WOW !! I stayed up last night to watch the Dallas Mavs.........WHAT A GAME.. About the time I was gonna turn over and give up................the team woke up !! OMG.........What an awesome 4th qtr...........came back from a 16 pt deficit and won with a 10 pt -give or take advantage..........
Anyway - I had a woo hoo to share - but can't remember for the life of me this morning - what I was going to share................UMMMMM not good.............
I was suppose to have gone to a bible study meeting - was going to to a Celebrate Recovery program at a church that I am going to be going to - wanted to see what it was about....to help me with my constant eating........trying to figure out what is going on with me - my lack of concentration - anxious............can't committ to one thing lately...........but the traffic was horrible and well - it was suppose to start at 630 and 114 wasn't moving anywhere....so I deviated - was off work and went to eat a bite and just have some time to myself.........GOSH I WAS BORED !! Go Figure - my body didn't know what to do since it is so use to being at work.......I was laying in bed by 8pm........watching the Mavs game.........now isn't that excitement........of course - I endulged in a pina colada at the restaurant.............I didn't even get down 2-3 oz........didn't feel good............that mexican liquor they use in the mexican restaurants..........WOW !! and then the waiter offered me a cup to take the rest with me....................NO DRINKING AND DRIVING..........BUT ANYWAY - THAT IS A WHOLE ANOTHER STORY !!
You all have a GREAT Day and ((((((((((((((((huggss))))))))))))))) to all !!
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
Second woo hoo is that my tool still works REALLY well! I am still trying to recover from a bad dumping episode Sun! Precious grandaughter made dessert Sun, berry crumble, and was so proud she only used 1/2 c sugar so I could enjoy some also. What I didn't know was She used canned fruit! She didn't realise it was made with high fructose corn syrup! Three tiny bites and I had to leave work early mon &tues! BUT woo hoo my tool works!!!
Another day of bland soft foods and protein drinks,Sbuxs with HS friend and a visit to Mom! Love yall and make it a great day!
WooHoo Wednesday, huh? WooHoo!!! How's that?
Crappy week. King is sick with what I hope is just allergies, but it's beginning to sound more like a full-fledged cold. He even mentioned going to the doc and getting a shot - for him to even THINK about getting a shot is nothing short of mind-boggling.
Sorry I missed the little Sbux get together last night, but I hope you all had a good time.
Jenny, girl, can I just say I love you and wish I knew you better. You are so upbeat (or you're a really good faker) through this whole ordeal with Eric. I so admire your courage and the strength you show us through your posts.
SMET you ask? I climbed up into an old tree stand at the deer lease this weekend - yep about 20' up - in a tree - yeah, me, I did it!
I guess you can say I'm a hefty dose of both. I tend to be a fake it to ya make it kind of girl (or really, a say it til I believe it kind of girl) but in this case I actually am really upbeat. I think it's because I have to be to keep my husband strong, my daughter strong, and myself strong. When I feel strong and invincible I can fight cancer barehanded. Now on the bad days (which are thankfully few and far in between) it can get pretty ugly. But for the most part I feel like I have this new lease on life that helps me find joy in every day life versus waiting for joy to come find me. That's why I truly believe when all is said and done, there will be an even greater reward to behold than the struggle we're currently in. It's really the only fair trade in the end.
And I'd love to get to know you better too! Anyone else who loves to wear a scarf on their head and sunglasses as much as I do is a friend of mine!