Terrific Tuesday WLS Express!
Good morning all! Quick drive by-been reading too long, and am now crunched for time...story of my life...sigh...
Went to a "college prep" thing for Chris last night...Yikes!...so confusing...thank goodness TRACEY was there, so she can 'splain it all to me later....T and I also "crunched numbers" for Disney, so we'll know where we stand, etc-the half marathon is less than 4 months aways now. I know, from experiemce, how quickly that time can fly. We're trying to figure out how to take our "male cheerleaders", so we don't have to impose on LORALEA's family vacation. It'll all work out. I'm so blessed to have my SISTAHS!!!!!
Work today, then monthly Keno game tonight...busy..busy..busy
Continued prayers for the friends and family at Fort Hood. The hurt will go on long after the news cameras leave
Time to go play in the traffic. Hope everyone has a "Drama-Free Day", like JODIE wished for!
Gina AKA Nurse Diva
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
love ya gina

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
My body has decided to get sick for the first time in, oh...almost 3 years. I've managed to avoid colds and flus for that long but I think being overly tired from surgery has opened me up for the nasty little bugs flying around to take refuge. This annoys me. I can deal with pain. No issues. But I turn into the BIGGEST baby when I'm sick. All I want is toast and my mommy and I can't have either.
I'm going to try to make it through work today. I don't need the pasive agressive *****ing of my boss if I call off.
I hope everyone has a better day today than I am expecting to. Take care all.
Headed into the office and I'm working tomorrow to bank that holiday for my cruise in December.
Prayers and hugs to all who need 'em. Special prayers for our active duty troops and their families and for those in pain in Killeen at Ft Hood.
Don't forget your water! It might not be very hot outside but you still need to drink at least 64oz every day, no matter what!!!!
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
I'm about to head out to grab my daily dose of Black Tea @ Starbucks, go tan (gotta get some color going before leaving for the cruise on 11/28), then maybe to the gym for water aerobics if it's the good instructor today. Then this afternoon, I'm going to pick up my very good friend, Kathy Bender, and we are going down to the Palace of Malice in the woods and spend the night and go watch some deers tomorrow. Hell, we might even take a shot - man, wouldn't that **** off the men folk if we came home with big old racks and I ain't talking boobie racks either!
I hope everyone has a great day! I'm getting out of the house today since I spent day one indoors and in pajamas, I better get out and do some stuff.
Like others have said, take a minute and think about the folks in Ft. Hood as they begin their memorials for those who lost their lives so tragically and much too soon.
Shout outs to EVERYONE ---- that way I don't leave anyone out! LOL
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
My new grandson was supposed to be circumcised yesterday, but apparently he doesn't have enough skin and they are going to wait til he is a year old. Poor little man! I feel sorry for him. Other than that he is doing great though!! He is soo tiny! I bought him a little camo preemie onsie at a garage sale this weekend and it fit! I guess I am so used to the bigger grand babies!
Well, hope the wishes of a Drama Free Zone work out today! Hell my whole famdamily has enough drama for us all!! LOL
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"