Trim the Tree Tuesday
Good morning all! ALISSA-great question-I love reading everyone's stories...
As a child, we always had a "real tree", and I was always jealous of my "rich friends" who had those silver aluminum tree, with the light wheels that shined on them. Thinking back, was there ever anything UGLIER?? My younger brother and I were always sick over Christmas-nobody knew anything about ALLERGIES back then (to PINE, of course!!)...
I've had an artificial tree..a GREEN one..all my adult life. I like all white blinking...the topper is a blinking angel I got on Corbin's first Christmas--she's kinda ugly, but she STAYS...our tree is a "trash tree"--full of ornaments the boys made over the years, etc and the ones I got for them each year, with the date, etc. You can tell who was popular what year, etc. We have Cold Stone Steve Austin hanging next to the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, on top of Sponge Bob, etc...My faves are their "First Christmas" ornaments, of course...and those reindeer made of tongue depressors, that seem to have to have their eyes re-glued on every year....
Tonight it's my turn to be my mom's "date" to her annual work party. She works for Sewell Cadillac and they always do cool stuff. Tonight we're going to the Meyerson Symphony-I'm gonna feel like a ho in church-no doubt!
Busy week ay work, and need to scoot out of there early today, so guess I'd better get dressed and hit the road. Hope everyone has a blessed day.
Gina AKA Nurse Diva
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
I used to go all out and have boxes and boxes of orniments, mini village complete with skating rink ski lift and a zillion other extras , towels and soap dishes, plastic - for kids - and fancy dishes for adults - special mugs -house decorations etc - when Tim and I got togethe we got rid of a ton of it - kept the nativiys and special orniments and lights and that is about it - I love the simplicity of it now - hang a few flags - set out nativitys all over the house and put lights on the tree and add cookies
This year I put out my banners and flags and 4 or 5 nativitys - NOT the big yard one and it all comes down on wed night - less depressing when I come home from my awsome trip
busy busyy day
ne good to you n those around you
quick shout out to Karen - be strong hon, lots of tmb prayer warriors going for you plus the fact you are just a great person
and Karla - Tim says thanks for the box - he got it right before he called this am and was enjoying chocolate while getting ready for work LOL

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Will take a fake tree any day of the year! Ex-wife and I left ours up one year and decorated it with next holiday theme. Hearts at Valentine's Day, Red, white and blue during the get the idea. Present GF and I have not put tree up for this year since I'm in TX, job hunting and seeing docs. My mother's main tree, a fake, is Texas/cowboy themed. It is topped with a brown felt Resitol hat.
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
Yesterday was so beautiful! Too bad I was stuck inside working all day. I do wish though that Texas would pick a season and stick with it for more than a week. I've finally figured out I might as well leave my warm weather clothes hanging up in the closet because I'll definitely need them at least a few times through the winter. Sheesh!
Today I'm continuing my quest to finish up some projects at work, then tonight I'm meeting ladies from church at Mimi's cafe for dinner. I'm trying to be very budget conscious so I'll probably just get a bowl of soup. 10 more days till our trip to Maryland and while we're up there we're going to drive up to Long Island to see my brother and SIL. Should be lots of fun, though the NY trip will cut out some of our site seeing time. It's all good though, I'd hate to get all the way to MD and miss seeing my brother.
Ok, off to work. Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!