Thursday SF Candy Cane WLS Express
Hi Red,
I lurk on the R&R board, so I've been trying to keep up on your health problems. I hope you get some answers/relief soon.
I'll keep you in my prayers!
I lurk on the R&R board, so I've been trying to keep up on your health problems. I hope you get some answers/relief soon.
I'll keep you in my prayers!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Hey Yall, I have already been to the hospital and saw my DH this morning. They got him up and sat him in a recliner and he was sipping coffee when I left! They said he is doing really well and he looks so much better than last night! This guy has been my buddy since I was 15 and I think the hardest thing about seeing him with that breathing tube yesterday was the fact that he couldn't respond to me talking to him. (I'll have to store that memory for the future whenever I get mad at him)lol! Anyway so far so good! I read on here about how to mix up my protein coffee by stirring up the powder in a little milk first and it doesn't get all grainy and lumpy when I stir the coffee in!~ so now I know! sometimes it takes me longer to catch on) lol!
Thank you all for the prayers! Michelle I will be praying for Mark, too. Yall have a safe ride today! Been enjoying those Christmas cards that I have been getting in the mail from my fellow OH'ers! Gotta get mine out. We only have 14 more days till Chrismas!
Love to all!
Thank you all for the prayers! Michelle I will be praying for Mark, too. Yall have a safe ride today! Been enjoying those Christmas cards that I have been getting in the mail from my fellow OH'ers! Gotta get mine out. We only have 14 more days till Chrismas!

Hey You Guys!
Givin' everyone a big hug from freezing north central texas here! The temperature gauge on the Expedition said 26 this morning. That's like too cold to even get out of bed!
I have a small victory to claim -Loralea- pay attention here:.....I have been taking my vitamins religiously for the last few weeks! I have also been getting in at least 1000 calories a day too! I have really been working on eating, despite the cold weather. I know that sounds like a "duh" kind of thing, but for me it really hasn't been easy.
I stopped at sbux this morning on the way to work so my morning started off on a happy note. It takes forever to get the "bus" (the expedition) warmed up, so just about the time I was getting my latte it started getting warm in the truck.
Last night I made a huge batch of chili and some homemade cornbread. The chili was amazing! Tonite we are having it again. It was the first time that I have ever made homemade chili so I was a bit nervous that I was going to mess it up or make it too hot, but it was very good. It is a combination of different ingredients from various chili recipes all added into one.
Last night it was soooooo cold that:
the horses' and goats' water troughs froze through!
Gotta get to work!
Prayers for Karen as she waits. I can't even imagine.
Prayers for Paige and Dana and Viv as they continue healing.
Prayers for another boring day in Afganistan (and all of the other places our boys are at)
Prayers for Annette and Debbi.
Prayers for Gina- I'm always here for you!
Prayers for those looking for work.
LOVE YOU GUYS! (mean it!!!)
I just realized that it's TWO weeks till Xmas!!! Agh! I need to go shopping!!!!
Givin' everyone a big hug from freezing north central texas here! The temperature gauge on the Expedition said 26 this morning. That's like too cold to even get out of bed!
I have a small victory to claim -Loralea- pay attention here:.....I have been taking my vitamins religiously for the last few weeks! I have also been getting in at least 1000 calories a day too! I have really been working on eating, despite the cold weather. I know that sounds like a "duh" kind of thing, but for me it really hasn't been easy.
I stopped at sbux this morning on the way to work so my morning started off on a happy note. It takes forever to get the "bus" (the expedition) warmed up, so just about the time I was getting my latte it started getting warm in the truck.
Last night I made a huge batch of chili and some homemade cornbread. The chili was amazing! Tonite we are having it again. It was the first time that I have ever made homemade chili so I was a bit nervous that I was going to mess it up or make it too hot, but it was very good. It is a combination of different ingredients from various chili recipes all added into one.
Last night it was soooooo cold that:
the horses' and goats' water troughs froze through!
Gotta get to work!
Prayers for Karen as she waits. I can't even imagine.
Prayers for Paige and Dana and Viv as they continue healing.
Prayers for another boring day in Afganistan (and all of the other places our boys are at)
Prayers for Annette and Debbi.
Prayers for Gina- I'm always here for you!
Prayers for those looking for work.
LOVE YOU GUYS! (mean it!!!)
I just realized that it's TWO weeks till Xmas!!! Agh! I need to go shopping!!!!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
Sitting and waiting not so patiently for the insurance field adjuster to call so I can go home and get the water turned back on and start the process of cleaning up the mess of a busted ho****er heater. Who knew 50 gallons of water could move so fast through a house! At least I was smart enough to turn off the water supply to the water heater and unplug it as soon as I realized that's where the water was coming from.
ServPro came out last night and ripped up carpet padding, vinyl and laminate floors - I think the carpet will be OK, except for maybe the master bedroom closet, but my entire living room and bathroom floors will have to be replaced. We just went through this in May 2007. At least the depreciation on the flooring shouldn't be too bad since it's fairly "new".
I know the minute I try to go run some errands the adjuster will call .... that's the way it works, right?
Hope everyone has a great day - I'm going to be spending mine worrying about one thing or another.
ServPro came out last night and ripped up carpet padding, vinyl and laminate floors - I think the carpet will be OK, except for maybe the master bedroom closet, but my entire living room and bathroom floors will have to be replaced. We just went through this in May 2007. At least the depreciation on the flooring shouldn't be too bad since it's fairly "new".
I know the minute I try to go run some errands the adjuster will call .... that's the way it works, right?
Hope everyone has a great day - I'm going to be spending mine worrying about one thing or another.
ya know, it would be real shame if a hose sprung a leak.....just sayin :-)
back in Galveston
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“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader