Turkey Day Express-The Don't Gobble Gobble too much edition
I woke up early this morning, but forsee going back to sleep for a while. I just needed to sit up for a while and stretch.
Today I'm thankful for
-- my wonderful husband who is rockin this weight loss thing and so inspiring! He is so supportive of me, spoils me, is a wonderful cook, incredibly funny, and a fantastic bonus dad to Chris.
-- my incredibly smart, funny, witty, compassionate Chris.
-- my family- I'm so grateful that we are close and I love them so much and can't wait to spend Christmas with them
-- a job that I feel called to do and am grateful I have great co-workers to do it with
-- AND you ALL!!! I have such an incredible support system here. You all have been here for me from the beginning of my journey, you welcomed Bryan in immediately, and you all inspire me in your own way. I'm so so so glad I found you all.
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!
I am thankful EVERYDAY...
...that I know to give thanks to God for the many blessings that he gives to me.
...for my two handsome sons as well as my family and their well being.
...for my job that I love and the extra perks that come along with it.
...to have had WLS. It has changed my life completely and I continue to learn from this journey daily.
...that I am able to pay it forward almost on a daily basis by giving a few hours of my time and making a difference in the lives of many.
...for the new

Remember...to get get rich quick...count your blessings!
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
God Morning Aliss and the rest of My TMB family
Happy Thanksgiving all. I up and wide awake at 4 a.m. Tom turkey does not need to go into the oven till 6:00 but guess I was afraid I would sleep through it. Tim and Jon should be here sometime this morning. I just talked to him and he had just gotten off work. I am really hoping he will go home and sleep some before heading this way. I did tell him if he thought he could make he could drive here and then sleep and we would watch Jon. We are planning to eat around 2:00. So many things to be thankful for today just dont know where to begin. Prayers for all those in need this morning, especially Richard and Gina, Eric and Jenny and Viv and her family. You guys have a bleesed day and enjoy time with your family. Remember to be thankful for all God has given you. Love you guys. Michelle
Today I am thankful for:
- my family...............both immediate and WLS family...............I LOVE YOU ALL !! MUAH ((())))
A God that just doesn't give up on me..............he loves me unconditionally
having employment - sometimes more than normal..........but something I can always fall back on when and if 1 or 2 of them should dwindle !!!
a vehicle that is dependable
a roof over my head and that I've always been able to support Amanda - provide for her (as a single mom)..........never had to worry about getting up and moving in the middle of the night to skip out on rent -
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
I'm thankful for all my family, born into, raised and chosen!
I'm thankful for a loving husband, a good job and my WLS!
I'm thankful for those men and women who are in the military (and their spouses)!
I'm thankful for all the good food I'm going to be cooking and sharing with my family later today! Instead of just vegetating on the couch with my computer instead!
Prayers are going out to all that need them! Those that are sick, healing, need a job, or just need a friend to listen! God can fix all that!
And just for today, here's Adam Sandler sings the Thanksgiving Song!
"They wanna hear the thanksgiving song! All right.."
"This is uhh, This is the Thanksgiving Song"
"I hope you enjoy it."
[Starts playing]
Love to eat turkey
Love to eat turkey
Shout from Crowd: "I love you Adam!"
Adam Sandler: "Ohhh, I love you!"
Love to eat turkey
'Cause it's good
Love to eat turkey
Like a good boy should
'Cause it's turkey to eat
So good
Adam Sandler: "That clappin's messing my head up man. I appreciate it. But I was trying to think of the next line and all I hear is clapping. Here we go... Thanks anyways"
Turkey for me
Turkey for you
Let's eat the turkey
In my big brown shoe
Love to eat the turkey
At the table
I once saw a movie
With Betty Grable
Eat that turkey
All night long
Fifty million Elvis fans
Can't be wrong
Turkey lurkey doo and
Turkey lurkey dap
I eat that turkey
Then I take a nap
Thanksgiving is a special night
Jimmy Walker used to say Dynomite
That's right
Turkey with gravy and cranberry
Can't believe the Mets traded Darryl Strawberry
Turkey for you and
Turkey for me
Can't believe Tyson
Gave that girl V.D.
White meat, dark meat
You just can't lose
I fell off my moped
And I got a bruise
Turkey in the oven
And the buns in the toaster
I'll never take down
My Cheryl Tiegs poster
Wrap the turkey up
In aluminum foil
My brother likes to masturbate
With baby oil
Turkey and sweet potato pie
Sammy Davis Jr.
Only had one eye
Turkey for the girls and
Turkey for the boys
My favorite kind of pants
Are corduroys
Gobble gobble goo and
Gobble gobble gickel
I wish turkey
Only cost a nickel
Oh I love turkey on Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Ya'll have a great day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
I'm ready for a whole day of doing nothing execpt visiting with friends and family. Its going to be a GREAT 4 days off.
Tomorrow I'm going to give blood. I hope my iron levels are okay and I don't get too wobbly. Of course they give you juice and cookies after you give blood and I can't exactly have either. I don't want to dump on top of being 'wobbly' from donating.
I have a list of things I am so thankful for. The top of my list is Clint, the kids and the rest of my amazing family and friends. I'm thankful I had the tenacity to push through the insurance process and get my surgery approved. I am thankful for every day I can wake up and smile.
Have an amazing day all.