NIGH****CHMAN - Friday the 27th

Just so you know, you need to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS and make sure you get your daily allotment of PROTEIN.
If you are new to the board, this link explains what the NIGHT WATCHMAN is (if you are interested). Otherwise, just read on, you will probably figure it out anyway.****CH MAN-Thursday-and-a-plea/
Prayer requests are listed below:
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
Anne's (Lalocaweta) spouse - looking for a job that is not commission only
Kat's (Iwannabethinnow) spouse
Kim's (tennysonkw) husband
Vivian's son Jonathan
Upcoming Surgeries/current hospitalization:
Tara is scheduled for a revision surgery on 12/3/09.
Vivian will be having her gallbladder removed 12/7.
Recovering from Surgery:
Other prayer requests:
Gina L. - brother Jerry diagnosed with lung disease and is pending more tests.
Jennifer - prayer for the sale of their house. They have made the move to the metroplex but still need to sell their house.
Jeris asks for prayer as she is a single mom to a 4 year old and is in the working world.
July is going through a divorce, requesting prayers for her and her kiddos. We know a divorce is tough, and can be especially tough financially.
Karen the Papaya Queen asks we pray for her son and his GF and their kids. They went to court 10/29 to try and get them back from CPS and it's been a real struggle.
Kat (Iwannabethinnow) has a friend with breast cancer.
Lynne asks for prayer for Miranda as well as her son who was hospitalized.
Meggie's mother has breast cancer. She has a large hematoma under it. Her lumpectomy will be on Wed, 11/11. It is stage 1 cancer and they do not believe it has spread yet and don't think they will need to remove any lymph nodes! Radiation therapy will start in 6 weeks everyday for 6-8 weeks!
Vanessa (ButterflyReborn) asks for prayers. Her polyps have been diagnosed as "abnormal" but not cancerous. More tests forthcoming.
Vivian requests prayers for the extra stress in her life. Also, she has pending procedures for her abdominal pain.
Below is one of God's children that definitely need our prayers. This is one specific cases, we know there are others out there. Remember them too.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2.

Safe travels to and from - some of those people think they are at the Indianapolis 500 for Pete's sake! My favorite...the ones who race up next to you only to cut in front of you and then slam on the freakin' brakes. Nice...

Thanks for getting us started tonight! We shopped till we dropped but we didn't wake until 6am and didn't start shopping until 10am and we still found great deals. BUT we didn't have any of the must have items to get early in the morning.
Hope you get lots of rest tomorrow!
I was shocked that Wal-Mart was price matching everyone else's stuff INCLUDING others' doorbusters! Target was out of all the Nintendo DS games I wanted to get that were on sale for $17, reg. $30, but I went to WM, found the same games and voila, all done...and only for $55. I thought people were actually a bit better than last year, but then again I make my hubby do the "hard" stuff like go stand in lines for electronic stuff. Forget that!!!
Hoping to go to bed here soon but need to move the kids upstairs before I can go to sleep!
I had an AWESOME driving back to Dallas from OKC with my daughter........we had a very nice and enjoyable talk............discussion..........................she is in such a great mood.............not sure whats up with that .............but I'll take it.................I wonder how long it will last ??

NIce day with family yesterday in Tulsa/BRoken ARrow area................when I FINALLY GOT THERE !! lol
I've been faily good this week with eating choices - I can't wait to weigh in on Monday - I'm NOT gonna do it before that though.............
UMMMMMMMMMMM speaking of Black Friday GREAT Nephew's mother got knocked down this morning in the Toys R Us line and ran over..........she got bruised up quite a bit........they had to call security several times for "unruly" poeple..........THAST JUST NUTS......She came to pick up Kai about 9 this monring.........we were so NOT expecting her yet.......... She looked horrible............exhausted,.....beat up and someone who had been through the "ringer"......................this ONE LADY - just flat PUSHED HER DOWN...........RAN OVER HER.................Crystal had been in line for 5 hours waiting her turn...................grrrrrrrrrrr
I'm gonna go read a few more threads and then off to bed for me - very eventful driving trip for the past 2 days..............gone through about $85 in gas which was NOT in the plans........but oh well - GOD IS GOOD !! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL WEATHER AND WELL - the scenery outside of the Dallas / City area...............was very relaxing.................LUV YOU ALL !! be on sometime tomorrow evening or so.
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
Get some good rest and we'll "see" ya' on later today/tonight!