OT - those that asked about mailing to "any soldier"
Talked to Tim today and his first sgt has a program going for the single soldiers that don't get mail - the married guys get boxes with "single soldier c/o Tim" (or whoever) and 1st sgt distributes them to the single guys to share so they "get mail /goodies from home"
Tim's shop pretty much all share whatever comes in and I think most of the guys are like that -
I can't post his addy - if I don't know you personally I can't give it to you but if someone I know asks for it I can give it out - if you don't know me, pm me with some of the TMB peeps you do know so I can send you an addy - hope this makes sence
this is all just FYI stuff - I know the TMB has gathered stuff for soldiers before and that some people had asked about sending to "any soldier" which is not possible and that several of you are sending direct to Tim to share out but he suggested that if anyone wanted to "adopt' some of the single guys this was a way - or he will be glad to just keep sharing out what is sent to him
He says if I mail it he pulls out what he wants before he shares - if it comes from OH he just opens it up at work and shares it all out - and is sending a big thank you
Tim's shop pretty much all share whatever comes in and I think most of the guys are like that -
I can't post his addy - if I don't know you personally I can't give it to you but if someone I know asks for it I can give it out - if you don't know me, pm me with some of the TMB peeps you do know so I can send you an addy - hope this makes sence
this is all just FYI stuff - I know the TMB has gathered stuff for soldiers before and that some people had asked about sending to "any soldier" which is not possible and that several of you are sending direct to Tim to share out but he suggested that if anyone wanted to "adopt' some of the single guys this was a way - or he will be glad to just keep sharing out what is sent to him
He says if I mail it he pulls out what he wants before he shares - if it comes from OH he just opens it up at work and shares it all out - and is sending a big thank you
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband
I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Danni ~
Karen was going to get with you to get the addy where we need to send all the stuff we got Saturday night. I am going to go out and purchase some other things......if there is anything the really need, please let us know so we can get that too, because we did collect some $$$ to help buy those things.
I will probably have to ship several boxes but that is AWESOME!!
p.s. BIG THANK YOU to those who donated and helped us out!!!
Hugs B~
Karen was going to get with you to get the addy where we need to send all the stuff we got Saturday night. I am going to go out and purchase some other things......if there is anything the really need, please let us know so we can get that too, because we did collect some $$$ to help buy those things.
I will probably have to ship several boxes but that is AWESOME!!
p.s. BIG THANK YOU to those who donated and helped us out!!!
Hugs B~
I think I sent Karen the last list I had from Tim - I do know that chocolate is of prime value - he saw an entire pallet of pnut MMs disapper in like 20 mins while he was in line one day - and the px cann't keep it in stock at all
thick cut potatoes chips, fritos and thicker corn chips(I sent the ones from Sams that come 2 giant bags per box) all ship well and were wolfed down the day he got them - they saved some corn chips for the salsa that came the next day :) but the others were gone
beef jerky
salsa - in small jars/cans - they do not have refrigerators but will normally be 2 to 8 guys eating on it
nacho or bean dips (same as salsas - nothing huge no refridgeration)
tush wipes
nuts or protien bars (cliff bars are usally good- they need the carbs along with the protien)
tooth brushes
magizines on anything interesting - guns, hunting, sports etc (nothing naughty or they get in trouble)
used books are great - miltary history, adventures, sci fi, mysterys, poli sci - don't buy new b/c they would rather have twice as many from half price books or even goodwill (picked up a bunch for 33 to 99 cents there the other day) - books get read and passed and read and passed
silly string
just fun kid like stuff they can blow steam off with is always good
that is the list as far as I can remember of things either Tim and his shop have asked for or needed or that I remember from last time.
You guys rock!!!!
Thank you so much for caring about our guys.
can't wait to see all of you and give big hugs
thick cut potatoes chips, fritos and thicker corn chips(I sent the ones from Sams that come 2 giant bags per box) all ship well and were wolfed down the day he got them - they saved some corn chips for the salsa that came the next day :) but the others were gone
beef jerky
salsa - in small jars/cans - they do not have refrigerators but will normally be 2 to 8 guys eating on it
nacho or bean dips (same as salsas - nothing huge no refridgeration)
tush wipes
nuts or protien bars (cliff bars are usally good- they need the carbs along with the protien)
tooth brushes
magizines on anything interesting - guns, hunting, sports etc (nothing naughty or they get in trouble)
used books are great - miltary history, adventures, sci fi, mysterys, poli sci - don't buy new b/c they would rather have twice as many from half price books or even goodwill (picked up a bunch for 33 to 99 cents there the other day) - books get read and passed and read and passed
silly string
just fun kid like stuff they can blow steam off with is always good
that is the list as far as I can remember of things either Tim and his shop have asked for or needed or that I remember from last time.
You guys rock!!!!
Thank you so much for caring about our guys.
can't wait to see all of you and give big hugs
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband
I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail