing a 32 inch at Sam's but don't know if that's big enough.  I may have to borrow Ben's that he brought home for the next month and take time making a decision.  You would know it would hit when next semester's A & M money is due.  I have most of that thank heavens.

Prayers for Jenny and Eric and all others traveling or sick.

Hope Conner is better Dana.

Steph...wi**** was Wed. I was going to Conroe.  That's the day Ross will come home...I have to clean Tues and maybe some Wed. morning. 
I'm still contemplating NYE, but figure Ben would freak out...I know any time he could come up with a girlfriend and I'll be free to go wherever whenever!  He made a remark about me abandoning him to go to Dallas last year at Christmas...I was on my mom's 70th birthday trip with family.

Have a great Monday...finally am mailing the rest of my Christmas cards this moring.


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


Deb *.
on 12/20/09 9:38 pm
Good morning Train Riders!!  I'm on the countdown to see my parents and I can't wait!!  We get to spend Christmas morning with Jeff's family and Christmas night with my family, what could be a better gift??

Today I'm puttering around the house this morning, going to finish up my cross stitch gift and figure out how to frame and/or present it, then I'm heading to North Park with MIL and some ladies from church to see the Rockettes.  They are giving a free show from 2-4pm today and that sounded like a perfect thing to do on vacation.  Jeff is working extra hours this week, so he'll be heading off to work very soon.  Thank goodness they needed him extra so he can make up the time off for Friday.

Yesterday we had a really good message at church about the 4 most important words in the Bible about Jesus.  Very thought provoking.  After church was lunch with family, then I went home to pick up Jeff and we went shopping.  We went over to Belk for the first time and found Jeff two pairs of jeans for the price of the one pair from Kohl's that didn't fit.  Also picked up some new flannel jammy pants for Jeff and slipper socks for me.  Then off to Kohl's to return the stuff I bought on Friday and found my new winter jammies for me.

Prayers going up for a quick and easy surgery and recovery for Eric today!


Phyllis M.
on 12/20/09 11:40 pm - Irving, TX

Good morning everyone.........a very brief stop in Irving this I'm on the caboose...barely hanging job que has 198 items in it  as of right now and that has got to go..............DOWN.........

Just learned when I got in that our offices will be closing at NOON on Christmas EVE !!  whoo hoo !!!     HOw about that for a whoo hoo Monday !! lol

I gotta share this with you all:

I was making out a few Christmas cards and well - like others - the holidays just makes me want to contact people that I havent heard from in with that having been said - I'll be in OKC next weekend for Christmas - coming home on Saturday.     I hope to meet up with a family owned -xboss on Saturday for a brief cup of something...........(Harrah area) and with that -  Amanda's dad's last known address was in Choctaw which is where I knew him from  (1986)..........I sent him a Christmas Card from Amanda and I  -    (now mind you - I don't want to start an argument with his wife and family  ) but his children are within a yr or so from Amanda (early 20's) if not its time that she gets to know her dad or at least meet him - they are both adults now........and well....................ITS TIME..........IF HE GETS  THE CARD....I haven't told Amanda yet - I wanted to see if he'll call me first before I get her hopes up......but we are taking his address to try to find his last known place of residence (per Dept of Human Service) as of 1996  ( I had a friend that worked there and gave it to me)   anyway - other than that - he is unlisted......his phone# isn't the same.......IMAGINE THAT..........

Now -   You all have a GREAT day -  I KNOW THAT I'M GOING TO.........2 CUPS OF COFFEE IN AND WELL - WORK STARTED AT 7AM !!  

  • Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose.  Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email.  I'll answer it as soon as possible.  
  • Total Lost:  139 lbs
  • Current Weight:  263  
  • As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain.  Not happy about that.
  • RNY: 10-16-07 = 338:  Highest weight: 350+  Lowest Weight: 199 




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