Austin Folks - are any of you out there?
I'm Niki, I'm new around here. I'm from Austin and I was wondering if there were any other Austin folks around. I see so many Dallas people and they are so supportive. I was wondering if we could have an Austin meetup and get to know each other.
And please let me know if I'm just late on the train and this is already in action some where.
And please let me know if I'm just late on the train and this is already in action some where.

I'm on schedule to have WLS in April 2010 but I'm wanting to find a group now so I can get into the habit of "support"...and of course I'm trying to learn all that I can before the BIG day happens.
Next month I will attend a support group that is held at St. David's hospital. Let me know if
you want more info and I'll send you what I have found so far...
Cheers, Tee