Positive Saturday Stories
Newbies or Surgery Searchers: There are more good things from this surgery than bad things!
I started out at 337 lbs. at 5'5". I haven't ever gotten to my "goal wt", but it doesn't make that much difference to me. I'm below 200 and am good with that. My wt. fluctuates by 4-5 lbs. at times, but I have maintained my wt. loss for 3 years now. I had RNY in January of 2006 so I am almost 4 years out from surgery at this point. I had a lower body lift 2 years ago and a little over a year ago I had brachioplasty and a breast lift. I have gotten rid of about 150 lbs, Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, and gout to name a few. I still do take an Atenolol because I have a high heart rate and it slows it down a little.
I can do pretty much what I want physically and I sure couldn't before. I exercise, but not every week regularly like I need to. It seems I start on exercising regularly and something happens to throw me off track and it's hard to crank it up again.
My husband of 22 years and my 18 year old son are proud of me and much happier to be seen in public with me, even though they never fussed about "fat" Karla.
I do take in my protein via protein rich foods and one or two protein drinks a day. I take vitamins and supplements regularly and get a B12 shot and iron shot every few weeks to keep those levels up.
I have regained 15 or so lbs. from my lost wt, but have maintained after that for 1 year or so. When I put my mind to it I can take lbs. off by sticking to protein rich foods, cutting out most carbs and exercising. This tool is awesome!
Yesterday I ran into a former student by chance 2 times...once at my office and then in Walmart. She told me for the 2nd time that day..."you just look so good". she said some people have that surgery and they don't look too good anymore...they lose too much wt and look sick. You look healthy!" That really made my day. It's still nice to get a whohoo every once in a while.
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
I'll jump in here. Was going to post on the other one but it took a nasty turn....:)
I'll make a long story short.....
My highest weight was 282... and in a VERY large size for a gal that's 5'1". I didn't know I was fat. Denial is a wonderful thing!!
Took a cruise in 1999.... and had a terrible time.... and saw the pictures!!! OH!!!! My doctor at the time wrote a letter to submit to my insurance company for me to have WLS. I had researched the Carnie Wilson thing and had contacted a few people. I was oblivious to what they were telling me as I just didn't have the mindset. Told my 'boy's I wanted WLS and they were convinced I'd die....so I did WW...lost down to 206 and thought I was skinny. Gained it back.
In 2004 I decided AGAIN... after losing who I thought was the love of my life and he ran off with a size 6. I went for a consult... in July... didn't make a decision until September... got my approval and scheduled at Thanksgiving 2004 and never looked back. I was 60 years old.
Maintained a steady 152-154 for years... it's creeping up a little... was 156 this morning... but for my 64th birthday, I had a tummy tuck and a butt hike.
I'll be five years out 11/23. Would I do it again???... ABSOLUTELY!!! You're never too old to enjoy life... parasailing, hot air ballooning, rafting, and anything else you want to do. I just keep reminding myself that if I thought I'd never fail, what could I do that I'd want to do? Money prevents a lot... but.... I ain't dead yet.
It’s funny that even though I had my surgery 1 ½ years ago I still consider myself a newbie!!!! I still feel like I have so much to learn and that this is just the start of my journey… maintenance will be the hard part!
My decision to have WLS was not something I pondered for a long period of time… although the thought had crossed my mind for years it wasn’t something I thought I would ever do. I had an uncle who had gastric bypass 30+ years ago and I remember how upset my dad was with him for doing that. My dad who is in the medical profession would always tell me that exercise and diet was the solution… not some drastic surgery!!! So I guess knowing how my dad always felt I never gave it serious consideration. Then in April of 2008 I was talking to my dad on the phone when a lapband commercial came on TV. I joked with my dad that maybe that was my answer!! To my surprise he asked if I had checked into it all…. that was the turning point for me!!
The very next day I was on the phone to my insurance company and calling the doctor’s office that insurance would pay for. Within the next 2 weeks I became so frustrated with that doctor's office that I almost said just screw it… I’m going to be like this the rest of my life!!! But I didn't let that one bad experience stop me...I ended up going self pay with another doctor. I have been very happy with Dr. Spivak but if I had to do it over again I would really do more research on doctors and their aftercare program and also think about their location. His office is a distance away from where I am. I am also a firm believer in support groups and finding a group of people who are going through the same thing. Friends and family can love us and cheer us on, but they don’t really understand what we are going through.
