How was your weekend?
How was your weekend?
Did you do anything fun....laundry
My weekend consisted of a Garage Sale, Ive only held one, twice before...but never in this area...people can be grumpy when they cant find your house...but they found it and are here to tell you how grumpy they
I am using the procedes to offset any co-pays for my upcoming surgery ....3 1/2 weeks...woohoo.
I also went out to my in-laws house and helped my husband with some farm work he has been doing for the last 2 months. They are aging and 40 acres is alot to keep up with....but you know...hard physical work felt really good, I still feel it in my thighs....good burn...My DH even complimented me to his mother, about what a hard worker I am....

Now back to that laundry situation, it still isnt completed...does it ever get done? I wouldnt know what a empty hamper looked like....
I hope you all have a wonderful week...Live your lives to the fullest....
Take care and have a great day!
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
Oh Gina!!! Im so sorry to hear of your loss....If you need me to do anything, at all, since Maud is right in my back yard...please let me know....
You better swing by for a hug if your ever in this would be so awesome to meet you and everyone from OH has enriched my life for the better...I dont know who's idea it was to start OH but they deserve a great big ol texas sized hug
I didnt make as much money as I would have liked, but I did clear out some much needed space....
To anyone in the Tyler area I will be there in 3 1/2 gotta plug that surgery every chance I
How is your son btw?
The funeral was for my Great-Aunt, she was 86! I hadn't seen her since I was a teenager though. My Dad and Step-Mom were probably going to go to the funeral. They moved their RV to a place off of 59 right outside Texarkana until time for them to work again and then back to Mauldin Lake Park in March I think.
Are you having your surgery at ETMC or Mother Francis? Both are great hospitals in my book!
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"