Terrific Tuesday WLS Express
no I'm not excited over the possiblity - just jumping up and down b/c i like to LOL

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good Morning all,
Hoping I will feel better today. I ended up spending almost all day in bed. I'm back on my Topamax. I guess if I can't take it once I get PG then they will have to find an alternative for me.
I have no idea what the count is for seeing my boy. It's a week from tomorrow. 7 days. We leave in 5 days, something like that. I need to find my coat, if I really even have one, and scarf and gloves. I'm sure my feet will freeze while we are there. I might have to get a pair of those ugly boots to wear just to keep my feet warm. We'll see.
Saying prayers for all of you. Have a great day everyone.
so MAYBE 6 days? you will be ok - just brng what winter stuff you have and burrow into Matt:)

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good day in my world..... I have a wonderful family, a good job, and a great life all the way around.
Last night I took Bailey to Soma to get fitted for a bra. After about an hour we got the perfect one. I had her fitted so that we didn't have to worry with trying to find her size and all the uncomfortableness that goes with it. Addison asked her last night where we went and Bailey said that she couldn't remember the place but that it was pretty fancy..... too cute. On the way home from work I will stop and buy her some more.
After the bra shopping we went to Williams Sonoma and then Central Market. Bailey said that she wasn't fond of the "fancy places" because you have to be quiet in them. I hadn't ever thought about that...I guess I will take note the next time I go from Target to Neiman's and see the difference. Interesting observation from an 11 year old.
We got home and Dirk had picked Kaylee up from goats and had dinner finished. All of the animals had been fed so we all got to veg out for a bit. The house was pretty chilly so Dirk set up a heater beside my side of the bed for me. I have come to the realization that I have two temperatures...freezing and hot. I don't think I have an in between. What's up with that?
I can't wait until Saturday! We haven't told the girls where they are going- just that we have a fun day planned for them. It's tradition that the entire family goes to east Texas every year to a Christmas tree farm. We will leave in the morning and pick out a tree and then have lunch and come home. Bailey was asking last night if the "fun day" on Saturday involved a long time in the car. I assured her that we weren't getting the tree. lol
I plan on walking the 5k on Sunday. I wanna see the lights. I'd love to have fellow "ewww'ers and "ahhh'ers" with me!
Saturday after Loralea's we are going to Billy Bob's to see Wade Bowen. It's going to be a packed day. If Wade wasnt absolutely one of my all time favorites I would skip it- but he's never at BB's. Friday night is Addison's rodeo night. So this weekend is packed all around!
My mom and dad plan on coming out next Monday so I am excited about that! I have been to the meat market and stocked up on fresh beef and pork. I have also been to the farmer's market to get fresh veggies and fruit. I guess what I need to do next is plan a menu. I also need to go back and buy some chicken. They were out when I went. I'm trying to only go to the grocery store for daily things.
Tonite is an FFA meeting for the girls, tomorrow is a staff meeting and then a baby shower for a co-worker, then a rodeo meeting. Thursday is free as of right now- but is subject to change on a dime. Then it's on to the weekend! Yehaw!
Life is good!
Love you guys!!! (mean it!)
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
I love the feeling of fall reminds me of all the family holidays. I'm starting to get excited, there is one more less day until hubby comes home. Its been a long 5 weeks. He has been away on business since Aug, gone 5 weeks home 1, its really gotten old but at least he has a job. Talked to the surgical officer coordinator yesterday, I will be having my plastic the last week of Jan, she will call e back with the exact date, I go in for my pre-op on Jan 13th. Now I just need to squeeze my mammogram in and a routine check up to get my blood work done. There is a lot going on between now and then lol.
Everyone have a great day
Not much planned for the week, but I need to get my hiney in gear here at work, so I may have to logout of the evil FaceBook! LOL
Sure do miss you guys, hopefully the Houston peeps may plan something soon and I can do a drive-by or something! Or if anyone is coming in for an Aggie game, hit me up!
Have a Terrific Tuesday yall!!
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
I've been fighting a bad sinus/cough/fever for a week now. I'm down to two more doses of antibiotics and should be doing better than this. The cold, along with chronic sharp pain in my leg has worn me down to a nub. Last night, I felt so bad, I found myself crying in the kitchen. "God, I want to be stronger than this!"
This morning, I woke up feeling so much better, I can only attribute it to His answer. He's given me strength today and so that's my "terrific Tuesday" report. Life's sweet when you KNOW God knows your name!