My surgery was May 30, 2008 and my weight that morning was 278lbs. My highest weight was about 9 months before this when I weighed in at 308lbs. I joined Jenny Craig and lost 50lbs but by the time I had my surgery I had already gained 20 of that back. I have not had any complications with my band and I feel so fortunate to have been given this second chance at living life!!! In July 2009 I had my first round of plastics (face/neck/brow lift) and I will be having round 2 on Dec. 7th (BL/LBL). This morning I weighed in at my all time lowest… 167lbs!!!! I am 8 lbs away from my goal… and will then officially be “healthy" according to the BMI charts. Maybe not the best way to determine your goal but I just can’t get the 159 out of my mine!
Although the scale says I am not yet at goal… I have achieved my goal!!! When I started this journey I wanted to be able to leave my house and not be embarrassed, I wanted my kids to be proud of me… and I wanted to be able to put on a swim suit and take my kids swimming. I have accomplished all of these!!!!
The best thing happened about a month ago when my kids were outside carving pumpkins. My daughter and a friend were playing and Hannah called me to come over. Her friend began telling me how her mommy was on a cookie diet… I smiled and said oh I love cookies… I’m going to have to talk to your mom and get that diet!.. Then my sweet girl held out her hands and told her friend… “My mommy is beautiful, she doesn’t need a cookie diet"!!!! At that point I realized that if I never lost another pound I had done what I set out to do!!!!
This has been the best decision of my life!!!!
~Paige~ -155lbs (lovin' my band)
At GOAL and BMI is healthy!!
I'm cutting and pasting mine here in case the thread gets pulled.
After watching Big Medicine last night (I DVR'd it), I was so disappointed that I was hoping some of us "older" WLS patients could present our POSITIVE stories. Not all of us have had BAD experiences. I was flamed in the beginning of my journey by some members of this forum for being NON-COMPLIANT with my diet. I CHOSE to treat this surgery as an opportunity to have a new way of life but NOT to never eat the things I love ever again. So NO I'm not the perfect WLS patient but I want you to hear something GOOD so that hopefully you will be encouraged to make this life altering decision.
So here's my story...I started at 245 lbs, size 24. One year after my RNY I was size 12 and 168. At that time I persued plastics (out of my own pocket), had a breast lift and tummy tuck. Donated my skin to burn victims and now 2.5 years post-op I'm a size 8 and 153 lbs. I don't exercise regularily, I eat everything and anything I want in MODERATION. There are NO foods I can't eat except for milk in large quantities. YES I have BITES of candy, cookies and pies-just not the WHOLE pie anymore. I have hopefully FOREVER changed the way I eat.
I weigh about 3-4 times a week and if the scale goes up 3 lbs, I know it's time to get back on it. It's easy to lose 3 lbs but it's hard to lose 30.
As far as I know, I have no cross addictions. I quit smoking in order to have this surgery, I am healthier than I've ever been, I take my vitamins faithfully, have my labs checked twice a year, still drink a protein drink 4-5 days a week cuz I found one I love, and made the best friends I've ever had through this site. I no longer have sleep apnea or high blood pressure and was borderline diabetic prior to surgery but now my blood sugars are normal. I'm still married to my wonderful husband of 26 years who loved me skinny and fat without reservation. So NEWBIES, the point of this disertation is to tell you the POSITIVE aspects of WLS. Trust me I wouldn't change a thing.
OK, still with me? Who else has a POSITIVE story to tell? Please no negatives here. They've been discussed enough in previous posts. Let's tell anyone considering this surgery what a great impact it's made on our lives.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
Great Idea!
I researched WLS for several years but wasn't ready to make the necessary changes yet. In late 2004 I had enough and knew that without medical intervention I was destined to an early death.
I had my consult on January 14, 2005 weighing in at 260.5 lbs. Tried the insurance route anyway knowing I had an ironclad exclusion and had already decided to pay cash. My surgery was scheduled for February 21, 2005 @ 7:00 a.m. Weight that morning was 239.8 lbs. Surgery went very well, minimal pain no problems.
On November 17, 2005, my 9 month anniversary I was below goal and November 19th I was given the opportunity to meet some people from OH at the convention in Houston. It was AMAZING, I had met some wonderful, lifetime friends.
I did lose too much weight but damn that number looked good. At the time I was excited about being there, I didn't stay at that weight long.....my body settled around 125 lbs and I did stay there for quiet some time. I've regained weight and although it is nerve wracking it's because I've allowed it to happen. When I'm on my plan I can lose fairly quickly.
I had diabetes, high blood pressure, GERD, high cholesteral, severe joint pain and urinary stress incontinence......after surgery everything was back in control. I do today have some blood pressure issues but it's manageable.
I've been married for 15 years (Dec 2) and have no reason to believe it won't be for life. Sure we all have our moments of arguing but every married couple has had disagreements at sometime in their marriage.
