Will you come home FAT!!!!
I thought I had high hopes.....poor guys.....I did explain to them that I would look the same as I do now....
I hafta go get my RX's filled that they gave me at the preop appt. Other than that, I think I have every thing.....
I'm so stressed about my hubby being there....he doesn't have a spleen and I think I have germaphobed him to the point that he is fed up with it.....I carry Clorox wipes in my purse so he can keep the germs off of his skin......i told him he has to wear a mask at the hospital...he thinks this is over the top.... I do not....
Ive heard stories that the hospital I'm going to does not accommodate visitors...I just don't want him sleeping on the floor....he is hard headed and says he doesn't want to leave me there...
If I had my way he would just let me drive myself up there and he could get a buddy to drop him off at my discharge.....but I don't think I'm gonna get my way....
I have had a tension headache for the three days, I have Fiorcet for it, but it contains a barbiturate so I don't like to take them, however I may do just that tonight when he gets home....
TARA-first off, take the Fioricet, and TRY to chill, before you make yourself SICK. It's normal to be bundle of emotions at your stage of the game.
Have your children only known you as large? You might find a picture of someone the "size" you plan to be, in the future, ti give them an "idea" of what to expect. My boys were 10 and 12 when I had WLS, and had only known me at 300+ lbs. My youngest told his teachers "My mom is in the hospital getting her TESTCLES cut up so she can be medium sized"...Sometimes we can tell them TOO much!!
Ask the hospital about their "overnight visitor" policy NOW. They may surprise you. My DH was in the hospital this past week, and I never left his side. The pull out recliner was suprisingly comfy, and the staff couldn't have been nicer to me.
It's all gonna be GREAT!
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Please don't put up with that headache any longer than you have to, especially if the Docs have given you a script for something to alleviate it! I know you probably don't want to take the drugs, but why suffer needlessly? Listen to Nurse Gina!!!
Hugs, Mari

my dh and i stayed the night before surgery cause i didn't want to drive thru dallas rush hour that morning. my darlin baby spent the first night with me after the surgery then i didn't really want either of them there after that. It was really nice having someone there that night though.
Sorry you probably won't get the protein before you go to hospital. I would pick up some new whey bullets before you go. They are quick protein even though not the best kind.
scootin scootin over for you my friend!
And not only will you come home FAT, you will come home weighing MORE than when you went in !!!! It will come off as you pee because it is from all the IV fluids they pump into you.