Terrific Tuesday WLS Express!
Thanks for the info..I should have checked with you first!! LOL
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
Well, I have great news. We met with Eric's new oncologist, Dr. Yull Arriaga with the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center in Dallas and I really like him. He does the most TC in the area and was the first to say we're going to involve Dr. Larry Einhorn from Indiana University after Eric's 1st round of chemo and RPLND to see where we go from there. Dr. Einhorn specializes in TC so the fact that Eric's doc is willing to work with an even more specialized specialist (without my prompting) is awesome in my book. No ego's to get in the way of recovery if you catch my drift. Yeah. We don't work on your self esteem on my watch.
For the most part I'm great. I keep looking at this as a 24 month cold, as silly as it sounds. I truly believe in a cure and won't accept anything less. Of course the oncologist has to say sometimes we do all the right things and people still are claimed by the disease, yada yada. But I don't believe Eric will. Even in the last month he's responded so well so I know chemo is working. Eating and playing and cracking jokes at my expense, he's coming back to me one treatment at a time. And if he's doing so well now, there's no reason to believe he won't eventually come back completely. I just know it.
Otherwise I'm still looking for a job. I got an offer to be a baker overnight at Dunkin Donuts and I'll take her up on it if I can't find anything else. I'd like something with more hours (she said once or twice a week) so if anyone hears anything, please let me know. I can and will do anything and am highly motivated (except street walk. I'll draw the line there...) so please refer me if you know anything. Thanks in advance!
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

glad your honey is getting better

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Quick drive by..... I need to test two kiddos before lunch. My ARD paperwork is caught up....yehaw! I had three meetings yesterday- one had 12 extra people in it. .That always makes for an interesting meeting.
Last night I went to a college meeting for parents on the hows and all of enrolling. This morning Kaylee mentioned that if she doesn't get accepted to A&M that she'd like to go to UTA. Where'd that come from??? I see her more at Tarleton, UNT or Texas Woman's. Her mom's alumn isn't sooo bad! UTA?!
I have a special ed meeting after work today, but then tomorrow Dirk and I are going to the horse sale with some friends. I'd rather be at a horse sale...although it could be dangerous for the checking account.
I think we have settled on a Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer edition. I think we are going to pick it up today and drive it for a few days. I've been more partial to the Excursion Diesel and the Suburban but the offer on the Expedition is probably too good to pass up.
I hope everyone has a blessed day!
Prayers for the families left behind at Fort Hood.
Prayers for those who need them... we all have needs, small or great. G-d knows!!!
Love you ALL!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
Good morning everyone,
I did some major organizing yesterday and my body is feeling it today. I can, however, walk into the office now. It's actually the 3rd bedroom but will have my big desk in it which makes it an office, right? Of course, the computers won't be in there. The internet is hooked up in the front room. Oh well, it's my house, I can call stuff what I want. The room is coming together and I feel a sense of accomplishment. I will continue on that path today, but at a slower pace. I told Matt, I wish my aches were immediate so I knew when to stop. Oh well.
Looking forward to a drama-free day. Saying prayers for the same for the rest of you. Have a great day everyone.
Busy today at work, but I have tomorrow off for a holiday. Will try to catch up on everything later this evening or tomorrow. Be good to yourself today!!