Deck the Halls Thursday WLS Express
Good morning all,
OK, I have an interview today at 3pm so I'm asking for prayers and good thoughts. Then I have another interview on Tuesday at 2:30. I think the job today is my preference but you never know until you get there. It's a closer commute and better pay and probably better hours, so those things are what I'm basing it on right now.
I got to chat with Josh through Facebook yesterday. He had to sit at the airport all day waiting for his flight so got to use the computer in the USO room. We chatted for a while which was very nice. He got on later and said his flight was delayed another hour but I wasn't at the computer then so I missed him.
Christmas traditions: We always did Christmas Eve service and then drove around to see the lights. Then we came home and had cookies and cider and opened one gift before being sent to bed. I carried that tradition on with my kids too. This year will be hard as it is the first year without my mom and I'm not sure if Josh will be here for Christmas day or not.
Saying prayers for all of you. Have a great day everyone.
I have to finish up some paperwork for an ARD in a few minutes.
Last night we went to Dirk's parents for chicken and dumplings. It's Addison's favorite so it was made esp for her birthday. It was a nice ending to a pretty good day. Dirk's mom pulled me aside and thanked me for taking care of Addison's birthday on Tuesday. Addison went to her mom's after school and had dinner and cake over there. I stopped by the bakery and bought a cake for our house and some balloons and such. Addison was telling her g-ma that she had had such a nice birthday because everyone remembered her and that having a special cake and balloons at home was over the top. I am still floored when I hear stuff like this. I can't imagine NOT doing something extra for your kiddos like birthday cakes and such.
A Christmas tradition we had was getting pj's on Christmas Eve. I still do the same with my own kids. They don't have to wear them any other day ever again- but Christmas morning they had better have them on for the Chase and Kaylee are talking about being with their dad Christmas Eve and have already asked if they can get their pj's early so they can have them.
Gotta get busy!
Love you guys!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
So I finally call the county to come pick them up. Because I've been feeding them they are now my responsibility, they're mine. Which means they won't send someone out the same day to pick them up like they do strays or wild caught, they'll be here within 7 days!They also have to be contained when the officers get here or they won't pick them up. So I'm supposed to contain 4 grown cats and 3 kittens, from 10am to 5pm, for up to the next 7 days just in case these people show up??!?!? Which also means I have to be at home when they finally get here so I'll be housebound. All I have a a couple of small carriers I used to use to take my parrots to the vet...very small carriers! My only other recourse is to beg and borrow more carriers and take them the 40 miles into Houston to the shelter. AARRRGGHHHH! I hate the idea of what will happen to them all but maybe they'll have a chance of being adopted for Christmas. I just know I can't have cats tearing up everything and leaving crap everywhere!
Other than that my day is going great!