I'm here...
...but lurking. have to post from work since my laptop in in for diagnostics! Nothing much going on. Weight is steady. Too many carbs but what else is new! Consistant with my vits!!
Mom had a TIA last night so she is back in the hospital. For the nurses her INR was 1.1 not good! So more test today and she can go when her INR hits around 2.
Lumpectomy went well for her, stage 1, had not spread to lymph nodes, no chemo,yes to radiation. Of course they had had to take her off her coumadin which is why her blood got so thick! It just never ends!!
Good sister is her fortunately so I can work! Work is great the season is upon us!! People are shopping and still in a good mood!! LOL!!! I love my job!!!
That is all for me will catch a ride when I can, see yall at R&S on Sat morn!!