Manic Monday WLS Express
Lots and lots of folders to process at work today. I need to get 1/2 done today and 1/2 tomorrow that are piled up from the last couple of weeks. Karla needs to sit at her, work, work, and keep her mouth SHUT!
Homebound student after work if she's better and out of the hospital. I hope she is for her sake. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if I got to go on home, but I don't want her sick.
Ben's going back to Aggieland this morning. Limo's no worse for the wear after his run in with a vehicle yesterday...guess he just got scared and dirty!
Becky is the bestest mom...I let her know poor Emm was upset because she didn't get cake and candles on her birthday (even though she got them the day before) and she went to Wally World and got her a "Limo" cake, a tub o butter full of candles (that was a hoot) and a digital camera and camera stuff. I know that made her day. Hey...FB is good for something!
Prayers for all who need them. My good friends son got his feeling back in his foot and was able to pee yesterday so they got home from the hospital in Longview last night...Thank heavens!
Have a great Monday!
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
I'm just relieved you were able to let me know. I knew something was wrong, but she wouldn't say what. I think I am back on the good side. She is saving the cake for today and I think she wants to show your Dad! lol
thanks again - now it's not so 'cold' in my house!
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
This weekend was a little bit of 'meh' and a bit of great too. We headed down to the Lufkin/Colmsneil area for a medieval event. THANK GOODNESS we were staying with friends and not camping because it started to rain Friday night and continued thru pretty much the entire day Saturday. I got damp to the skin and so cold. Stayed that way all day which was definitely unpleasant. Saturday evening was pretty great tho. In "court" Clint was given an award and recognition for something pretty significant and so even tho we were cold and still wet (it finally stopped raining about 6:00pm) there was much celebrating.
I'm very happy this week is a short week. Looking forward to relaxing on the couch and doing some manditory chilling out with family and friends. No Black Friday shopping for me. The 'savings' isn't worth the hassle to me. cattle prod is in the shop so I wouldn't be able to deal with the crowds very well. to start my day...I guess the quicker I get through it, the quicker 4:00pm Wednesday will get here. Have a great day everyone.
today will be a nice day - up at a decnt hour - the box on the floor is continuing to be nice - I am a pmsing biotch but that is ok, I have lots of dark chocolate and good cheese so all should live :)
running Rach to school, have to get her there in time for outside time or she gets grumpy about going LOL, then home and about 45 mins for todays school work - unless Tim gets on line early - that woudl be the VERY VERY BEST since the boys and I have to be out the door by 10:10 or so at the latest for an apt. and I forgot to tell him yesterday so he may try to get online to chat and miss me:( will make sure the other peeps he talks to when I am not home know where I am and will write him an email in case he tryes to check that and is able to - internet is not so great right now - they got NEW barracks - with no internet run to them yet so he chatted yesterday from a laundrymat LOL
Life is just good - I am blessed with a great life - and when life gives me lemons I am trying really really hard to squeeze the crap out of em and add enough splenda to make lemonaid
REMEMBER WHY YOU HAD SURGERY - to be healthy - now spend today doing what YOU need to for your health - water, vits, protien and movement - healthy peeps do not sit on their bums all day long - they get up and MOVE!!!
still praying for a boring year - with good internet:)

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Still home this week which I'm glad to not be working, my work stress is ZERO. Our IT guy did VPN (not sure if that's the right lingo) my home computer so I can attempt to do a couple of work things this week as it is the busiest week of the month for revenue. I'll do a little work tomorrow probably.
I'm feeling better painwise, however, those darn hormones are out of wack. OY I go from hot to cold, to laughing then crying, screaming then......oh well you get the pictures. Could be the anesthesia also. I have a followup appt with my doc today at 2:30, we will see if she releases me to go back to work next Monday or the week after. She said 2-3 weeks, depending on how I'm healing. I feel ok, still get tired easily but that happens with any surgery.
Better go rest before I take a bath and get ready for my appt.
Hope all you wonderful peeps have the most fabulous day.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Good morning everyone,
Had a really nice weekend. Saturday was Thanksgiving with the family. Since a portion of us will be gone to Chicago, they wanted to have it early so we could still have the Holiday together. Everyone but one BIL was able to be there and of course, my son. Then Sunday was church then the 5k. I was so glad that my brother came along. He had a really great time and got to meet some of my peeps. I know he was nervous but this was a good environment for his initial intro. Next round will be a little easier for him even though it will be more contact. He's a great guy, just realllly shy at first.
I'm so excited about heading to see Josh that I'm having a hard time packing. I just want to jump in the car and go. I can just buy new stuff there, right. I know. I'll get off the puter when I'm done posting and get 'er done. I won't have an opportunity to post much while I'm gone. I'll do my best but it will probably be more on FB then here since FB hits more then just OH fam.
Saying prayers for all of you. Saying a HUGE thank you to LIZ for staying with my 4-legged kids while I'm gone. It means the world to me Liz. Have a great day everyone.
Yesterday I wasn't feeling good, so I sat around doing cross stitch and watching bad TV. I think I just needed a down day, and I got it. Woohoo! I'm working all this week except Thursday, so I'm pretty much on a normal schedule. Jeff is going in to work early M-W to make up time for Th & Fri since he doesn't get holiday pay. I sure hope they bring him on full time at some point.
He'll be registering for classes at Richland college tonight. He's found two classes that he needs that fit his schedule perfectly. Unfortunately his degree plan isn't eligible for lower in-district rates, but we've already planned out our budget to cover classes. I'm seriously thinking about asking his parents for his school books for Christmas though. Computer books cost and arm and a leg!
OK, I've got to work on my eating plan today and get some Bible reading done, so I'm outta here (for a while). Hope everyone has a fantastic day!