IRON suggestions???
first suggestion that came to mind: TAKE IT...LOL I know I'm a smart a$$. Seriously though. I just take a regular ferrous something....seems to work for me. No chewable suff, that tastes nasty. EWWW! Also, beware the slow-FE, etc....doesn't absorb fast enough.
285 / 250 / 164 / 142
(2 mos. pre-op / surgery date / current / goal)
My Message to You -- shared by Loralea
Sandy, I get tired of them too but damn I can tell when I don't do what I'm suppose too.
Here are my favorites, they seem to work better for me, less chance of constipation. Be sure you take your iron with Vitamin C and 2 hours away from calcium. I get the first two below from Vitalady. You can usually get Vitron C at a pharmacy and I've heard post-ops that have good luck with it too.

Here are my favorites, they seem to work better for me, less chance of constipation. Be sure you take your iron with Vitamin C and 2 hours away from calcium. I get the first two below from Vitalady. You can usually get Vitron C at a pharmacy and I've heard post-ops that have good luck with it too.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
My surgeon suggested Ferretts IPS for me. It's a liquid iron. I haven't been on it long but I just couldn't take regular iron because of constipation problems. I thought it would taste nasty but it's really not bad at all. It's suppose to be over the counter but I have never found it in any stores so I order it off the internet.
Sandi, I'm in the same boat.... I bought the iron, but haven't started taking it yet. One thing I did start doing though was eating one cup of dry Cherrios daily. They are high in iron, low in calories and seem to satisfy that urge to eat something crunchy. All around for me a win... I'll still have to take an iron supplement, but wanted to share. Good luck!
Lisa from Texas - Go Aggies Go!!!