Last night I had my first binge since surgery! I started munching on Chez-its and ate them till they were gone! WOW and there were a lot of them too! I looked at the TOC and 27 were 150 calories and I am sure I had over 100. Bad girl! Oh well, gotta move on, today is a new day, right? I will go to the gym and hopefully work it off. Just recently joined and feel sore today from wed workout. I did the treadmill, eliptical, bycycle and leg press. It felt really great! Love to all! Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks Karen, for the Bread song~that brought back some memories! ((HUGS))
Morning all,
I am trying really hard not to stress eat right now. I was very thankful to get a letter from my son in the mail after watching all the stuff going on at Ft Hood. I know he wrote it over the weekend but it was just nice to have a little contact since he can't just pick up the phone and call right now and I can't just call him. Yesterday was pretty stressful and difficul****ching all that.
Saying prayers for all of you. Hope you all have a great weekend planned.
Not much to update on my son. One doc saying it's not his heart and another slapping nitro paste and giving him blood thinners? I told him to pin someone down this morning and get some answers! They had talked about moving him to another room so they could monitor him closer and start a Heparin drip, then came at 10:30 and said no move, no Heparin.

Anyway, thanks for your continued prayers!!!
Have a wonderful weekend! Jodie and Kathy, hope yall get the big boy!
Gina L
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
I'm at the middle school for therapy with the older kiddos. I was sad to learn that one of my kids has been withdrawn for "homeschooling" and another is withdrawn because of getting into trouble. I'm not implying that our system is perfect, but you really have to know what you are doing to be a successful homeschooler parent or your kid can get really far behind. I do understand the parent's point of view I just hope they invest in a good curriculum and stick to it.
We didn't get the truck last night. I'm kind of bummed. The part that seals the air filter had a huge hole in it and the engine was full of debri. There was also a leak around the transmission. I guess we are back to the drawing board. We have everything together as far as the bank goes at this point, so now it's just a matter of finding the right car.
The news last night and this morning was just so sad. I just don't understand. It seems like our own have gotten to be our worst offenders- OKC bombing and now this. My dad is retired Navy and I can't imagine the grief that these families are going through. LOTS of prayers for them. Prayers for Rusty.
I am going running with the group in the morning then onto R&S. Hope everyone can make it too! I miss you guys!!! I think I'll order the French Toast!!...yummy! HAAA!!!
Nothing big planned for tonite- maybe I'll finish the barn and get the rest of the panels up. I need to get to The Gap and get some more britches...mine have somehow all gotten too big. lol I always seem to have the best luck at The Gap although my favorite pair of pants are from Express. They are the Lexi fit and are the curvy line. Even after losing 130lbs I still have plenty of curves..what's up with that??!! ugh! I know that somewhere in this universe there has to be a decent pair of khaki pants that fit my NOT a preteen body.
Prayers for Karen- I can't imagine the wait.
Prayers for our Miss Rachel. Danni- I know how you feel about the healthcare system. I remember being a victim of cir****tance at the military hospitals. It seemed to all depend on the dr's and we were at their mercy. More often then not we had horrible ones.
Prayers for our soldiers and families affected by yesterday's tragedies.
Prayers for those with needs unspoken.
Love you guys!!! (mean it!)
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
Eric's been able to work this week and it's been nice feeling a little normal (although I worried all of yesterday because he drove himself). Got a confirmation though that they're unwilling to extend his contract any further past the end of February. They have a 2 year contract that they apparently can't budge on (bullllllllllllll**** - oops did I say that?) but they're willing to take him back after 6 months. That's just fine and dandy. Thanks.
So now I'm going to start looking into SSI income (I don't even know what that stands for to be honest) because I know he wouldn't get SSD because his cancer is operable or something like that. Whatever. My brain is fried. At least I have a couple months to figure it out but can't wait too long because last minute could be disastrous. I'm also looking for a job overnight so if anyone has any leads for 2nd or 3rd shift jobs, please feel free to PM me. I'll do anything. Janitorial, call center, anything! I'm waaaaay open to all options as long as it works with our chemo schedule.
On a side note, if there's anything you can learn from us - keep your bills handy (every month!), save as much as you can whenever you can, and don't be afraid to ask for help from community resources if times get tough. I talked with another agency that should be able to help with utilities - I just have to wait until Monday until I can get a letter saying Eric hasn't been paid for the last two weeks from his contracting firm. She said we might even qualify for a gas card because we drive to Parkland several times a month. What a blessing that would be! So don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Contact your utility companies and ask for numbers of people they work with.
So we meet with the oncologist on Monday and can hopefully transfer treatment over to a private clinic. That would be sooooo wonderful!!! I can't wait to sit down with him one on one. He works very closely with Eric's urologist so to have two people in constant communication is very comforting to me! Yahoo!!! Now it's just a matter of time before cancer is a thing of the past. 18-24 months isn't really that much time in the big scheme of things, ya know? I have faith we'll figure it out. I just know we will.
Have a blessed weekend everyone!