Nuthin But Nutrition Tuesday
It's hard to believe we're already over halfway through November. It's time to think of a December name.
No Damage December, Non-decadent December...not too creative this time of morning! Throw some ideas out there.
Today's plan:
lot of liquids
protein coffee being downed
Atkins shake
Taco soup for lunch
Chicken cordon bleu for dinner
What's your plan?
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
How about Defying December?? LOL
Deafening December?
Deadly December?
No??? Dang, it's December???
I'll shut up now... LOL
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
todays plan
7 shake
9 leftover roast made into "tuna style" salad with fiber select crackers
12 cottage cheese and blue berrys
2:30 coffee with milk and protien shake
4 apple and 2 cheeses
6 garden burger on flat bread (100 cals for top and bottom of the "bun") with mushrooms, onions, avacado and cheese
8 or 9 pumpkin protien pie
ok heres hoping I do good - this is under 1200 cals so I figure I will add in the left over meatballs at some point and maybe more fruit or vegges or a fiber bar - still aiming to stay well under 1600
oh and LOTS of water, cl and tea - all of which are empty at my desk at the moment -must go get more soon

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Plan for the day:
Protein coffee
Egg beaters with turkey ham, spinach, mushrooms, yellow peppers
Gumbo with chicken & sausage
Cottage cheese with turkey chunks
Apple (right before I go out to avoid snacking on bread at the restaurant)
Mimi's Mardi Gras Omelet
I do have a couple of back up meals if I'm not in the mood for an omelet tonight. There is a 12oz Top Sirloin that sounds pretty good and would be a few meals, there's also a Cobb salad that sounds yummy. So I have choices, but the hard thing is going to be not eating the bread. I did look up the stats so I know what the impact will be if I change my mind and eat a piece, but I'm going to try hard to avoid it.
Made my 'reducing soup', made my shakes, followed my plan now for two days.
I am now the highest EVER since I was 6 months out of surgery. This is disgusting. I DO NOT KNOW what is happening to me. I do feel fatter and fuller. I am beyond mind boggled on what to do. I want to simply quit eating. I never ever ever imagined this would happen. It's not like I'm eating like before. My jeans are tight and my bras are tight. I hate it.
Ideas, ladies. I need ideas. Should I just chuck all the food and go back to all shakes? I have never had success with 5 dpt. I don't know how to turn it around. I am 14 pounds from my lowest. If I were eating freaking donuts, candy and POTATOES, I would understand. I DON"T get it!!!
Okay, I will stop. I am going to hurl just reading this post myself.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
couple of thoughts - have you had labs done in the last few months? like a1c n thyroid? if not can u get those done so u can rule out medical issues?
next thought - u lost a lot of weight pre op via ww? I think thats what u said - can u go back to that? I am just back to counting calories n trying to balance carbs n protiens - I know my triggers ONE "taste" of something not on my list or before I messure it n I'm done for - can't kick the mind set of -oh well alreay screwed up so what dif does ONE more taste make - BAD!!! place for me to be
so what worked for u before?
what r YOUR triggers? besides the normal ones like stress
can u control any of those? are there some u can not control -u cant tell peeps at church not to bring donuts but you CAN not go into that area, stuff your mouth with gum, stick your water bottle in one hand n scriptures in the other, grab someones baby so your hands are really full :) so u have no free hands to grab them, very carefully put on lipstick that will show if u mess it up:)
can u lower your phycical stress by walking, working out, beating up your pillow? that would help b/c of the bodies hormonal reactions to stress
can u get extra sleep ? lack of sleep raises phycial stress, enough helps lower it
becky you can't give up - you can't talk bad about yourself - you would slap anyone who said those things about someone you loved so you can't say them about you b/c you are loved:)
keep plugging away - something will work!!
big hugs
call n vent if you want to me - I will listen and not judge - and I answer my phone at all hours of the day and night - unless I'm talking to Tim

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
thanks so much. Now two weeks ago, the junk food with right in front of me and I did take liberties I had never taken before. But the past 10 days or so I have done "okay'.
I do have my lab paperwork coming and will have it done on Wednesday morning of next week. It is time, well past time to get them done.
Debbie made me remember that I haven't been on my BC Pills since June and that's when the struggle really started. I just didn't think it would make such a difference. SO, I put a call into my endocrinologist to see if she had any samples by now. They said no, but they are going to see if she can give me a prescription for a generic or alternative something that isn't so expensive. If not, I will find a way to bite the bullet and get the other one filled.
I'm sure there is stress and lack of sleep with the condo, work software changes and relationship issues that I thought were done with. So yes, stress doesn't help.
Now that I am aware of all of these things I am not going to let it get the best of me. I know I have done well and I know that weighing 164 pounds is a helluva lot better than th 340 that I was. I just don't understand the problem with what is no longer working.
Thanks for the love and hugs. I will take all I can get right now.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
You have PCOS right? I'll admit I know next to nothing about that, but could it be causing hormone fluctuations that are causing weight gain?
If you feel like you are eating out of control (which it doesn't sound like) doing all shakes for a short time might help. If you know you are not eating out of control then I think it's time to rule out medical stuff first. Until you can do that, you might try some fluid management. I'm intentionally drinking 20 oz of caffeinated stuff every morning, and pushing at least 120oz of water every day. That seems to help some with my fluid issues, though I still swell enough that my ankles hurt at night.
The thing you can't do is let this start the hateful records in your head again. The worst thing you can do to yourself right now is let the negative talk start up again. Keep posting here so that you can SEE that you are doing the right things nutritionally. So you know that despite this bump in the road you will prevail.
Ya know, you made me think of something. Ever since I've not refilled my BC meds (due to expense) I have struggled with maintaining my 'normal' weight of 155 ! I'm thinking I might have to just spend the money and get back on those dern things because this is miserable!! Yes, the PCOS is very much a nightmare and it does make things worse for me. I know being this far out that I can't 'slip up' and get by with it like some others because my body holds everything. But to see 10 solid pounds that I can't shake is disturbing.
Thank you sweetie! You have me on a mission now and I feel vendicated a bit!
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different