Saturday WLS Express
We are going to head out early, get Bryan and Chris's haircut at 8am, then to IKEA, then back home for a few hours, and then a sitter is coming over and we're going to go eat at The Keg and go to my brother in law's poetry reading birthday bash. I did write a poem- I thought of it on the way home Thursday sitting in traffic and then finished it last night. Its called Stupid Ass signs. Its about the signs I see on the way home. lol. We LOVE the Keg and haven't been in 2 years I'd guess so it will be nice to go.
What is everyone up to this weekend?
Prayers continue for healing for Gaye, Eric, and Gina L's son. Gina- did you survive the week? Are they done now? Danni and Debbi-what kind of trouble are you going to get into? :)
I hope everyone has a great day today!
hey I resemble that remark:) we are being good - really we are said with wide eyes so you'll believe me

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
my house is up and at em at the normal time since the teen is marching in a parade today and has to be at the other highschool by 8 am in full uniform - Debbi and I will stay and watch it with the little kids,
it was soooo wonderful yesterday to pull up at the airport and there was my sister - we had a good day - nothing major - lunch at cracker barrel playing pas the Rachel -walked to pick up K from school where he ran right past me going Debbi Debbi Debbi oh hi mom Debbi Debbi Debbi
I guess Anties win over moms:)
working on my first shake - need to get some caffine into my system, then some more throat drops I guess - I am coming down with whatever Rach has - hope mine doesn't get anywhere near as bad as hers - sore throat is all for now and I will keep sucking down the throat drops and taking my vits and drinking my water - I see soft food in the future today - hmmm cream of wheat, cheeder brocoli soup, things coated with cheese :)
everyone have a great day -try to think at least once or twice today of thngs that are easyer than ever before b/c you are healthyer and smaller - I btw RAN back to the hosue and then to catch up with everyone yesterday when I forgot Rachel's shoes and played a the park - Deb, Rach and I came down the triple slide side by side - wooo hooo fun
keep praying for a boring year for the 1 30th - all I want is for Tim to be totally bored all year long - bored =safe with no action, yep that sounds best to me

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Vit's are waiting as I have to get this first cup (ok maybe 2) of White Chocolate Royale coffee in.
Heading to Dallas in a bit to cheer on my friend who's doing the Susan G Komen 3 day. Yesterday she finished the first 20 miles #106 out of 2900 supporters! GO SHAUNA... I LOVE YOU!
Gonna try and get Boo an Auntie Becky visit in sometime this weekend... say her name and he goes freakin NUTTTTTY... he so loves her!
Have a blessed day everyone.... WORK YOUR TOOL!
What's up with us? Getting up incredibly early on a Saturday morning? I had to make myself stay in bed until 4:30..... lol
Prayers are going out to all that need them!
ELO's Turn To Stone sounded really good this morning for some reason, LOL
The city streets are empty now THE LIGHTS DON'T SHINE NO MORE
and so the songs are way down low TURNING TURNING TURNING
A sound that flows into my mind THE ECHOES OF THE DAYLIGHT
of everything that is alive IN MY BLUE WORLD
I turn to stone when you are gone, I turn to stone.
Turn to stone when you comin' home, I can't go on.
The dying embers of the night A FIRE THAT SLOWLY FADES TILL DAWN
still glow upon the wall so bright BURNING BURNING BURNING
The tired streets that hide away FROM HERE TO EVERYWHERE THEY GO
roll past my door into the day IN MY BLUE WORLD
I turn to stone when you are gone, I turn to stone.
Turn to stone when you comin' home, I can't go on.
Turn to stone when you are gone, I turn to stone.
Yes, I'm turnin' to stone 'cos you ain't comin' home.
Why you ain't comin' home if I'm turnin' to stone?
You've been gone for so long and I can't carry on,
yes, I'm turnin', I'm turnin', I'm turnin' to stone.
The dancing shadows on the wall THE TWO-STEP IN THE HALL
are all I see since you've been gone TURNING TURNING TURNING
Through all I sit here and I wait I TURN TO STONE I TURN TO STONE
You will return again some day TO MY BLUE WORLD
I turn to stone when you are gone, I turn to stone.
Turn to stone when you comin' home, I can't go on.
Turn to stone when you are gone, I turn to stone.
I turn to stone when you are gone, I turn to stone.
Turn to stone when you comin' home, I can't go on.
Turn to stone when you are gone, I turn to stone.
Ya'll have a great day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Good morning! t felt good to "sleep in" till 4:30, after having gotten up at 3am all week. Had to get up early today to get ready to meet the "road girls" to go to KARLA's...was too wiped out last night to even think about packing-would have wound up with 4 pair of socks and no drawers....
Hell work at work is done...WOOHOO...Never I'd see the day when people would rejoice to get FIVE deficiencies-but we did. It could have been ever so much worse--and none of the problems were in MY I can be proud and smug. One of the surveyors even said "You obviously know what you're doing"...Obviously I'm a better ACTRESS than I thought!!! They have to come baack in a couple of months for follow up, but it's no biggie.
Last night was my Chris's last high school football game-hard for a MAMA. The other team had to win my 14 points in order to win a place in the play offs, and were playing some really "dirty ball"--something our lil podunk boys don't know much about (and my kid knows if HE did itMAMA would climb the fence and pull his butt off the field). With less than 10 minutes left in the game it was 21-7-THEY were all ****y...we could even hear their dirty little mouths from where we were....OUR boys got a gutful...WE scored...Got down to ONE SECOND on the play left...WE SCORED AGAIN...but didn't get the extra point, so they won 21-20,,but they did NOT get a place in the play there....(insert sticking out tongue)...Chris and his best friend, Garrett, have been playing football together since they were on the flag team in Kindergarten, and they were the Captains last night. G-Man's mom and I just sat in the stands and cried-so hard to believe all these years hae passed so quickly....
Guess I'd better shut up or I'm going to get "left behind" this morning, when I'm not where I'm supposed to be.
Continued prayers for the Ft Hood families and friends. My Rusty is okay-just very shaken, of course. I cannot begin to imagine.
Gina AKA Nurse Diva
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
been up since 1am, not good lol. Heading out in a bit to start picking up all my 'miss daisy's' to head to Karlas lol. Outta get plenty of CRAP for that one huh hehehehehe. Looking forward to the trip.... and im sure LL and family are looking forward to a few days without me around :)
well guess i better get clothes on, no need to scare everyone on the interstate :)
have a great weekend everyone, im sure i will.
Prayers for all who need them, especially our brothers and sisters at Ft. Hood!
ps, shutting down the pc so hit me on the cell if you need me.
Alissa - umm Bryan is scaring me just a lil bit lately, Just sayin lol.
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice