Monday WLS express
What a wonderful day! Hey, I still have my hubby with me and if that isn't enough to start me in a more positive direction, I don't know what is!!! Thanks for all the prayers and chicken swingin! Didn't have a chance to get on here, but I know most of you are on FaceBook and I tried to update there.
I think this was the proverbial "wake-up call" that Bill may have needed. I know I have seen a huge difference in attitude since Thursday when all this happened! It scared the Bujeebers out of us both! He is going to have to be more religious about taking his meds as they did find that his Aorta was very dilated when they did the CT scan on him. That means his BP has to remain in control or it could tear and he would bleed to death! I know from what I wistnessed on Thursday that he is not ready for that to happen anytime soon and neither am I!!!!!!
So positive it is and even though I know I will have Negative Nellie moments, I'm gonna try so hard to quash them and choke Nellie out!!! I want to renew my relationship with Bill and enjoy all that life has to offer us!!!!
Saying prayers for all those in need, both spoken and unspoken! Big gigantic hugs to all my family!
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
King got his first buck yesterday. Didn't quite drop him like a rock, but he didn't give much of a fight and I was able to track him down in the woods (NSV!!) Drop it off at the processor in Early and were on the road home by 9:30am. The processor guy cut the antlers off and sent them home with us. It's nothing that fabulous to have mounted, but King wanted them from his first buck. So they are in the backyard to "dry" ... apparently the neighborhood feral cat(s) decided they'd like to help them "dry" about 3am and I had to go out and run them off and rescue the antlers. Looked like they were headed over the fence with them! LOL
Week two of unemployment is shaping up to be a busy one. Need to get the necessary job searches done, try and get the rest of the cruise wardrobe ready. I need to get out my capri's and try them on since I've lost more weight since July. I absolutely have to get King on board for shopping one night this week or he'll be sitting around the ship in his boxers, and that won't be pretty!
Hoping all goes well for Dana today and all her problems are resolved with her surgery!
Good morning everyone,
I woke up with a headache yesterday but it seems to be better today. So much for weaning off the Topamax the rest of the way. Doesn't help that we had a big front come through yesterday which is a big trigger for me. I felt bad cuz Matt had to clean the garage all by himself. Well, not to bad, I hate cleaning the garage. I leave in ONE WEEK to head to Chicago to see my boy graduate from bootcamp. I'm so excited. He made his final call on Saturday, which I almost missed. He called the ex and then tried me again and I was clutching the phone then. He had a weigh in and is up to 111 lbs. He gained 5 lbs. Woohoo. That's huge for him.
I'm going to have to run to the store today. We are out of Milkbones so the dogs aren't very happy this morning. My dad started the ritual, considers it the morning toothbrush. Now my dogs expect it and I'm out.
Saying prayers for all of you. Have a great day everyone.
I'm in a really good mood today, which surprising since its that time of the month. It must because hubby finely comes home on Saturday, he has been gone pretty much since Aug. He has been home like only 2 weeks of that time. Today I'm going to call the plastic surgeon and set my Jan date, I could have it in Dec but then Target wouldn't be very happy with me lol.
Everyone have a great day and try to stay warm
For all you cold drink SBUX fans....TOMORROW Starbucks will bring out their holiday collection of the grande and venti sized double insulated cups with a candy cane striped straw! Supposedly each store should get about 24 of them. I will be getting a couple to replace the couple BROKEN ones I have got! Those double insulated cups are AMAZING!!!! Virtually non-sweating and it really keeps drinks cold for a long time! I think the 3-4 stores that I go to all the time, the managers have said, "come early, they will not last long"!!! When they came out in the summer, most stores had them like two HOURS!!! YIKES!!!