Pre-op, Cheating, Recovery/Surgery, Post-op, Other (Long Post)
Very Long Post
Pre-Op Diet:
OK the two week liquid diet was a pain, I started the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and my diet consisted of 2 protein drinks and a small dinner of steamed or raw veggies or another protein drink - cucumbers became my best friend in the past two weeks!! Found out that I could only tolerate the Isopure bottles and then those were hard to get down so I started to dump in a packet of crystal light and that made it better.
Uummm I did and I'm glad I only cheated a little on Thanksgiving with a bite of Turkey-protein so I really didn't consider that cheating BUT IT WAS CHEATING...WHEW, I FEEL BETTER FOR ADMITTING THAT!!!
I remember waking up in recovery wanting to tell them that I had changed my mind about the surgery since I was in SOOOOOOO much pain!!! But I couldn't even talk my throat was too sore also (now LOL!) But once they hooked up my PCA I was OK! The thirst was a killer too! My sister was looking at me using those mouth swabs and laughing at me. She and my parents said I was using them like I was "having my last meal on earth because food had been banished forever), now I don't remember doing all that but I DO KNOW those things were DAMN GOOD in MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now since I had my surgery on this past Tuesday I feel great...not the best but better than I had expected. Since I have chronic pain issues my surgeon wanted to make sure that they didn't make things worse for me and my PCA did the trick for me along with my Fentanyl patch that I had on while in the hospital. I was up and walking around the nurses station about 8pm the night of my surgery. I had to ask them when I could start walking tired of being in bed I hit my button before we started and didn't feel much pain just very dizzy...if it wasn't for the dizziness I could have made two rounds around instead of one. After that I sat in my chair til about midnight (a college friend stopped by to see me and I was a little drugged during her visit) So when they came in to take vitals I had them to help me back into bed. Still not much pain - HOWEVER THE ITCHING BEGAN!!!! I was itching everywhere!!! Took about 3 hours to get my bendaryl then I felt better. The next morning I went to xray for my Modified UGI series to look for leaks and the Radiologist couldn't believe that I was moving around and walking the way I was after having surgery the morning before. Everything was OK surgeon DC'd my foley, o2 and wrote orders for liquid diet. I had to ask my nurse when I could go walking again LOL! Now I'm walking downstairs in the lobby and around the nurses station (overdid it a bit...had to use my PCA more then than I had right after surgery.) I found out the lady who had surgery right before mine didn't walk till they made her. Met her in xray and she was telling me of all the pain she was in and was surprised that my PCA came with me to xray while they disconnected hers. "Everybody is different was all that I could say to her." I head home about 7 pm Wednesday night.
I'm doing my best to get in my jello and broth for meals and that is hard!!! I sip my water (in fact i have made a space in my bed for my cup with a very long straw so it won't spill when I roll over AND THAT'S BAD...BUT YOU DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.) I haven't been able to go outside yet too wet/damp so I've been walking in my house (just moved) so as I walk I try to put up light things and such. I don't really think about food anymore (just don't want it) Today (Friday) is my Dad's birthday and I usually make him a cake so I had my Mom to pick him up a small cake at the store. While they had cake I had my dinner of Jello - well half of the Jello anyway.
Other Info:
I usually sleep on my stomach and that first night home I was able to sleep on my side (with a pillow propped under me - I don't know if I'm doing wrong by sleeping on my side BUT IT"S HARD for me to sleep on my back (I even slept at an angle in the hospital bed but I also had myself wedged into the bed like sitting in a chair diagonal in the bed.) I DON'T let me repeat I DON'T have a JP drain tube in me. My surgeon didn't leave one in me and it's my understanding he won't leave them in his patients (don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
) However where the JP drain would be I have this big ol indention (like another belly button) and it's looking weird to me, but it is flattening out each day. When I got home from the hospital I saw where I had gained back all of my Pre-op weight loss and more.
I know it was all the fluid from my IVs and such and now on Friday I am back down to the weight I was when I went in on Tuesday morning!!!
I don't (didn't) have much to any gas pain which is wonderful. Just some minor discomfort the first night in my left shoulder blade, but other than that a little twinge here and there in my chest area. I didn't pass gas until Friday evening (that I know of) and that hurts as well as coughing. However I am glad I had my surgery and I am "Taking My Time and Doing It Right"
As The Days Go By, I'm Working My Way Back
To A Brand New Me!
Congrats on your surgery. Good post! I am right up the road from you so to speak! Keep focused and you will do great!!! Have a great weekend!!
Don't say anything unkind, untrue, or unnecessary.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith ...
it is the price of love.
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
I have had multiple surgerys and always am up and walking asap - I have done laps in the ICU - slow one but none the less :) my theroy and take it for what it is worth is that you have x amount of pain to work though - if you get up and walk you push though it faster than if you baby yoruself too much and dont' - shrug -
don't feel bad abou****er in your bed - I will be 4 YEARS out this march and I still sleep wih****er where I can reach it - and some nights I get in amost of a litter sip by sip in the night

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I only have 1 week of my liquid diet and as I prepare mentally for that I am wondering what all will be satisfying??? I'm thinking I will be carrying a jug of water the size of my head. lol and a backpack of crystal lite, protein vials and myoplex shakes..(sounds so boring)
I'd say good luck however you look like you don't need it cause you are rocking thru this journey already.