Thankful Tuesday WLS Express
Mornin' ya'll -
Why is it that when I *had* to be up early for work, I couldn't drag my butt out of bed. Now that I could leisurely lounge around, 6:00 seems to be the latest I can stay in bed, regardless of the time I go to bed the night before.
So yet again our plans changed for the week. Now we are leaving Wednesday around 1pm to go to Brownwood and coming back Friday after the morning hunt. (Please don't let anyone get a deer Friday morning as to delay the trip back home). For some reason somebody around here thinks that suitcases just miraculously pack themselves and it should only take a few minutes to be ready to walk out the door. They don't quite comprehend the idea that would really shouldn't let clothes sit folded in a suitcase for 5 or 6 days prior to departure unless you're prepared to do an awful lot of ironing - I don't plan on spending MY vacation ironing! LOL
I did call yesterday to see about our cell phone coverage - looks like I'll be phoneless, internet-less, and text-less while out of the country. Ya'll can text me, but I won't be able to respond at fiddycent a text. Love ya, but .....
I guess if that's my biggest complaint / issue / worry I'm WAAAY ahead of the game.
Hoping things are better with Gina and Richard this morning. Oh Jennnnyyyyy - where are you with our Eric updates? Vivian - gallbladder surgery = walk in the park!
Gotta hit the shower, then the "to get crap done list" list today, more pre-pack "staging". I'll check in later.
I'll be busy with work stuff today, finally getting close to the end of one of my projects but the last 10% will probably take the longest to get cleaned up. I've got to go get my car inspected, so I'll probably do that after work today. Jeff has a test this evening so I imagine he'll get home earlier than usual (before 10:30 anyway).
I'm hoping that we get to leave work early tomorrow, we always did with Countrywide, but I'm not sure how HP/EDS works that. I did hear that HP made some bigger than expected profits, so they will be doing bonuses for their employees. I still have no clue how that works or what it might mean for me but I'll be happy to take anything they want to throw my way.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Continuing with my Vow of Positivity! LOL Sound like a Nun huh? The lady at McDonald's tried her best to break my vow, but I wasn't gonna let her!! LOL
Just getting on this morning and reading about Richard. My prayers are with them both! So scary, I could have never imagined until I went through this with Bill. Wish I was there to give Gina a big hug, that's what I needed most other than to hear that he did not have a heart attack.
Got up this morning, hugged my 2 grandsons that are here for the week and got all the stuff in the crock pot for the chicken spaghetti for dinner. All I will need to do is throw in some black olives and cook the spaghetti noodles! What a breeze! They don't even care if there is anything to go with it.
Jacob turned 4 yesterday and I was letting them have one of those freeze pops last night. All of a sudden he ran into the kitchen screaming and then his eyes rolled back, I whacked him on the back and a big piece of green popsicle came flying out. I think it was lodged inhis throat and was causing severe brain freeze at the same time. Poor little man!
My Mom has all her hair intact. My other son-in-law got a job with my other one and my son yesterday (PRAISES!!) so my Mom had a 6, 4, 2, 18 month and 1 month old yesterday! Prayers needed for her!!!! My neice helpeed her out and the bigger kids can go out and play, but still! That's a lot of kiddos for her and she is not used to that!
Prayers and hugz for all that need them and for those that don't know they need them!!!!
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
I have 22 days till I go home for Cmas - home being a relitive term meaning place where my family lilves LOL Bro is stationed in wa state and mom lives with them so that is home even though I only lived in that state about 6 months a long time ago and it was with friends not family and on the opisite side of the state from ft lewis
am not taking the scale with - will go buy a cheap one if I stress out - being ABLE to weigh on a home scale means a lot ot me b/c for years and years I couldn't so even if it fluxes up and down I still get a daily thrill from being able to weigh LOL
prayers for those in need, our family here and those they hold dear - Eric, Richard and Tim must all do well and get well
aggg must do school
oh if you did not see or try Lynne's pumpkiun pudding pie filling stuff - it is DEVINE!!!! made mine with reg milk and protien powder in lue of evaperated milk
peace my friends, for us all today is my wish
praying for a peace ful year with good internet

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail