Monday Mission/One Day at a Time
Good Morning!!
Hope everyone has a great start to a great week!! Weekend was uneventful. I cooked the meat overnight for tamales. Prepped it this morning. I will make the dough later on this week and go at it over the next few days!
Going to take a test this morning at the school I want to attend. Not sure how that will work because I've had a very rough morning. Prayers are appreciated.
Hopefully my brain isn't too far gone so that I can ace whatever it is that test consists of. Hopefully it is Pre-K or Kindergarten stuff LOL
Lean on someone, Help someone. By doing this, you strengthen your shoulder and hand for someone else!
Hope everyone has a great start to a great week!! Weekend was uneventful. I cooked the meat overnight for tamales. Prepped it this morning. I will make the dough later on this week and go at it over the next few days!
Going to take a test this morning at the school I want to attend. Not sure how that will work because I've had a very rough morning. Prayers are appreciated.
Hopefully my brain isn't too far gone so that I can ace whatever it is that test consists of. Hopefully it is Pre-K or Kindergarten stuff LOL
Lean on someone, Help someone. By doing this, you strengthen your shoulder and hand for someone else!
Don't say anything unkind, untrue, or unnecessary.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith ...
it is the price of love.