What is next for me? To get through this last surgery (not WLS related) and to focus on getting off 10 lbs, can I do it, HELL YES because I have it in my mind I will get there, I don't give up and believe in fighting for what I want.
The one thing I can say for others is BELIEVE in yourself and DO NOT set unreasonable goals. You need to reflect on where you started, why you had WLS and be happy that you've accomplished what you have. Not everyone reaches the "goal" you set for yourself, is it a reasonable goal; maybe or maybe not.....but please I beg you to NOT consider yourself a failure if you don't reach a certain number. You are a WINNER because you took control of obesity and your health, afterall that is was matters. You have the world before you to enjoy by participating and not sitting on the sides watching.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Great idea Stephanie. I'm happy to see this kind of positive post. It's been too long.
I was not overweight all my life. I'm 5'1" tall and weighed 118 pounds when I got married. I always thought of myself as tiny. Then I got pregnant. I gained more than 70 pounds with my first pregnancy and never lost it. Over the next 25 years I put on another hundred plus pounds. I have been on virtually every diet known to man, and they all worked. But they oly worked as long as I stayed on the diet. As soon as I "cheated" or got off the diet, all the weight came back and more.
A co-worker had gastric bypass surgery several years before me. She was not successful and was eating candy at work within the first month. I thought to myself that I would never do that. Then I ran into another friend who had RNY. He had lost from about 500 pounds to around 250. He took the time to sit and talk with me about his surgery. He told me that, even though he almost died because of complications, he would do it all again because it gave him his life back. We talked for hours and he was very positive and supportive. I consider him my angel.
By the time I visited Dr. Patel, in 2006 I weighed 300 pounds. I was diabetic and hypertensive and taking medications for both. I could not walk without a great deal of pain in my knees. It took about 6 weeks to complete all the testing and for the doctor's office to submit my request to BCBS of Massachusetts. I was approved on the first try.
My doctor required a two week liquid diet before surgery. I lost my first 25 pounds on that diet. I had my RNY in September 2006. I am no longer diabetic. I take half of the dosage of blood pressure medicine that I took pre-op. I initially lost 125 pounds, to a low of 175. I now weigh between 185-190 and don't let myself get over 190. I have gone from a size 26 to a size 12 pant and from a XXXL top to a Medium.
I'm like Sarah in that I don't diet. I eat everything I want in moderation and that includes chocolate. For me, the pattern of dieting to lose weight was a disaster and I don't ever plan to go there again.
I have developed my own set of rules because they work for me.
1. I take my vitamins and supplements religiously.
2. I drink 60-80 ounces of liquids every day - always low calorie and I limit my caffeine intake.
3. I don't drink anything with or for 30 minutes after meals.
4. I don't eat in the car.
5. I don't eat directly out of boxes or bags. I use a 4 ounce bowl to measure one serving.
6. I eat dessert every evening, but no more than 3 bites if it's not low sugar. (I make great desserts using Splenda.)
7. I eat my meals off of a salad plate.
8. I choose my food consciously, because fatty and sugary foods make me dump.
My life has changed so much. Last month, I hiked the four mile loop trail and climbed the western side of the dome at Enchanted Rock. Three years ago I could not walk through an air conditioned shopping mall without excrutiating pain in my knees and stopping to rest several times.
I would recommend WLS to anyone who is truly willing to change their life. But you should know, weight loss surgery won't change your life, but it can help YOU change your life. My doctor gave me the tool, but I have to do all the work myself.
I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. – U.S. Navy SEALs
Visit my blog Grams Made It
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
I have battled my weight since high school. For some reason in high school I started packing on the pounds. My parents did everything they could for me, we went to doctors, Weigh****chers, gyms everything we could, but the weight would not come off.
When I was pregnant with my first child I only gained 16 pounds, but those didn't come off and it just added to my depression about my weight. When she was five, I met and married the love of my life. By that time, I was already 200 pounds and climbing. I am 5 feet tall, so 200 pounds is not pretty! We struggled to have children and I finally got pregnant again and gained only 12 pounds. Again that didn't come off. After years of miscarriages, severe bleeding (150 days straight) and lots of pain, I finally had a doctor tell me what was wrong. I had PCOS. So on the metformin I went. I lost a little weight, but not enough. My health was going downhill quickly. My husband was worried that he was going to lose me. I knew I didn't want gastric bypass because I had heard so many horror stories. (Thank you ladies for all your positive stories, I know now that I really didn't have to fear it, I was just uninformed!) We started looking into lapband.
I was so encouraged by the people at the seminar my doctor does. They didn't make me feel stupid or second class. I filled out all the papers and waited for the call. Somewhere between the papers and the call, life changed and I put lapband on the back burner.
