Deck the Halls Thursday WLS Express

Michelle S.
on 12/2/09 5:53 pm - Burkburnett, TX








Michelle S.
on 12/2/09 6:04 pm - Burkburnett, TX

Morning to my TMB family,

I hope you are all staying warm.  Did anyone get a significant ammount of snow yesterday?  We are supposed to get some on Saturday if we are lucky.  Would just like to have a dusting fo now.  Mark and I are going to a welcome new comer briefing today on the base.  Then going to take a ride around the base and he is going to show me where everything is.  The only place I have been is the Commisary and the exchange.  So looking forward to that.  Yesterday I ventured out to Target and Dollar Tree.  What did we ever do without GPS systems?  It makes it so much easier to venture out in a place you know where nothing is.   I stayed away from the malls and did most of my Christmas shopping on line.  It makes things much easier when you have to ship them all and most places do wrapping.  Ok a Christmas tradition....I remember on Christmas Eve we always went to church and then home and we were allowed to open one gift, and it was always the one my Aunt would send covered in bows that she made herself.  We always knew it would be new PJ's.  Great memories.  Ok prayers this morning for all in need, but Jenny and Eric especially.  God is being to good to them  Was great to read the update.  Have a blessed day.  Love you guys





Alissa A.
on 12/2/09 6:35 pm - Keller, TX
GOOD MORNING!!! How is everyone? The snow came down hard for about 2-3 hours. But by 11am the picture that I took where the house and yard were white with snow, were wet from the melted snow. Short lived for sure! But it was pretty when it was falling. I was out in it for a little while yesterday, driving Chris to the bus stop and then me to the doctor for a physical. Everything looks just fine according to the doc. She took some blood to check my labs. I love this new doctor group. They have an x-ray and lab right in their office. They can do pretty much everything. And they're open 7am-7pm and take walk ins from 7-8am and 5-7pm, like an urgent care place would and since our insurance won't pay for urgent care centers its especially convenient for me. I'm thinking about switching Chris over- he's almost getting too big for the pediatrician. The doctor talks to Chris like he talks to little kids, so its time to move along I think.

Traditions- we had the same tradition Michelle-after the first service we'd go home and eat homemade soup-my dad always made something different each year- and then open 1 present each and then we'd head back to chuch for the 11pm service. Since my dad is a minister growing up we lived next door to the church. Another tradition we have-and still do-is we make Christmas cut-out cookies and decorate them as a family. Now that we are older I remember one year mom asked if we could make another type of cookie and we all said NO! We have had some great memories sitting around and icing cookies.

I hope everyone stays warm and safe today. Prayers continue for Eric and Jenny and praises for Eric's labs looking better and Jenny's new job! Time to make the donuts!

Have a great day today!
Karen The Papaya

on 12/2/09 6:41 pm, edited 12/2/09 6:43 pm - somewhere
Good Morning Train!

WOOOOHOOO for Thursday!  I'm up and at 'em and going strong, in spite of this sinus headache that just won't give up and go away.... ugh....  At least while I'm wrapped up in things at work I don't usually notice it... so I guess that means I need to stay busy!  LOL

ETA: Christmas tradition was to open all presents to/from each other on Christmas eve, that way the only thing under the tree in the morning was from Santa Claus....

Prayers are going up for all that need them!

I was singing this song for a few fleeting seconds yesterday morning..... It's Winter Wonderland, everybody sing along!!!

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Gone away is the bluebird,
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say: Are you married?
We'll say: No man,
But you can do the job
When you're in town.

Later on, we'll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
The plans that we've made,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
And pretend that he's a circus clown
We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman,
Until the other kids knock him down.

When it snows, ain't it thrilling,
Though your nose gets a chilling
We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Walking in a winter wonderland,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Ya'll have a great day my friends!

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

Laura P.
on 12/2/09 7:23 pm, edited 12/2/09 7:26 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Karen, we had the same tradition.  Open all presents on Christmas Eve so Santa has a place to put stuff. 

I'm afraid this year will be a little sparse under the tree.  But we'll do what we need to and get presents under there. 

My appt went really well at the VA yesterday!  I have been diagnosed with PTSD.  I'm going to start on meds and see the lady in the office that specializes in Military Sexual Trauma and go from there.  It's nice to finally have a name and a reason for the problems!  Danni!  Thanks!  I contacted Pam by FB and will be calling her soon!  I'll text her my number because she's travelling and I'm not sure when a good time to contact her will be!  Appreciatecha!!

Well, better get to the shower and get to work!  Ya'll have a great day!  Love ya!!

Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"

on 12/3/09 1:35 am - Ft Stewart, GA
so glad that worked out - it is neat to be able to conect people that can help each other:)

makes for a smiley day
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

on 12/2/09 7:23 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
Good morning everyone

all is right in my world agian - got to talk/chat/vidoe (yes all three at differnt times and some at the same time) for several hours yesterday with Tim - hadn't gotten to talk to him at all in a while and that was way hard on me

I have a list of stuff he and his roommate both said sounded good - if you want it hollar at me - have 3 boxes to go out to him this am including one that has chips only in it - we will see how that ones goes

the post office is my place today and my debit card may rebel - I have to mail stuff to Tim, his Dad's bday gift AND all the kids Cmas gifts to my Brothers house in Wa - thought I was being smart and packing it all into a foot locker - I got the one that is just about 10 inches too big to ship via the post office - and NO I am not going to go hunt down a UPS store - there probably isn't one in this town and I am not driving to Savanna to mail a foot locker - will have fun getting it all into boxes today with out Rach seeing stuff

Oh K started Bball on Tues and enjoyed it, he is on a team with one of his buddys from school, teen started martial arts last nigth and looks like K should start soonest - the master was like what wait list - I have openings so someone is not comunitcating  - so add to my list today to head over to CYS and try agian - not starting him till Jan  - b/c of course he will have class at a differnt time then the teen - it is agianst my childrens rules to take any classes that coninside - conflict yes that works however LOL
Rach and I started her mommy and me tumbling class yesterday - it was soooo cool I was one of the most active mommys in the class - you are suppose to do stuff WITH them - it was fun - note to self - good bra on Weds LOL

work your tool - you know you had this sugery to be healthy so do what you know will get and keep you there - water, vits, protien, movemen****ching the portions, ditching the carb things from the house is they are hard for you to have around - baking sf so you can enjoy in moderation OR baking full sugar so you dump on them and stay out of them - whatever works for you b/c sf is NOT calorie free - if you can not enjoy in moderation then skip it - I tell my kids - you want donuts fine - they must be consumed RIGHT NOW any donuts found in the kitchen at a latter date will be doused with used cat litter - ok so it's a little extreem but it is what *I* have to do to work my tool - I have to work my BRAIN!!

Oh Christmas tradition - grandmother always got us some kind of busy /crafty gift and we were allowed to open that on Christmas eve afternoon (we did gifts on Christmas eve) when we  got on momma and my aunts nerves to badly

my kids get a birthday cake on Christmas for Jesus's birthday

not sure how this year will work - it is the first year my brother and I have been adults with our own familys at Christmas time so we will be incorproating some of different things in to our celebreation - we have decided our girls need to grow up knowing thier cousins so we are working hard to get both familys together - 2 familys of 5 both in the military umm yeah we can do this LOL

have a wonderful day - sorry this got so long

still praying for a boring year in Iraq
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

Karla Lewis
on 12/2/09 7:51 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning!  Lots of paperwork to do at work today after a full day of ARD meetings yesterday.  I have a dr. appt. at dr. wants to "change medications" after my bloodwork report...hope it's a good change.  I have no idea what's going on.  Everything was fine in April when I had it checked.  After work I have my homebound student for 2 hours.

Prayers for Tara's surgery today.  Prayers for all others who need them.
Have a great Thursday!


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


Deb *.
on 12/2/09 9:51 pm
Good morning Train Riders!  I loved seeing the snow yesterday!  The dogs on the other hand did not think it was so cool.  In fact I had to drag them down the stairs to take them out, silly dogs.  I did wake Jeff up early so he could see it and I'm glad I did because it had stopped and mostly melted by the time he got up for work.

So we had another car adventure yesterday too.  Jeff went down to his car to go to work and promptly called me and asked me to bring my car around to jump start him (bear in mind this is the car with the 3 week old alternator and battery!!).  I told him to take my car to work and I'd deal with his in the afternoon.  So around 2pm I called roadside assistance to have the car jump started so I could take it up to NTB to fix whatever was wrong (they replaced the battery & alternator).  Well 2 1/2 hrs later the guy finally showed up.  Turns out the first person they sent broke down himself, and the second guy got stuck in traffic coming from Rockwall.  UGH.

So, the car jump starts, and I head up to NTB.  Lights start coming on all over the dash before I get there and I pray hard it will get me all the way there so I don't have to call Roadside assistance again.  I get there, turn the car off and head in.  Very nice guy at NTB explains that their battery tester is dead so they can't test anything and I'll need to take the car down to Kwik Lube and have them test it then come back.  Double UGH.  So he gets his battery pack and jump starts the car again (of course) and I head off to Kwik Lube.  More lights turn on and I'm praying all the way there.  Get to Kwik Lube, turn the car off and they test the battery.  Guess what?  It's dead!  Duh!  It tested 30 cold amps (or something like that) basically it was about as dead as it could get).

Kwik Lube jump starts me again and I head back to NTB.  The interior lights start flickering, and I see even more lights on the dash.  Please please let me get back to the shop again.  I get to NTB, tell the guy what Kwik Lube said and he tells me they will figure out what's going on.  Now to add to this little scenario, the battery in this car is apparently at the bottom of the engine behind the front passenger tire, so the only way to get to it is to remove the tire.  Not the smartest design around.  They pull the battery out and guess what, it tests perfectly fine!  They do some more poking around and figure out we have a loose, corroded terminal which is causing the problem.

Kudos to NTB, they replaced the terminal and did all that labor to get to the battery, etc free of charge.  So, after all that we now have 2 working cars again and hopefully will not have to deal with battery issues for a while.  We'll definitely be going back to NTB but hopefully no time soon.  I've got some work to catch up on today and I'm leaving early to meet up with a friend for bible study.  Then it's off to the in-laws to pick up Christmas decorations and have dinner.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!


on 12/2/09 11:00 pm - DFW, TX
LOL...that sounds like quite an adventure!

Maybe this is a little overboard but I was thinking that this experience is actually a victory.....
I was thinking that a few years ago if your car had broken down on the way back and forth that it would have been a catastrophy having to use the wheelchair and all......    but now.....  it would have just been a major inconvenience.

Love you!

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>

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