Santa Sunday WLS
I'd say I started doubted Santa in 5th grade... However, when I was in 9th grade we went to visit my grandparents in Florida for Christmas and they were adamant that we stop off at the mall on our way home from the airport. As we are walking through the mall by brother and I hear someone shouting our names.... mortified we turn around and see Santa (in front of a long line of little ones waiting to sit on his lap) talking to us telling us to come over. When we get there he is asking us about our flight and other personal things that only someone who knew us would know. For years we tried to figure out who it was.... it ended up being my grandparents neighbor, Paul. But now that my kids are starting to question we have a new moto "You have to believe to receive"!!!!
I am feeling better but a trip to Walmart and baking yesterday and all that standing just about did me in!!!! Still have some baking to do today and then I will let the kids bake and decorate cookies tomorrow. Still not sure what I want to do for Christmas dinner. We had turkey for Thanksgiving so I know I don't want to do that again and I'm not crazy about ham..... so I need to figure something out so I can pick up groceries.
Have some photos and calendars that will be given as gifts that I need to finish today so I can send them to the printers. So much to do and so little time!!!!
If I didn't have kiddos I think I could easily skip all this holiday stuff!!!!
Prayers and ((hugs)) going out to all who need them!!!!
~Paige~ -155lbs (lovin' my band)
At GOAL and BMI is healthy!!

Dana, I hope Conner gets to feeling better so he can enjoy the leadup to Christmas. It's half the fun when you are a kid. Give Liz a big hug and a squeeze for me, I never get to hang out with her much!!! Everytime I would go to Htown she would conveniently leave town (

Y'all have a great day!
What???? Santa's NOT REAL??? Say it isn't so...well we'll just see Christmas morning who has presents and who doesn't...
I was up at 2:00 this morning having a bad blood sugar drop that woke me out of a sound sleep. I haven't been having them much lately so it took me by surprise. Returned to sleep about 3:00 and slept til 8:00.
We actually worked on the house quite a bit yesterday. Got my bedroom, computer room, kitchen and guest bathroom done, shampooed the carpet in the den and will do the upstairs carpets today. Still need to strip the guest bed and clean the upstairs bathroom but things are looking better.
We're headed to Hailey's restaurant for brunch this morning. Very pricey but supposed to be yummy. We ended up not going out for Clay's birthday yesterday so we're doing this instead. They have a bottomless Bloody Mary for $12 so I guess I'd better drive.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
Good Morning OH Family!
I went to sleep at 10pm last night and woke up at 3am ate 1/2 a bowl of M&M's and went back to sleep at 4am. Summer and Laylabug are coming for lunch and help me finish decorating the tree and make candy. This is the first year ever that I've not had my tree decorated. Now that I have a set schedule at work I should be able to plan better. Went shopping yesterday, did not last long toooo many people. Ended up watching the movie Julie and Julia loved it. Now I want the cookbook! lol Well better jump in the shower and get this day started. Dana hope your baby boy gets to feeling better. Prayers for those traveling.
Your loved!
Soooo looking forward to hanging with ya! getting a few things done around here then will be heading your way! hope conner is feeling better soon! Will text when i get on the road!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

I got an early Christmas present. DH asked what I wanted, and I said, "Help cleaning up the rats nest we call a desk." Bills and bank statements and warranties and...clutter were wedged into every cranny and nook we could find. So, after a couple of hours sorting, throwing away and filing, we now have a desk with a flat surface!!!
Hope everyone has a restful day today. This week could get hectic.
Thanks for being here.