In July of 2008, I contacted the surgeon's office again and got the ball rolling. I had 3 months of supervised diet to do and a couple of other things. There was some miscommunication on some of this, but we eventually got it worked out. My insurance deductibles had all been met and my doctor knew I had to get it done by the end of the year because we couldn't afford to do it any other way. So, on Dec. 31, 2008 I had my surgery!
I have had some ups and downs along the way. Lapband patients usually don't have problems with malabsorption, but apparently I am the freak in the bunch. A little tweaking on my vitamins and some changes in eating and that has worked itself out. I am a slow loser, but I know this time that the weight I lose will stay lost!
I couldn't be happier with my decision. My husband is excited that he will have his wife around for a long time and my daughters are thrilled that their mom can go walk the mall without having to rest every 10 minutes! Life is amazing and I can't imagine why I waited so long or spent so much time being afraid of this! Like a couple of other people have said, my surgery is an open book if anyone wants to know more about it.
Thanks for starting this thread ladies and gentlemen, I consider it a real privilege to read your stories.
I have not been overweight all my life. I spent 20 years in the Air Force, where I could not weigh more than 221 lbs. And I stayed at 220 lbs for the last 15 years of my career. Sometimes I struggled, but I always made it. When I got out the Air Force in 1991, I decided no one was going to tell me how much I could weigh. And I ate. And I ate. Got up to 360 lbs. My PCP and I tried all sorts of diets, but nothing was "permanent".
In 2006, my PCP recommended gastric bypass. I immediately said not me. My wife was at the appointment and asked how about her. He told her it was a definite option for her too. She was always in a wheelchair when we went out, because she just could not walk distances between pain and being out of breath. She had her surgery in June 2006. With her success, I decided it could work for me.
In December 2007, I had my RNY. I lost 150 lbs in six months. My doc wanted me at 220, I settled at 210. Lately I stay between 217 and 220. I went from a 52" waist to a 38" waist. 3x shirts to XL. I now tuck my shirts in all the time. I never did that before, I tried to hide my gut.
I often eat only because I know I need to. I nibble on cheese all day long to get my protein, rather than a protein shake. I have a two egg and cheese omelet every day for breakfast. Gets me more than 20 grams of protein right there. I get my blood work done every six months and everything is right where it should be. Some are a little low, but still within the set boundaries.
Would I do it again? I only wish I had done it sooner. I let Mary be the guinea pig. But it has worked for both of us. She is no longer in a wheelchair. Her prescribed meds are down from about 30 pills a day to 3. We bother take our vitamins and supplements daily. And are happy to do it.
I'm suppose to be doing school work but have to hop on this
I started off 425 at my highest and a size 3-5 x in streachy clothes only. I was active and did things with my husband and kids but I ran out of energy fast and they always had to wait for me. I was a stay home mom with a few friends and loved to cook, bake and tend my family.
now fast fwd 3 3/4 yrs
I am 208 pounds, wear a size 14 or 16 depending, sit here in NON steach real jeans totally comfortable. I am in college full time while chasing my 15 yo, 7 you and toddler with my husband in Iraq for a year. My toddler was born AFTER my surgery and let me tell you even though I had a rough pg it was so much easyer and I was not looked down on - people looked at her and told me she was adorbable, not oh your babys so cute while looking with pity at my tall naturely thin husband and his fat wife.
I am still married to my sweetheart, he is deployed right now, I moved cross country this summer to a new place to spend time with him before he left. I am still a stay home mom, I have tons of friends and several people on this board that are better than family, that show me love b/c of who I am. they support me though all the crazy crap in my life.
I live at full speed now - my kids litterally have to run to keep up with me, I can keep up with my husband easyly.
I am working on losing more wieght right now, I have tons of support and am being fairly picky about what, how much and when I eat - but I still cook and bake - I maintianed 210-220 for 2 full years eating pretty much however I wanted - I limit fryed stuff and sugar can be evil to me but I am a creative cook and have learned to make most anything I want. If I can't make it lower sugar or lower fat I just have a small serving - sometimes that means ONE bite - real cheesecake and donuts are on the ONE bite list LOL
I am healthy - my A1C was good enough the new doc I saw here asked just who had told me I was diabetic - umm I think that was when my sugars were in the 300s on a reg basis and NOT in control
Life is good - I have a family that loves me and a family here that love me, I am in school, and running full speed ahead - I did get into over doing it at the gym for a while but it all balanced out.
I'm not the perfect paitiant either - I "should" weigh no more than 150, I however weigh less today than I did at 11 years old and ever since than too so I am pretty dam happy with it!!!

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail