to the mean spirited old hags....
You pot stirrer, lmao. Tara, I'm super duper excited for you sweetie. I can't wait to watch your transformation.
As for protein coffee, it's the bomb. How to do it? You cannot mix protein directly into hot coffee or you get a lumpy mess. Take your protein powder (vanilla and chocolate are delish) and mix it in a little cool water until it mixes well then add it to your coffee.
Couple of suggestions to get ready for your big day! Take your picture ~ front, back, side and your measurements. Please do this because you will regret not doing it. Be sure you bring a pillow with you to the hospital for the ride home, holding it on your tummy makes for a much better trip home. DO NOT forget your chap stick, you won't get to drink for a little while post surgery and the chap stick will be your best friend.
Good luck honey, we will be cheering you on and pushing our tiny hineys over to make room for you.
The Coffee Queen
Edited to add: I can't find the Fage yogurt here either. I did find an organic greek yogurt at Walmart, it's called Oikos and comes in plain, vanilla, blueberry and strawberry. My opinion though is the Walmart Carb Control is better and cheaper.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
I do mine in one step because I am lazy LOL. I pour up my coffee, then add enough 2% milk to cool it down (my husband calls it "extra blond coffee") and then add my protein to it using a tiny whisk - one of those 7" mini whisks. A spoon works in a pinch but the whisk is faster. The coffee isn't cold - still warm - but not hot enough to curdle the protein. My favorite in coffee is GNC's Pro Performance chocolate caramel. I buy it in large quantities now to get a good discount, but you need to buy small amounts now until you see what your taste buds are gonna do after surgery.
Take measurements, too! It will keep your faith up if you stall because sometimes you lose inches w/o losing pounds.
And save one pair of pants and a shirt because it is so much fun to step into them a year from now to see how far you have come. I am more surprised at my baggy shirt than my pants. I knew I was carrying a lot of weight in my big ole butt but I didn't realize how much fat I was carrying on my back and shoulders.
You day is almost here !!! WOO HOOO !!!!!
protien coffee at my house is large cup of coffee - carmel by 1st choice with 4 oz milk mixed with one scoop vanilla or chocolate EAS protien powder (cheapest at costco 6 pounds for $30) and a large splash of sf carmel syrup
I have only done the Fage yogurt once and that was in a recipe for strawberry shortcake - and it was GOOD otherwise I just get whatever lowfat plain is cheapest - add whatever sounds good - same with cottage cheese
things I have added to yogurt or cottage cheese
sf jello powder
apple sauce and cin/nutmeg and splenda
avacados and tomaotes
taco seasoning
cottage cheese also makes the bomb "fake lassona" nuke 1/3 - 1/2 cup mixed with 1 egg and some motzerella cheese - top with spaggetti sauce
oh if you like iced coffee use one or more of your ice trays for making coffee cubes - I always make mine out of decaf for when I decided I want an iced latte at night
ok hope this mostly makes sence - ttped on e handed with wiggly toddler helping

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Carb control yoghurt is good, and cheap, as is the dannon light n fit CARB N SUGAR CONTROL.
Youre gonna do great, make sure to keep us posted!!!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
Now...on to the protein coffee. I ordered Nectar Cappucino protein powder and loved the flavor, but it tended to clump when I put it in coffee. I threw out 3/4 of the container. Later someone (I think it was Dana) posted about making protein coffee. Here's the directions for a protein coffee latte:
I use a 16-20 oz. mug and add about 3/4 to 1 c skim milk and heat it in the microwave for 35 seconds. I then stick it under my Keurig brewer and brew my coffee into the milk. I add 2 splendas and 1 scoop of the Nectar Cappucino powder. I buy it from because I can get it, supplements, and now Click from there for $4.99 shipping no matter how much you buy.
You may like the Click like Paige talked about. I love it too. You don't have to mix it w/ anything bu****er and it has a little chocolate flavor w/ the espresso flavor. It's fantastic. If you want to try both, PM me your address and I'll be glad to mail you ziploc bags with samples for you to try. I also have some peanut butter cookie protein powder that is delish and vanilla powder by zerocarb Isopure.
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
You'll do awesome, just stick to the rules and walk walk walk, sip sip sip and use your heating pad wherever the pain migrates to as you're healing!
Post often and let us know how we can help!
Aww...crap!! Dang hubby not logging out! This is Kris not Chris. Changing now.