NIGH****CHMAN - Monday 11/30

Jill P
on 11/30/09 7:02 am - Katy, TX
Hey everyone!  Getting this started early before I get into the "mommy zone" and forget later on.  DD# 2 and I have puppy class again tonight.  Next Monday is "Puppy Graduation"...too funny!  It's really neat though to see all these puppies getting so big from when that first class started six weeks ago.

WOW....what a change in the weather!  Holy smokes!  Wore shorts on Sunday but no way would I be in those today!  Birrrr!!!!  Definitely time to pull out the sweatshirts and fleece.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

Stop by and say "HI" as we hold up the fort for George while he's on vacation most of this week!

Just so you know, you need to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS  & SUPPLEMENTS and make sure you get your daily allotment of PROTEIN.

If you are new to the board, this link explains what the NIGHT WATCHMAN is (if you are interested).  Otherwise, just read on, you will probably figure it out anyway.****CH MAN-Thursday-and-a-plea/

Prayer requests are listed below:

Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness.  Please thank God for these men and women every day.  In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.


Anne's (Lalocaweta) spouse - looking for a job that is not commission only
Kat's (Iwannabethinnow) spouse
Kim's (tennysonkw) husband

Vivian's son Jonathan 

Upcoming Surgeries/current hospitalization:
Tara is scheduled for a revision surgery on 12/3/09.
Vivian will be having her gallbladder removed 12/7.

Recovering from Surgery:
Other prayer requests:
Gina L. - brother Jerry diagnosed with lung disease and is pending more tests. 

Jennifer - prayer for the sale of their house. They have made the move to the metroplex but still need to sell their house.

Jeris asks for prayer as she is a single mom to a 4 year old and is in the working world.

July is going through a divorce, requesting prayers for her and her kiddos.  We know a divorce is tough, and can be especially tough financially.

Karen the Papaya Queen asks we pray for her son and his GF and their kids.  They went to court 10/29 to try and get them back from CPS and it's been a real struggle.

Kat (Iwannabethinnow) has a friend with breast cancer.

Lynne asks for prayer for Miranda as well as her son who was hospitalized.

Meggie's mother has breast cancer.  She has a large hematoma under it. Her lumpectomy will be on Wed,  11/11. It is stage 1 cancer and they do not believe it has spread yet and don't think they will need to remove any lymph nodes! Radiation therapy will start in 6 weeks everyday for 6-8 weeks! 

Vanessa (ButterflyReborn) asks for prayers.  Her polyps have been diagnosed as "abnormal" but not cancerous.  More tests forthcoming.

Vivian requests prayers for the extra stress in her life.  Also, she has pending procedures for her abdominal pain.

Below is one of God's children that definitely need our prayers.  This is one specific cases, we know there are others out there.  Remember them too.

Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2.

Jill P. 

on 11/30/09 8:17 am - Missouri City, TX
Hi Jill

Not much going on.  Work was sure hectic but slow all in the same sentence.  I guess that is good. 

I have to ask...did you phone ever show up?

                                      BS 5/3/04
                               P/S(BR/BL) 6/25/07
                         "LIVE, LAUGH, & LOVE"

Jill P
on 11/30/09 9:08 am - Katy, TX
Nope, the phone is permanently MIA so had to turn in a claim and got a new one.  Still baffles the crap out of me and I'm not 100% convinced that DD#1 didn't have something to do with it simply because she's done that before with a couple other things!  Oh well, have to march forward because if I lolligag too much with teenagers, ehh, trouble seems to find them!
Jill P. 

on 11/30/09 11:01 am - Missouri City, TX
I hear ya.  I just was hoping that you had solved the mystery.

On another note...

My sisters baby will be getting out of the hospital Wednesday night at 10:00 pm.  They are going to say she has spinal menigitis.  The way they described this to my sister was when you are an adult and say you have a UTI or any other infection, it pretty much stays there but a baby can be wide spread.  They are afraid that the infection had spread to her spine so they have been trying to get some fluid out of the spine but had no success.  They poked her 2 times.  They said that instead of poking her again they will just assume she has it since she is already on antibiotic and has been since she was born, they will keep her until Wednesday since that is 10 days of being on it.  So I am happy they are not poking her anymore and that she gets to go home Wednesday.

Have a good evening and take care.

                                      BS 5/3/04
                               P/S(BR/BL) 6/25/07
                         "LIVE, LAUGH, & LOVE"

Jill P
on 11/30/09 11:21 pm - Katy, TX
Sorry I didn't reply last night.  My tummy had OTHER plans so was a bit BLECH last night! 

Glad to hear the little one is going to get to come home soon!  Always feel so bad when those little bitty babies have to be poked and prodded.  My last one was teenie at 5 lbs., 9 oz. and they thought she was a gestational diabetic baby (uhm, generally they are much bigger!!!) so they poked her foot a bunch of times.  Just killed me to watch them do it.  Glad when they stopped that!  Hopefully they can just keep an eye on her and watch for any changes.  No matter...we'll still ask the stork angels to keep an eye on her!!!

Have a great day and we'll "see" ya' on maybe tonight!
Jill P. 

on 11/30/09 8:40 am - Garland, TX
Dang, Georgie & Mary must be enjoying one LONNNGGG vacation ..      (good for them!) 

  Here is a rather lengthy prayer request from a member of the DS Forum:

  * * * * * 

Post Date: 11/30/09 10:49 am

It's been one of those days I wish I could go back to bed and skip...this may turn out kinda long...sorry...It's kind of happened in 3 parts....

First I got a call last night that my dad was admitted to the hospital...we hadn't even known he was sic****il the day before Thanksgiving when his wife called and told us they wouldn't be making it to dinner...apparantly he's had pnuemonia and bronchitis for several weeks now...and not getting better...he saw a specialist a couple weeks ago who told him he had emphysema...put him on meds and sent him home...he continued to get the point he has been crawling to the bathroom because he can't walk...and has had such severe backpain he can't get comfortable at all..and havign very serious breathing problems...then the week before Thanksgiving a mass popped up on his chest(literally over night) that is the size of a least...he went back to the dr. and was told it was swelling of the chest wall due to coughing, spasms etc...put on more meds and sent home...his sister came in town yesterday took one look at him and said you're going to the hospital...where they admitted him immediately...after looking at the mass on his chest the dr.'s said there is no way that's swelling...they did a cat scan and discovered what they believe to be is wrapped around his lower spine...liver...up into his chest and doesn't look good...he is so weak and hurting pretty bad...they have him on morphine and several other meds right now...and even though he was a small guy to begin with...he may weigh 90 lbs right now if that...they did a biopsy this morning to be certain...but my dad shared with us last night that after much talking with dr's etc...he doesn't expect to ever leave the hospital...we just lost my mom in August...this is so hard...I'm also very worried about my 18 year old...he has Down Syndrome and was very close to Grandma and Grandpa...he is still having such a hard time dealing with Grandma's death...which brings me to the next dilemma...

My mom and dad had been divorced for about 10 years before my mom passed dad was remarried a couple years his new wife is the beneficiary of his life insurance it should be...but my mom and dad wanted to make sure my sister and I had something when he passed my mom paid the premium for a small life insurance policy on my dad...she paid it every month religiously for the entire 10 years...even when she struggled financially she paid was that important to dad and her had taken it out when they were married...and dad transferred ownership to mom when they divorced so she could keep it up...well when mom passed away the ownership of that policy reverted to my dad and he signed it over to I continue paying the premium...with my sister and I as the beneficiary...well this morning we get a call from the new wife and my dad asking us to give the new wife the policy because he wants to make sure she's taken care of when he's gone...because he doesn't think he has enough through work etc. to take care of her for sister is saying she is ok with it...I on the other hand don't know how I feel about's not really the money...I've never had money...and that's fine...but it's hard for me to justify when I know how important this policy was to my mom...she was determined my sister and I would get something...she went out of her way to make sure she provided it for us...and if mom was alive she'd kick my rear if I signed it over to my dad's wife...especially knowing there are 2 other life insurance policies on him for his wife...although I don't know how much they are he has a life/death policy on his house and car so they will be paid off if he passes...but mom isn't alive and I don't want issues with my sister...who is about the only family I have left after this....but I also don't know that I want to compromise on something I knew was so important to my mom and I made the promise to her to keep up if something ever happened to her...needless to say I feel torn and stuck....

Now for the final straw 18 year old...the one with Down Syndrome...broke his finger 6 weeks ago...a fracture nondisplaced...his left pinky finger..where it connects to the hand...we went back and had it xrayed last week...the dr. said it wasn't healing and he had very little range of motion in it...and we needed to see an orthopedic surgeon...we went to see him today...he felt around on his finger and went and got the xrays...he told us it was displaced...showed me the xray where it was pretty obvious...but then says but it's healed...I said so why did they say it wasn't...he tells me it's because it looks weird and that because of the way the bone healed the finger is bent at an unnatural angle and that is why he has no range of motion..and that it probably won't get any better...I said so what do we do...he says that it's just his pinky finger and for "his needs since he has Down Syndrome" it's fine...we don't need to do anything...I stood there with my mouth hanging open...I told him that since he is hearing impaired he uses his hands all day because he uses sign language to communicate...that he has a job too...not to mention he still says it hurts pretty bad...and my son has an EXTREMELY high tolerance for I know it hurts...the surgeon said that he might eventually gain a little motion in that finger but that for my son it'll be good enough...I asked him and what if he didn't have Down Syndrome ...he said that then he may need to repair it since it would be needed to be more productive...WTF....I was livid...The surgeon shook my sons hand told us to have a good day and left...and since he said it's healed his hand is no longer cast, splinted, nothing....I immediately called my PCP to request a different surgeon for a second opinion...and will definitely be reporting this...what the hell century does that man live in...this is not ok in any way shape or form....he was an older doctor and this isn't the first time I've heard crap like this from older dr's regarding my son....but come's just so wrong....and this thinking is discrimination plain and son deserves the same treatment as any other individual would receive regardless of his disabilities....

* * * * * * 


Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "

HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )

Jill P
on 11/30/09 11:22 pm - Katy, TX
Yep, George and Mary are on a well deserved and long awaited week-long vacation.  I think he'll be back on Thursday....
Jill P. 

Stephanie G.
on 11/30/09 11:11 am - Rowlett, TX
Hey Jill...there's gonna be a little cruise going out of Galveston that I think you should be on come September.  I sure would love for you to join us.  I think it's gonna be a blast.  So what do you think about ditching the hubby and kids and hanging out with us for 5 days?

RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL

Jill P
on 11/30/09 9:34 pm - Katy, TX
Wish I could but I'll still be recovering in the pocketbook from my last bit of plastics I'm doing in January 4th.  You all will have fun though - I've been on that cruise about a year and a half ago.  Hubs doesn't remember Progresso.  hehehe....
Jill P. 

on 11/30/09 1:00 pm
hey jill!
nice to see your smiling face on here! i remember puppy class. Of course i had the biggest puppy in there lol.  Bella was 9 months old before she was healthy enough to go.. so we were really the biggest puppy there.  Our trainer called her 'princess grace' and would use her to demo what he was trying to teach!
Wayyyy busy day for me, left Ms. Annettes house today (hope they enjoyed their trip!) then spent the day beating the bushes and pavement job searching.  I havent a clue what God has in store for me, but I really wish he would drop  at hint at least lol.  Went to a singles service at church this evening, always a good time there.  Came home, unloaded my stuff, checked in with the boss and here I am :)
Talked to a good friend who's been avoiding me for months.  She and i had surgery the same day, i was first, her second. I knew she had been avoiding me coz she had regain. So i finally called her nad got her. Yup, 40lbs.  After she went thru her laundry list of excuses, i said put down the coke can and quit lying to me. she then confessed to drinking 5-7 cans of real coke a day. I said i cant do it for you, when you are ready, you khnow what to do. 

So, thats it for me,  More job stuff tomorrow, please keep me in prayer that something comes along soon and that God speaks to me about what im supposed to be doing
Miss ya lady!

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

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